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IAM contract at USair

IORFA said:
If I'm reading it correctly, it is going to be a little more than a 6% cumulative increase come September '14. Sounds decent from someone who has no clue what the other airlines make comparably speaking, nor what the non obvious parts of the contract mean on a daily basis towards your work life. If nothing else, at least it moves you up the ladder pay wise before JCBA negotiates begin.
Well would you look at it differently if I told you the hourly rate was still below what they were making TWELVE years ago?
And it still leaves them at the bottom of the industry? So no it doesnt move them up the ladder, they are still on the bottom rung of the ladder, just standing on their tippy toes. 
It's sad that we don't even expect to get SWA (AMFA) money we aim for non union delta money, which the union represented us air mechs couldn't even reach. So much for strength in numbers, union strong. What we need is an association like AMFA.
bigjets said:
It's sad that we don't even expect to get SWA (AMFA) money we aim for non union delta money, which the union represented us air mechs couldn't even reach. 
Whats sad is we look at SWA money as good, they used to be behind us and we were even with UPS. Now they have convinced us that even SWA money is too much to ask let alone UPS!!
Neither of those carriers gained significant ground, they simply maintained the status-quo and kept pace with inflation. 
Was it not the iam bitching about usair getting a contract with AA, before dealing with the iam. This is what they where bitching about trying to get. Lol
Bob Owens said:
Whats sad is we look at SWA money as good, they used to be behind us and we were even with UPS. Now they have convinced us that even SWA money is too much to ask let alone UPS!!
Neither of those carriers gained significant ground, they simply maintained the status-quo and kept pace with inflation. 
It's not happy at SWA
While the airline has had strong profits and stock prices have soared, employees aren’t happy, Kelly was told.
“What concerns us greatly, however, is the rapid deterioration of our once-great Culture; morale has dropped to an all-time low,” the letter stated. “The strife between our unions and management has begun to resemble that of an air carrier facing bankruptcy when ultimately we are at a time that our morale should be at an all-time high.”
Overspeed said:
It's not happy at SWA
While the airline has had strong profits and stock prices have soared, employees aren’t happy, Kelly was told.
“What concerns us greatly, however, is the rapid deterioration of our once-great Culture; morale has dropped to an all-time low,” the letter stated. “The strife between our unions and management has begun to resemble that of an air carrier facing bankruptcy when ultimately we are at a time that our morale should be at an all-time high.”
Wouldn't you know that it's the twu that doesn't participate in supporting the other unions by not signing the letter.... :-/
The worlds largest airline and the IAM can't leverage that into a pay raise equal to their 2 biggest competitors. It's almost like free advertisement for AMFA.

In 2010 we had no bargaining power and the future was bleak. 4 years later, a merger, and profits projected above 1 billion dollars, equals pay increase above or at least equal to our peers.
enough already said:
Wouldn't you know that it's the twu that doesn't participate in supporting the other unions by not signing the letter.... :-/
Give me  break. Three of the four SWA TWU Locals signed the letter and you're bitching about the one that didn't. They may have had a reason for not doing do but you looked into your crystal ball and pulled the answer out of your A**.  Typical AMFA nonsense.
Chuck Schalk said:
lets see the full language that will give everyone a better perspective on whether it is good enough to vote yes.
I agree Chuck.  We all know how the full language shows the bad stuff the highlight doesn't.  I don't know about the US Air guys, but no retro would be a deal breaker for me.  Also I would hope that the pay was higher than AA since we are in a BK deal and they aren't.  I am also surprised the IAM is proud of this.  I thought US Air had been out of BK for a while.  Seems to me with all these profits there should have been some money for the IAM guys.  IAM is looking a lot like the TWU.  Shooting for the bottom of the industry.  Oh yeah, I'm sure they are telling the guys "We'll get em next time." hahahaha.  
Overspeed said:
It's not happy at SWA
While the airline has had strong profits and stock prices have soared, employees aren’t happy, Kelly was told.
“What concerns us greatly, however, is the rapid deterioration of our once-great Culture; morale has dropped to an all-time low,” the letter stated. “The strife between our unions and management has begun to resemble that of an air carrier facing bankruptcy when ultimately we are at a time that our morale should be at an all-time high.”
Wow for second there I was expecting you to bring up NWA again.
Well I disagree with you guys in one way. The highlights are less then spectacular and do not even reach the non union represented mechs at delta. Now the IAM will negotiate our contracts with the TWU. It will be a race to see which union can do the least for their membership.

I predict, if we stay with the TWU / IAM, we will have this contract for another 8 years with no retro and maybe a 6% raise over 6 years. It's happened to us before. 95 contract
The IAM praises what a job they did for our members. All they got was what the company was going to have to give them to match AA. Three years of negotiating for that, how pathetic. The next truly pathetic move will be the TWU when they tell us they got our benefits back. In reality they will get what is already in effect on the US side of the house. I see no retro, no signing bonus. This is our last chance to negotiate a contract that is worthy to take to the membership. AMFA will have open negotiations, with members getting to hear in real time the offers the company is making and the counter offers our union is making. The days of the company keeping the info one sided, and the union keeping one group happy to carry the vote need to be over. The days of working the line against overhaul worked for both the company and the union. We need to negotiate a contract that will keep jobs in Tulsa with SCOPE, and the line guys get something for working out in the elements and holidays. We need leaders that we can hold accountable and be removed if not. You have to ask yourself HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH!!!! Can you look past the scare tactics in Tulsa because you have nothing to lose. We must have language that we work on what we fly, and be able to say no one else can do a better job than an AA mechanic. We must hold our selves to a higher standard and we must make the company pay us for that work. Sigh a card and lets get things changed! If you think that the TWU/IAM cluster is going to do anything but take every mechanic to the cleaners you are living in fantasy land.
It is indeed sad over 3 years to bring you guys up to AA which is still at the bottom.  Looks like the IAM is fully endorsing it though so it must be great right???
Very Sad! Our 3% on 9/12/2014 will put us back ahead of them going into joint negotiations!!
Not quite parity. License premium at USAir is less now and will be if they ratify this T/A.
The devil is in the writing. Lets hope that all members read the contract language and not just the highlights or listen to some shiit house lawyer in the break rooms how good this T/A is.

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