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Iam Heading To Arbitration

ClueByFour said:
The really funny number will come when the company ends up paying the IAM restitution for violating the contract.
I wished I shared your optimism Clue. Unfortunately, though arbitrators are supposed to be "fair, impartial and neutral" it isn't so or doesn't appear to be. "fair, impartial and neutral" usually is defined 85/15% tilt toward management side.
Itrade...you speak yet you know not...or not all anyway.

Half of the planes are there...and tooling is being sent from PIT and CLT on a near daily basis. BTW....Fred Smith and FedEx appreciate the business too. It's been a fortune already.

The parts are certainly not there in sufficient numbers either. We are shipping stuff south at premium prices. Another fine example of how stupid U can be. We empty our shelves in PIT and CLT to send it south , then we have nothing to work with regarding our line Acft or drop-in maintenance tha creep up daily.

U should be having the stuff "Drop-Shipped" direct from the vendors , instead of paying freight charges twice and wasting valuable and short staffed laboring time in the distribution centers. UPS motto...handle it only one time

You people have no clue as to whats taking place..and the vast amounts of money being wasted to do it. This confirms to me that no matter how few will remain at U? or how little they attempt to pay us? This company is going to fall victim to it's own beancounting stupidity , regardless of what the employees do or don't do to help them?
I agree! When the Company is required to pay for the work twice,
then maybe they will get it thru there heads that in our contract, the work is clearly ours!
Does anyone really question why the IAM hasn't showed up for the big group hug with upper managment. It appears the few clowns running this company need to be B^tch slapped!

I only wonder if the company will still be in business when this is all settled.
usfliboi said:
Anyone know how much money iam has used of dues to fight this??

Personally I don't care how much of member dues the IAM uses to fight this battle. If you are a employee, you should be more concerned with how much of your concession money has gone into managements arrogant attempt to rewrite the IAM C.B.A.

US Airways has taken airplanes out of service rather than having their own employees perform their maintenance, and the cost to the airline has been astronomical.

Tooling and parts being shipped out to support aircraft in ALA. and Ariz. have left us with very few options when trying to return a aircraft back to sevice from maintenance.

With so many aircraft being parked, many times the only option is cancellation of the flight or a ship change, both of which come at no small inconvenience to pax not to mention cost to your airline.

Anyone know how much money iam has used of dues to fight this??

Last time I checked,that's why we pay dues. Would you rather your union just roll over and let the jobs be outsourced? Jesus, at what point do you say enough is enough!
TheLarkAscending said:
Perhaps those within the IAM are not concerned with the percentage of their dues currently going toward disputing an issue of vital importance to their collective livelihoods. If you are a member of the IAM and wish to pose that particular question, please contact the local IAM representatives in your area.
Im not IAM its a question that all of us union dues employees should ask. On the front it didnt look like a snowball chance of winning.... so one would ask the lodgical question.
insp89 said:
No, I don't. Do you know how much "concession" money the company has spent to circumvent the IAM contract ???? How much money did it cost the company to park those Airbuses in lease payments and lost revenue ? How can anyone defend this kind of mis-management ??
Ummm parking those aircraft from a buisness standpoint in the financial shape we are and were in made sense. This was not mis management. It was a very good move considering....
jetmech01890 said:
that flushing sound is the work going to ala dont worry 700uw dinosaur there will still be lavs to dump for a while untill they out source that too say good night IAM
Not really guy! Iam will talk and there will be a deal ! I dont think your work is gonna go just cost the company less to do it in house
Mike W said:
Last time I checked,that's why we pay dues. Would you rather your union just roll over and let the jobs be outsourced? Jesus, at what point do you say enough is enough!
Im just saying was this a battle to pick to fight? Esp if they knew their chances was slim. Was this an attempt to gain favor with anti Iam folks in the unin or a valid attempt to correct what they felt was wrong, Its a fair question!
usfliboi said:
Ummm parking those aircraft from a buisness standpoint in the financial shape we are and were in made sense. This was not mis management. It was a very good move considering....
Ummmm, You have got to be kidding, Right ???? :blink:
usfliboi said:
pitguy said:
You could be a Harlem Globetrotter. I think you could spin anything. Do you believe the earth is round? Don't you think these people could be sued if it was lies. Get real. I think you are choking on facts. Facts that you asked for.

--You showed your true colors. Your "One Way" avatar is very fitting for you even if it is going the wrong way.
Lets assume your 100% correct for a moment. Now ! What now? You ready to face the reality of this industry? You ready to do what it takes to survive or will you continue to go to court?
I have nothing else to give and I would not want to work here for one dime less. Close it up.
I have nothing else to give and I would not want to work here for one dime less. Close it up. [/quote]
My sentiments exactly. Why would a clear thinking employee who knows and believes further givebacks will only sponsor a buy out, merger or whatever, doing nothing for the employee. Let it die in peace. I will not vote for another penny no matter the outcome, and thank the good Lord above most of my fellow mechanics feel exactly the same way, unlike the pilots and their pipe dream of some fantasy utopia that ALPA is drinking hoping they are immune to the arsenic drink.
700UW said:
Although we disagree, we will expedite the process and we are confident that our members will prevail once an arbitrator reviews the issue and the clear and unambiguous language in our contract.â€￾[/b]

Can anyone quote the language in the contract?
Article 2 Scope of Agreement:

Paragraph B

The Company agrees that the following described work, wherever performed, is recognized as coming with the jurisdiction of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, and is covered by this agreement: the making, assembling, erecting, dismantling, and repairing of all machinery, mechanical equipment, engines and motors of all description, including all work involved in dismantling, overhauling, repairing, fabricating, assembling, welding, and erecting all parts of airplanes, airplane engines, avionics equipment, electrical system, heaating system, hydraulic system, and machine tool work in connection therewith, including all maintenance, construction and inspection work in and around shops, hangars, buildings, and including the servicing, cleaning and polishing of airplanes and parts therof, and the servicing and handling of all ground equipment perfromed in and about Company shops, Maintenance base, Aircraft Base Maintenance bases and Line service stations.

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