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If it has no value why are they so insistant on having it removed?
They have their ears and eyes closed so they refuse to recognie the merger protections of the COC and its leverage that Hemenway wants to take. They are only the few, mostly in PHX.
As you know Dirt, CLT will be a solid No. PHL will get more No's than last time.

I'll have to give RR some credit in PHX for having the political muscle to have the PHX vote at the airport for Randy and Team 2008. PHX is the one hub that gets to vote at the airport like they did last time. It biases things but the west doesn't have the numbers.

PHL and CLT will deliver again. The leadership of PHL and CLT are solidly behind a rejection.
Canale will be eliminated and fleet will be positioned to get treated with respect like the mechanics and non-union workers at Continental. Not until fleet is treated with dignity and respect will Hemenway get a fleet contract. PHX doesn't realize it but they will benefit in the end.

Western Lies from its misleader

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Allow me to ask a question. WILL the COC again be another slam dunk winning lottery ticket?
If you can answer that then we need to hook up at the track for some coldies!
Please explain to the audience why we lost the COC last time and just what the COC is and its breakdown of its worth if won in a court of law?

All those who think it's worthles, tell me why? I don't want to hear that its been tested because if you use that analogy then you certainly don't know what it


wiser bud you first...........................
Hemenway knows more than they do and that's why Hemenway wants it out. Those that are refusing to admit the value of the COC are just angry and allowing their senses to be overrun with emotion.

The east will carry this through for the masses with the help of hundreds of westies. Don't count on PHX though.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Allow me to ask a question. WILL the COC again be another slam dunk winning lottery ticket?
If you can answer that then we need to hook up at the track for some coldies!

I have posted a number of times what the change of control is....I know what it is.....Do you?

I'm beginning to think you don't. Do you?
Allow me to ask a question. WILL the COC again be another slam dunk winning lottery ticket?
If you can answer that then we need to hook up at the track for some coldies!

Well, you've signed out? you must be going to the refer eh! I'll wait but not for long............
30 years in May dude. When Piedmont offered me a job back in 78 I took it. Just to enlighten a few folks out there.....30 years is not that senior for USAirways.

Sorry to sound defensive. It's that no one has a crystal ball here and a lot of folks out there act like they do. Hey...if we vote no and they go right back back to the table, and come back with 20....you aren't gonna see a happier man than me. BUT.....the only thing I am going by is that both sides said they are NOT going back....so I don't think we should gamble on this. Just my opinion and I'm sticking with it!

I thought you had a mid 1980 hire date and your brother an 1982. Are you considering what you are saying. Canale can't refuse to go back to the table. And there is no gamble. If it does not pass Canale will commit political suicide by throwing the west stations to the lions. As District Force noted, there are things that UA would want out before merger talks. They would remain with a no vote. If you know anything about the tactics of negotiations, The company would be compelled to say this is the final offer. Canale doesn't have to demonstrate his tactical ineptness by agreeing with them. If we are to get any kind of advances in our contract, he has to go!
I thought you had a mid 1980 hire date and your brother an 1982. Are you considering what you are saying. Canale can't refuse to go back to the table. And there is no gamble. If it does not pass Canale will commit political suicide by throwing the west stations to the lions. As District Force noted, there are things that UA would want out before merger talks. They would remain with a no vote. If you know anything about the tactics of negotiations, The company would be compelled to say this is the final offer. Canale doesn't have to demonstrate his tactical ineptness by agreeing with them. If we are to get any kind of advances in our contract, he has to go!
My understanding is that mediation would be requested and that both parties would have to come back to the table. Hemenway for sure and also the new negotiations transition team of DL 141.
As District Force said, United needs the COC out, complete elimination of the best scope language in the industry [see west contract] and needs further restrictions on reduction in force language and the worst contract in the industry until 2016 or later.

