IAM contract at USair

Rogallo said:
Overdumb sounds quite a bit like my 15 yr old son. It wasn't my fault Dad!
Children are a product of their parents. Mine thinks things through and makes decisions and accepts the consequences.
Now that's funny. Left myself open for that one. But totally mine and proud of it.
But keep blaming the TWU for all your problems. I'm sure once bad things start happening here we will blame the TWU again but we will forget we chose the local reps we got whether we voted or not.
Overspeed said:
But keep blaming the TWU for all your problems. I'm sure once bad things start happening here we will blame the TWU again but we will forget we chose the local reps we got whether we voted or not.
Yes, I will blame the TWU for all our problems and that all happened prior to our newly elected Local reps.
you know you never answered my questions:
what has the the TWU accomplished since 1983 that enhanced my career in M&R?
what is the pension calculation for international reps?
What will the outgoing TWU Int'l reps expect to recieve from our dues?  monthly or if they are bought
out?   Don V,  Bob G,   Jim Little...etc
Chuck Schalk said:
Yes, I will blame the TWU for all our problems and that all happened prior to our newly elected Local reps.
you know you never answered my questions:
what has the the TWU accomplished since 1983 that enhanced my career in M&R?
what is the pension calculation for international reps?
What will the outgoing TWU Int'l reps expect to recieve from our dues?  monthly or if they are bought
out?   Don V,  Bob G,   Jim Little...etc
The TWU has done lots of good stuff during your career
The pension calculation? I don't know email Lombardo.
What do they get? Email Lombardo.
Overspeed said:
The TWU has done lots of good stuff during your career
The pension calculation? I don't know email Lombardo.
What do they get? Email Lombardo.
Overspeed said:
The TWU has done lots of good stuff during your career
The pension calculation? I don't know email Lombardo.
What do they get? Email Lombardo.
start with #1 then......
you have the resources for all the information you have posted and you don't know or where to get it.
sounds like selective answering......you have friends to.get the info and then post it .
aren't you curious mr knowledge
Chuck Schalk said:
start with #1 then......
you have the resources for all the information you have posted and you don't know or where to get it.
sounds like selective answering......you have friends to.get the info and then post it .
aren't you curious mr knowledge
Lombardo would be the resource or maybe Gukelberger. I'm not a rep.
I like my pension that was frozen in 2012 versus 2003 under the Schalk negotiating strategy. I like my wage adjustment clause that was secured in BK that no other union ever did. I like my larger number of in-house jobs than any other airline. I like my 3% and 4.3% raise within the first year of the BK CBA that no other union has ever done. Thanks TWU!
Chuck Schalk said:
Yes, I will blame the TWU for all our problems and that all happened prior to our newly elected Local reps.
you know you never answered my questions:
what has the the TWU accomplished since 1983 that enhanced my career in M&R?
what is the pension calculation for international reps?
What will the outgoing TWU Int'l reps expect to recieve from our dues?  monthly or if they are bought
out?   Don V,  Bob G,   Jim Little...etc
Blaming your predecessor? Are you adopting the Obama press secretary lines?
Oh really? I'm only paid the hourly rate that AA pays me because of you and your workgroup. So do tell, since you are the reason for my pay, would you also like to suggest that I'm overpaid, or would it sound better saying without you, I would be underpaid...
I do not think you are overpaid but in regards to my experience at NW under the iam our respective pay rates as AMT's were pretty damn close to the ramp and stores and agents. Kinda socialist of you ask me but the iam chooses to use the word elitist and the infamous iam statements " a loaf of bread costs the same for everyone" and my drivers license is the same as your A@P. Seems pretty logical that mechanics want to go it alone with those sentiments. I should not be held back from what market rates would dictate my pay and benefits should be because my union is negotiating for everyone under the sun. Think of it as the company gives so much money and so much of the pie to the union and says you guys can divide it up anyway you like but this is all you get. We as AMT's always got the smallest gains as a group when we got anything which was rare and took the biggest hits when concessions came which was often. The iam deserved everything they had coming from the mechanics at not only NW but other airlines as well. My question is whats it going to take for the AA guys to wake up to get rid of the twu. 
The profession is being decimated because we are divided into different labor organizations, the old and tired "political arena is where our fight is" strategy is failing miserably, and still to this day, these forums are full of personal attacks, name calling, and read more like a playground fight rather than professionals seeking solutions.
Why is that?
So, they pulled the old trick and stalled for years and then at the last minute through some crumbs to the IAM... Typical.

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