no one should ever take the job of another employee for granted, in a safety sensitive industry *every* job is critical, one department is not more important than another. some departments may have a higher level of responsibility but that doesnt mean they should always take the largest piece of the pie. when people start defining themselves solely by job title and then associate themselves as a higher priority for pay, recognition and raises, and the rest..well can get what is left over...if there is something left.. the entire company may suffer poor morale, some may feel they just are not as important as another and it may affect their attitude/performance(which is important in customer service). if equal percentages of raises are not offered to *all* employees then those raises should not be given out at all. one should not give a 15 percent raise to one group and then the rest...well..sorry...and furthermore these are not even raises when employees are working under concessions...its just making it right again, the end I believe professional people will always remain professional(because one should always try to do their best on the job regardless) but its always nice to be fair for all...just my opinion.Sounds like common sense to me. Pilots (no matter what airline or union/non union) will always get first dibs, greater share of the pie, etc. Without a strong (pilots) group you have no airline.
but I understand what you were implying Dapoes.