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Bob Owens said:
And in 2000 the IAM had 730,673 members, over the last 15 years the IAM membership has dropped by nearly 200,000 members . Over the last 15 years they lost nearly 25% of the membership.  
Its a dying Union, thats why we want no part of their IAMNPF. Fewer people are going in to the IAM every year, and the IAM is the source of members for the IAMNPF, when that happens the plans eventually default. Sure its bigger than the TWU, but its still dying, and if they cant get members, they will at least try and get others to try and keep their pension afloat. I'll take my cash directly from the company Thank You, don't need a dying Union to act as a middleman with my Pension. 
Didn't the IAM at one time have over 1 million members? 
Bob how many Unions are growing gangbusters? Sad that we have to say that we might not want to be a part of their Pension because Union membership is dying.

But when it comes to our retirement, yes unfortunately we do have to think about that.
I do not recall a signing bonus at AA...
Signing bonus on any contracts that had gains. Not concessions. (I think the standard has been $1500.00 usually?)

Wasn't there one in the 2001 contract? Going off of memory if it still serves me.
WeAAsles said:
Signing bonus on any contracts that had gains. Not concessions. (I think the standard has been $1500.00 usually?)

Wasn't there one in the 2001 contract? Going off of memory if it still serves me.
Don't recall it, but might have been. 14 years older does something to to the brain...
No such thing as a Tech Crew Chief at US.

They are leads and are unionized under the mechanic and related IAM CBA.
How many times must I post the correct information?
The IAM is not the IAMNPF, if you are an IAM member doesnt mean you are forced into the IAMNPF.
If there are over 500k IAM Members and the fund's numbers proves that not all IAM members are in the plan.  Even some other unions are part of the IAMNPF, IE the IBT at UPS in coordinated bargaining units are in the plan.
The IAMNPF is 101% funded as of last year and is no danger at the moment.
The plan did make a change for people on Schedule A rates in order to keep the fund in the green.
And the only people at US who were effected in the cuts were Fleet Service, no Mechanic and Related employee was effected by the cuts.
Unlike your frozen pension which has a  current shortfall of almost $2 billion under the PPA figures.

Fast Facts about the IAMNPF, National Pension Plan
  • The IAM National Pension Fund is the 5th largest multiemployer pension fund in the United States.
  • The Fund has approximately $10.9 billion in assets.
  • The Fund has over 1,750 contributing employer locations.
  • The Fund pays pension benefits to over 90,000 retirees and beneficiaries, providing them with retirement security.
  • The Fund has over 100,000 active participants.
Its a total separate entity and is run by a Director who is appointed by the union and company trustees.
And Union membership is at its lowest point in history, every union has lost members.
And dont forgot some members are lost due to retirement and company's shutting down?
How many members has the TWU lost since 9/11?
Why must some posters insist on posting misinformation in order to scare the members?
Isnt a Union Leaders' job to educate the members and not lie to them and try to scare them?
And in 2002 the IAM had 673,095 members and in 2014 it was 569,673 members.
I guess no one cares about the facts and information and would rather believe a leader who misinforms his membership.
And Bob lets talk about the TWU and the monopoly they have with Mass Transit, especially Local 100.

How many competitors does the NYC Subway and Trains have?
How many competitors does the Bus system have?
Those industries have zero competition, so how can they lose those jobs if there is no competition?
And you complain about the government giving companies subsidies, well the TWU benefits more than probably any union from subsides.
Why should anyone's toll and tunnel money be given to the MTA to lower the fare a passenger pays?
Obviously you dont like the IAM, IBT, CWA, AFA, etc.., What union do you support and want to succeed?
Are you proud of the fact that any union is  losing members?
Why do you enjoy unions fighting with each other instead of uniting against the company?
It seems that you get pleasure out of this.
No offense to Bob but many of us at LAA have quit listening to our union leaders,
the fact that you keep coming on here with the same diatribe only proves to me things
are not as you claim.  Its easy to search and find what the financial people think
about the future of multi-company pensions, if the futures look as good as you claim
why would you care what the LAA members choose to do with their retirement.
chilokie1 said:
 Its easy to search and find what the financial people .
Absolutely we can and should be. There are many questions that should be asked and researched about it IF it is offered to us. Personally I'm going to get professional advice to make that decision if it's in front of me.

Right now a question I would have is why has the fund dropped from 105% funded to 101%? It's a reasonable question since in the last year the market is up. Are the disbursements "possibly" beginning to pay out more than they are taking in? What is the average age of the funds participants?

Again IF it's offered to me as a choice I'll need lots of questions answered before I make my decision.
And 700UW has said that the mother of his son is in the plan so of course he has a vested interested in the plans continued solvency and well being.

We all should feel that way since there are Union Brothers and Sisters that are active in it and we should care about them if we are true Unionists.
"Don't Chase Good Money With Bad Money" , of course I only wish future prosperity for the IAMPF
and its members but I have no wish to change our plan. But since we have had no choice up to this
point in this process why should anyone think we will have a voice in contract negotiations. My fear
is the contract will have enough up front curb appeal that many will ignore a silly thing like pension
plan change.
chilokie1 said:
"Don't Chase Good Money With Bad Money" , of course I only wish future prosperity for the IAMPF
and its members but I have no wish to change our plan. But since we have had no choice up to this
point in this process why should anyone think we will have a voice in contract negotiations. My fear
is the contract will have enough up front curb appeal that many will ignore a silly thing like pension
plan change.

I can't argue with this one. I talk to enough people all the time who forget what the "prefunding" was for. Sad truth.
WeAAsles said:


Ok where was that posted and why did they post it? I'd personally rather have that written into our contract but yes the current IAM language is more restrictive to what we have as a policy. The only problem is policies change as we all are well aware of. In many Stations they use "CS Restrictions" as a form of punishment. So they punish the member economically because he didn't read a stupid lesson on time.  
591 posted the US/IAM cs policy because of member requests. There has been talk of changing LAA policy. Rule for rule, the US policy is somewhat more restricted than AA in what is allowed.
It's in both IAM CBAs online it's a shift swap there is an article and LOA.
MetalMover said:
591 posted the US/IAM cs policy because of member requests. There has been talk of changing LAA policy. Rule for rule, the US policy is somewhat more restricted than AA in what is allowed.
That "rumor" has been ongoing since the formation of the association. If the company liked it we'd probably be doing it right now? I think our policy saves them more money since usually junior guys work more for senior guys at least in fleet. I "think" it will probably end up being closer to what we do then how they do it?

But again I'd have to say I'd like it written into contract language.

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