Western Leaders Lies

Tentative agreement vs Bankrupt contract comparison [real eye opener]
Copy, post, distribute, EVERYWHERE

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
email: appearances1@aol.com
This is for all you sideline sitters who lurk here but dont post.
I want to encourage each and everyone of you to read the T/A. Go to the infomational meetings in your stations. This is your vote not Tim Nelsons its yours. For those of you who think this is a slam dunk No becasue Tim says so should ignore that, becasue all he is tring to do is surpress the yes vote. This is our opportunity to gain just some of what we lost in our bankrupt contract. Its not perfact but it is what it is.
If for some reason this is voted down and the company does come back to us is there really anything you think we will gain considering the state of this industry.
We need to be one group and we need to be stronger thruout the entire group.
If this vote goes down and its a divded vote where the East carrys the no vote over the west than where does that leave us as a group. It will leave a very bitter and divided group.
I dont think we want to go there.
With all that said vote how you want to not because someone tells you its what we must do, I again say read whats in this T/A dont be intimadated.

I am not sure if I am to honor or pity you for 30 years at this company and that being not all that senior either. Mercy, I hope I never get there.

I agree with your assessment of future negotiations being in doubt before the end of 2009. For better or worse, I am of the opinion that one of the strong selling points to having an union is to provide expert opinions on matter of economics and laws for which would be impractical for just one person to finance it on their own. If Boss Canale is telling me there will not be any future negotiations, then why should not I believe him?

So Mulls Jester.

why should you not believe RC?? uhhh because if his lips are moving he's lying?
I thought you had a mid 1980 hire date and your brother an 1982.

rat...you must be drinking a few with wiser bud. Where this garbage came from must be the same source that told you I was an Educator of the Union. Still would like to know what that pays though.....

Also you said "Canale can't refuse to go to the table"....no but Doug can refuse to come back to the table.

You all give Fleet way too much importance.
if Doug can refuse to come back to the table then why did he come back this time?? all of you are being asked this but none of you have answered it
so spews jester,
"If Boss Canale is telling me there will not be any future negotiations, then why should not I believe him? "

that would be because Randy will lie right to your face. He has to many many people. He personally lied to my face and the whole

lodge. So take it for what its worth. He's a politician plan and simple. (although I personally think he sucks a that to)
"I want to encourage each and everyone of you to read the T/A. Go to the infomational meetings in your stations."

fuzz got to agree 100% with you on that one...

But might I add when at these meetings and your agc is selling this to you. Ask them what's in it for them.

if you need to reference . article IX section 2 of the district 141 bylaws spells it out for you. If you need a copy pm me I will forward


fuzz I know you think there are alot of self serving people on here . But you really need to drill your agcs. on this . A YES gets them

about a 12,000.00 dollar a year raise on top of there 100,000.00
if Doug can refuse to come back to the table then why did he come back this time?? all of you are being asked this but none of you have answered it
he came back this time because he needs this merger more so than we do. He wants this deal in place in any event that US is involved with a transaction or merger. But in order for the dela to go thrru, thing in that pos TA has got to be changed for example, THE COC has to be there the pay be a lot better take the sick out of the ICU andmake it better keep profit sharing etc etc etc Elimante the stupid 60 day rule I always say, Look at UAL contract and even SWA contract as well as CO and dont tell me that US can offer similar deals as the other carriers have
My take is this

Company gets the members to accept a fools contract

Company mergers with another

Layoffs happen due to restructioning of hubs and out stations

Your measly wage increase does you no good your outta of a job

Been there done that

Never again

PS Philly is becoming a huge NO vote

Been thinkin' along these lines quite a bit myself. This isn't too far fetched of an outlook. Seems anyone junior or in an outstation will be in the unemployment line before too long whether or not this T.A. passes or not... but for status quo sake...let's hope this doesn't pass. Face it, with all the gripes about wage increases (and yes, I could sorely use one myself) on this board, most everyone is making do somehow, or they wouldn't keep this job. True, some are straddling the povery line, but with the economy and fuel the way they are, this T.A. is only a small piece of the bigger picture. Good Luck Fleet!
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