Fuzz when that agreement was voted in didn't you want to thank those who voted yes for
letting you know your future ahead of time or is that just for these class 2 stations that owe
you a thanks for voting yes on this TA and giving them the same thing you gripe about
now. Also you can't blame a person for where they work. I live in Phl, are you suggesting I'm
to blame for the wages you recieve. You probably voted for them last time because maybe
something else caught your eye. Look at the ''Whole Picture'' this time.
As I have said many times here, I did not vote for the POS bankrupt contract becasue of the two tier payscale. Now if you want to, how about we bring the west and class 2 up to your scale and than do nothing else than we can move on to 2009 hows that, would that work for you.
As far as the cities that were on that list DFW was on that list and from what I see what really became the reason that we no longer are in danger is becasue of a merger with HP.
So with that agrument one can look at this agreement and see that if we go ahead and vote in this deal that some of the cities listed may also find new hope in a megred comapny with UA. or whoever.
See a meger can be a good thing, thats why the language say MAY be outsoursed.
As I have said before if we do nothing here and let this agreement die those cities that are now listed are in real danger of being gone very soon, you can choose to beleive that or not.
I just dont think we should gamble with those guys jobs, this agreement gives them time.
How many airlines do you see today giving anyone raisies today, or better scope protection and bringing back doubletime. I have not seen many here agrue that.
As I have said before its all about this damn so called New Direction team that some how is going to come in and save the day for us all.
I say BS, they wont and if this is voted down again its going to be a long hot summer for us all.
So wake up people its time to move on.