speak yet you know not...or not all anyway.
Half of the planes are there...and tooling is being sent from PIT and CLT on a near daily basis. BTW....Fred Smith and FedEx appreciate the business too. It's been a fortune already.
The parts are certainly not there in sufficient numbers either. We are shipping stuff south at premium prices. Another fine example of how stupid U can be. We empty our shelves in PIT and CLT to send it south , then we have nothing to work with regarding our line Acft or drop-in maintenance tha creep up daily.
U should be having the stuff "Drop-Shipped" direct from the vendors , instead of paying freight charges twice and wasting valuable and short staffed laboring time in the distribution centers. UPS motto...handle it only one time
You people have no clue as to whats taking place..and the vast amounts of money being wasted to do it. This confirms to me that no matter how few will remain at U? or how little they attempt to pay us? This company is going to fall victim to it's own beancounting stupidity , regardless of what the employees do or don't do to help them?