Actually, it looks like Boss Canale hasn't understood the September rejection either. But then again Canale = Management.
One thing we know is that we only have to deal with Canale for 2 1/2 more months. After that he will be free to go back up to management where he belongs.
Keep in mind that these talks are also serving a pupose for Canale. He and his band of thieves
are in desperate times. They need to find an avenue to keep thier precious jobs. That avenue may
well be a good TA proposal and if something positive does come from these meetings we must
remember it was
do to us rejecting the initial proposal and walking away from a similiar offer, not
our NC. The IAM and company know they need us. If an offer does indeed come back to us after
these talks we need it to be acknowleded that the majority of the fleet wants it to pass. I know majority is 50% + 1 but we need more. The mech. proposal is indeed looking to get just passed at the slimest of margins. We need a more positive agreement for all,not some.
In the past, slates like Canale have used the moementum of a positive agreement to carry them into
a new term.
We need to know that Canale was and is the one trying to sell us out along with the
represenitives from the company. Al H. and his crew are trying to come to terms with us by
agreeing to enhancements as little as possible while trying to get back CIC language and PS terms.
That is Al H.'s job. He will give us something appealling when our NC demands nothing less. When
this occurs I'd like us all to remember the propsal our NC brought back and supported for ratification
last Sept. Thier jobs our to represent the collective interests of the group as a whole and they have
failed ''big time'' in this. There were many negatives to the last proposal and few good (vacation).
Positive Space way not in our propsal. What value does Al H. and Randy put on that ?
This is a perfect example of Randy looking out for Randy.
Does anyone have the
M&R propsal to look at ? Was ''positive space travel'' in there ? and while were at it forget about the
&R, the
M has.