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IAM contract at USair

lineguy43 said:
. Unions like the iam have saw to it that other employee groups were tied to mechanics skill  to bolster other workgroups pay and there is no denying that.
Oh really? I'm only paid the hourly rate that AA pays me because of you and your workgroup. So do tell, since you are the reason for my pay, would you also like to suggest that I'm overpaid, or would it sound better saying without you, I would be underpaid...
Overspeed said:
I agree with your logic. The TWU was dragged down in BK negotiations by AA using inferior agreements at UA, CO, AS, and SW that allowed industry highest outsourcing rates. If it wasn't for the IBT and AMFA lowering the bar on scope the TWU would have done better. Thanks AMFA
no tne TWU was not dragged down in BK negotiations of 2003 0r 2012.  They chose to give the company everything and more that left our careers no longer a career and just a job. the most damaging is the TWU pushed for the yes vote both times in agreement with the company. The Don V, jim little, bob G  none of them pushed for a fight only "lets get it done" attitiude. "there is nothing we can do".    You keep blaming the BK as if it was not a scam against the unions to bust their contracts.  Wake up you are dreaming, the TWU allowed the company to scam us and pushed the members to vote for it.
Overspeed said:
I agree with your logic. The TWU was dragged down in BK negotiations by AA using inferior agreements at UA, CO, AS, and SW that allowed industry highest outsourcing rates. If it wasn't for the IBT and AMFA lowering the bar on scope the TWU would have done better. Thanks AMFA
AA was not in bankruptcy in 1983 when the B scale was introduced, nor 1995 when the TWU got us a 6% raise over 6 years, ( biggest economic boom in USA history ) not even in 2003 when we got the mother of all concessions was AA in BK.

Were we in BK when the OSM / SRP program started? NO

It's like you have no memory at all of what the TWU has " accomplished "

We have had one good contract since I've been at AA, that is the 2001 contract and we got that after AMFA negotiated that at NWA.


We have now seen what the IAM can accomplish at AA. Time to sign a card Tulsa.
Oh really? I'm only paid the hourly rate that AA pays me because of you and your workgroup. So do tell, since you are the reason for my pay, would you also like to suggest that I'm overpaid, or would it sound better saying without you, I would be underpaid...
Don't let em sweat you bro. If you met the guy in person he probably makes Forrest Gump look like a Rocket Scientist.
Duke787 said:
AA was not in bankruptcy in 1983 when the B scale was introduced, nor 1995 when the TWU got us a 6% raise over 6 years, ( biggest economic boom in USA history ) not even in 2003 when we got the mother of all concessions was AA in BK.

Were we in BK when the OSM / SRP program started? NO

It's like you have no memory at all of what the TWU has " accomplished "

We have had one good contract since I've been at AA, that is the 2001 contract and we got that after AMFA negotiated that at NWA.


