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Iam Heading To Arbitration

GeezLouis said:
Is the company in Mobile going to continue performing maintenance on the Airbuses' while this thing goes through arbitration?

Maybe the company should consider outsourcing your department. Anything to save a few bucks! Maybe Dave should outsource the whole airline since he's such a great leader! That would probably solve all our problems!!! 😀
hey company guy...you can't take private messages???
By The Tribune-Review
Thursday, March 4, 2004

After losing a pitched five-month legal battle Wednesday, the International Association of Machinists agreed to arbitrate its dispute over US Airways' outsourcing heavy maintenance of Airbus jets to an Alabama contractor.
The U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia yesterday denied the union's request for a rehearing by all 13 of the court's judges. A three-judge panel had ruled Feb. 3 that the dispute was a minor, not major, one best settled by arbitration.

"Although we disagree, we will expedite the (arbitration) process, and we are confident our members will prevail once an arbitrator reviews the issue," said Robert Roach Jr., general vice president of the IAM. It represents 5,000 aircraft mechanics, including 1,900 in Pittsburgh.

Last October, U.S. District Judge Robert Cindrich in Pittsburgh granted the union an injunction stopping US Airways from sending overhaul work on 10 of its 121 Airbus jets to Singapore Technologies Mobile Aerospace Engineering Inc. in Mobile, Ala.

The Airbuses, which the airline started acquiring five years ago, have begun coming due for their five-year, heavy maintenance checks. US Airways said its hubs could not handle the extra work. The union countered that it could and that at least 100 laid-off mechanics could be called back to work.

"We hope the IAM will now move forward so the matter can be presented to an independent arbitrator, as we had offered last summer," said US Airways spokesman Dave Castelveter.

The Alabama contractor has completed two Airbus overhauls, and a third jet will be sent to Mobile in the next few days, he said.
I truly think in my opinion this is the best for both Iam and the company. These chapters need to be closed so we can all go on about defending our airline agaisnt those who have the upper hand.
Yeah, and we can have headsets for pushback in PIT and PHL again!

A320 Driver 🙁
Justme said:
"We hope the IAM will now move forward so the matter can be presented to an independent arbitrator, as we had offered last summer," said US Airways spokesman Dave Castelveter.

The Alabama contractor has completed two Airbus overhauls, and a third jet will be sent to Mobile in the next few days, he said.
More company lies, there are nine (9) airbii at ST MAE@BFM

701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707,708 and 101

Interesting, they can't even tell the truth!
usfliboi said:
I truly think in my opinion this is the best for both Iam and the company. These chapters need to be closed so we can all go on about defending our airline agaisnt those who have the upper hand.
and would that be siegel and bronner?
700UW said:
Justme said:
"We hope the IAM will now move forward so the matter can be presented to an independent arbitrator, as we had offered last summer," said US Airways spokesman Dave Castelveter.

The Alabama contractor has completed two Airbus overhauls, and a third jet will be sent to Mobile in the next few days, he said.
More company lies, there are nine (9) airbii at ST MAE@BFM

701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707,708 and 101

Interesting, they can't even tell the truth!
700, you read into things to much.

Where is the lie?

He states that they completed 2 a/c, this is true.

At the time of his statement we may have been sending another jet down there, that may have been true.

Where did he state that there was NOT another 8 over there already?
I agree, it is not about the money savings. There is a master plan behind not having us do the heavy checks. Even if it does not save any money, we won't know and they will never tell.
The bottom line is they know it is a way to eliminate over a thousand mechanics and that is less money to pay out, more to keep.
usfliboi said:
I truly think in my opinion this is the best for both Iam and the company. These chapters need to be closed so we can all go on about defending our airline agaisnt those who have the upper hand.
Perhaps, if it was your job going (against your contract) to Alabubba, you would think differently.
Can I ask a straight-forward question(2) here?

1) How much would it cost to procure and install the tooling required to do heavy checks on the 320 family craft?

2) Is there a hangar - current in possession of US Airways - that is currently unused and essentially greenfield - such that the company could install the equipment/tooling without having to first remove lots of "stuff"?
ITRADE said:
Can I ask a straight-forward question(2) here?

1) How much would it cost to procure and install the tooling required to do heavy checks on the 320 family craft?

2) Is there a hangar - current in possession of US Airways - that is currently unused and essentially greenfield - such that the company could install the equipment/tooling without having to first remove lots of "stuff"?
Tooling is not the issue.
We don't have the hangar space to accomplish all the S checks on all the aircraft in sufficient time as to not allow them to run out of time.

Someone out there will say we have two bays in CLT that are not being used, but they won't work. If we put heavy checks in those bays they will block the other aircraft when they are ready to come out. They work fine when we nose in some line a/c for a copouple of days but when you have to get the 330 out (or for that matter a 757 or 767) and it is blocked by two airbus S checks then what are you going to do?
you do like we do in pit 435....ya jack the plane up or down to accomodate. 😉
Where there is a will there is a way. I am willing to try it.
totobird said:
If the company can save money by outsourcing the work I am all for it.
USAirways needs to cut costs wherever they can so at least some can survive. If USAirways continues overpaying it's employees we will all be out of work.
Dave is doing a great job. A year ago we thought USAirways would be gone. We are still here thanks to Dave and his team.
Outsourcing a good thing? I guess how good it is depends on whether or not it's your job being outsourced!

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