...Damn sure is!! Lets dispute a government report and rap it up in the cloak of a PIT TV station with an agenda. Never let the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory usfliboi. 🙄E-TRONS said:You are un-beleiveable :blink:
...Damn sure is!! Lets dispute a government report and rap it up in the cloak of a PIT TV station with an agenda. Never let the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory usfliboi. 🙄E-TRONS said:You are un-beleiveable :blink:
You heard correctly because I worked closely with one for years that went there dropping out of the union and even took a pay cut just so he could be in management. I can give you his full name and his address; he is in the local airport area. He holds zero licenses, was too lazy to get them and wanted a cushy job in management, his words.pitguy said:I heard it is fact that "U" has unlicensed Auditors in the Quality Assurance department and they audit these types of places for the company.
Thanks Pitguy for the re-direct, I did read the article again. To be balanced, some facts missing is the number of violations found on insourced maintenance. Here's what I would like to know is:pitguy said:If you reread the article carefully this issue was dealt with within the text. Outsource maintenance is not as closely monitored by the FAA as stated in the report. Also a company does not have as much control over it as when it is done in house. I can give you facts, but you must be able to comprehend them.
--Besides all of this it is in the contract that management agreed to.
You heard it people, straighten up or we'll confiscate everyone of your damn keyboards. No soup for YOU!!! 😀BillLumbergh said:If you folks don't straighten up and fly right on the comments and postings, you're going to be in for a very long month or so.
For the last time, comment on the comments; not on the posters.
you should be ashamed for not being informed and not having an informed opinion . My opinion is just that MINE! Get over it.! the fact are theres two or more different opinions in this world. WHO DOES SOUTH WEST MAINT? Kitty i didnt know we were chatting for you not to respond?ktflyhome said:E-tron: usflyboi is always Unblevialble. I will never again respond to him. I am ashamed that he (supposedly) has the same job as I do.
IMHO, The problem with the outsourcing issue at Usair has nothing to do with 3rd party maintence,,..........The problem is HOW the company is trying to get the right to outsource heavy maint! NUMEROUS times they stated they would NOT go after heavy maint !!! One reason they were successful on the SECOND IAM VOTE were due to these statements!!! Actions such as this plainly show management CANNOT be trusted...So, as we await the verdict from the 13 Pennsylvania judges, I would like to think that 7 out of the 13 judges have enough INTEGRITY to make the RIGHT decision !!!! .As usual, time will tell .More Facts and Less Emotion said:Thanks Pitguy for the re-direct, I did read the article again. To be balanced, some facts missing is the number of violations found on insourced maintenance. Here's what I would like to know is:pitguy said:If you reread the article carefully this issue was dealt with within the text. Outsource maintenance is not as closely monitored by the FAA as stated in the report. Also a company does not have as much control over it as when it is done in house. I can give you facts, but you must be able to comprehend them.
--Besides all of this it is in the contract that management agreed to.
-on average how many violations happen per insourced plane?
-on average how many violations happen per outsourced plane?
More specificly, since Southwest outsources maintenance and US insources, does Southwest have more violations than US? Not a debate about whether or not there is a contract or any concession issue, just is US more safe than Southwest because of maintenance practices? If it is TRUE, then that is the story that the reporter should be writing about.