We have now seen what the IAM can accomplish at AA. Time to sign a card Tulsa.
No AA was not in BK in 1983, the country did however just come out of an economic recession. Oil prices had risen steadily after the Iran crisis. The economy was not in good shape. And the APA (professional craft union) also agreed to a B scale and AMFA lawyer Martin Seham bragged about what a great job he did.
Airlines following the first gulf war were coming off years of shrinkage and the rise of SWA was in full swing. They were paid lower than us and outsourced far more than AA. LCCs sprang up to attack weaker legacies and many of them had laid off in record numbers. Outsourcing was increasing and AA was willing to take a strike over the SRP issue. I suppose if we had fought then we would have been a trendsetter on outsourcing and you would have cried about that as well.
AMFA negotiated at the height of an economic boom which is different then the TWU in 1995 negotiating during five years of contraction. AMFA is negotiating with SWA now with a consistently profitable airline, I am very interested on how well they will do. The TWU has done a better job than AMFA with the FAs and Fleet than AMFA at SWA. When compared head to head at the same airline, they fail to deliver top wages in their category while the TWU does for FAs.
The push for greater outsourcing was driven by the world's largest increase in sending out overhaul and line work. Where? NWA. Went to almost 90% and showed airlines that they could move out almost all maintenance activity if forced. AMFA showed management how to manage. Thanks AMFA.
Sign a card TUL, then fill out an unemployment form because over 15,000 AMTs that started over are the real proof of AMFA's "success".
swamt said:
I see overspeed is still lying and still spreading misinformation...
Not much different than a few of your ilk taking credit for my pay.
Overspeed said:
No AA was not in BK in 1983, the country did however just come out of an economic recession. Oil prices had risen steadily after the Iran crisis. The economy was not in good shape. And the APA (professional craft union) also agreed to a B scale and AMFA lawyer Martin Seham bragged about what a great job he did.
Airlines following the first gulf war were coming off years of shrinkage and the rise of SWA was in full swing. They were paid lower than us and outsourced far more than AA. LCCs sprang up to attack weaker legacies and many of them had laid off in record numbers. Outsourcing was increasing and AA was willing to take a strike over the SRP issue. I suppose if we had fought then we would have been a trendsetter on outsourcing and you would have cried about that as well.
AMFA negotiated at the height of an economic boom which is different then the TWU in 1995 negotiating during five years of contraction. AMFA is negotiating with SWA now with a consistently profitable airline, I am very interested on how well they will do. The TWU has done a better job than AMFA with the FAs and Fleet than AMFA at SWA. When compared head to head at the same airline, they fail to deliver top wages in their category while the TWU does for FAs.
The push for greater outsourcing was driven by the world's largest increase in sending out overhaul and line work. Where? NWA. Went to almost 90% and showed airlines that they could move out almost all maintenance activity if forced. AMFA showed management how to manage. Thanks AMFA.
Sign a card TUL, then fill out an unemployment form because over 15,000 AMTs that started over are the real proof of AMFA's "success".
Overspun can not sell the TWU so all he can do is attempt to make the opponent look bad.  Sounds like TWU politics as usual.  
Oh really? I'm only paid the hourly rate that AA pays me because of you and your workgroup. So do tell, since you are the reason for my pay, would you also like to suggest that I'm overpaid, or would it sound better saying without you, I would be underpaid...
Look this subject has been covered.  AMTs wish Fleet Service all the best in their own negotiations.  AMTs would just like the opportunity to negotiate on their own without the TWU internationals heavy hand picking the winners and losers in negotiations.  Why is it, every employee group at AA "except the AMTs" - is paid on par with their peers at Delta & United?  C'mon, how would you feel making $5.00 - $7.00ph less than your peers at those companies?  The AMTs at AA have had enough TWU BS.
Chuck Schalk said:
Overspun can not sell the TWU so all he can do is attempt to make the opponent look bad.  Sounds like TWU politics as usual.  
Overdumb sounds quite a bit like my 15 yr old son. It wasn't my fault Dad!
I am glad to hear that the US mechanics will have something to vote on (not a sure ratification yet TWU)  If it is as we have been reading it doesn't look like it will pass.  My opinion,  the US guys should have been brought back to whole, and a little more for their efforts for helping the co in a time of need.  If that brought them above the AA guys then so be it.  But to bring them up to (and some say they are still below AA mechs) or still below AA is a slap in the face.  A company that is currently making record profits and numbers fresh out of reorganization, and they only offered to bring you guys up to or even still below the mechanics you are soon to merged with, which they would have to do anyway, pathetic.  And the IAM is pushing and selling this thing as a great offer,  WOW!!!...
If the IAM is a pushovers union like the TWU..it'll pass. Trickery, threats and fraud is all it'll take.
"Will Strike if Provoked! " LMFAO!
When it appears the Company, DOJ, NMB, RLA , local Union, the International Union and union paid attorneys are all in cahoots ...well.... Here's your sign.
Vortilon said:
Look this subject has been covered.  AMTs wish Fleet Service all the best in their own negotiations.  AMTs would just like the opportunity to negotiate on their own without the TWU internationals heavy hand picking the winners and losers in negotiations.  Why is it, every employee group at AA "except the AMTs" - is paid on par with their peers at Delta & United?  C'mon, how would you feel making $5.00 - $7.00ph less than your peers at those companies?  The AMTs at AA have had enough TWU BS.
You are correct, it has been covered ad nauseam. I likewise hope the best for all you guys and hope you get the change you are looking for and the compensation that may come along with it. But you may want to direct your response to your fellow AMT's, because as long as they insist we are coattail riders, dragging your profession down, and of course the latest one, your workgroup is responsible for my earnings at AA (which some of the bandwagon members seem to agree with) then I will continue to respond. I have said it a ton of times, you guys are getting screwed, you are under paid, and I'm with you in getting what you can. Just stop using fleet as your whipping boy and leave us out of your battle. We owe you nothing!
And by the way, I make $22.53 an hour. I have no idea how that compares to Delta, Southwest, United etc...I can only assume your workgroup does because many of you have said I make the same.

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