First of all you need to get your facts straight.
1. Apparantly the CLT F/O Rep needs some serious training if he does not even know what law and what labor board the airline workers fall under. No wonder why ALPA is in shambles.
The NLRB has nothing to do with bankruptcy, the NLRB is the National Labor Relations board, it governs union elections and normal contract negotiations under the National Labor Relations Act.
Unionized Airline Employees fall under the National Mediation Board (NMB) and the Railway Labor Act (RLA). Which governs union elections, arbitration and Section 6 (normal) contract negotiations.
Both laws have nothing to do with self-help under an contract abrogation.
2. If the contract is abrogated there is no ratification vote and the IAM can call a strike without membership vote, once again you do not know how the IAM works, so I suggest you don't post things that you do not know about.
Seven out of 5,000 employees is not a very good sample, come to the CLT hangar and walk around and then you will get a differant view. Guess you don't work for Gallup with that kind of sampling.
3. The majority do feel the same way as I do, you don't work with 1,700 mechanic and related employees in CLT, I do. Another thing you forget during round one of concessions last time the IAM never reached a T/A, the membership voted down the final offer from the company, only to have Siegel say he was gonna hold his own vote, so there was a second vote and it barely passed.
Why should anyone leave before they have too?
You are not living their lives nor are their judge and jury.
We all know your pro-company, pro-management attitude and you would throw everyone else under the bus to save yourself and PAIN that the company will be inflicting upon you.