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Huge pay raise for Delta/NW pilots..ONLY

Sounds like common sense to me. Pilots (no matter what airline or union/non union) will always get first dibs, greater share of the pie, etc. Without a strong (pilots) group you have no airline.
no one should ever take the job of another employee for granted, in a safety sensitive industry *every* job is critical, one department is not more important than another. some departments may have a higher level of responsibility but that doesnt mean they should always take the largest piece of the pie. when people start defining themselves solely by job title and then associate themselves as a higher priority for pay, recognition and raises, and the rest..well can get what is left over...if there is something left.. the entire company may suffer poor morale, some may feel they just are not as important as another and it may affect their attitude/performance(which is important in customer service). if equal percentages of raises are not offered to *all* employees then those raises should not be given out at all. one should not give a 15 percent raise to one group and then the rest...well..sorry...and furthermore these are not even raises when employees are working under concessions...its just making it right again, ...in the end I believe professional people will always remain professional(because one should always try to do their best on the job regardless) but its always nice to be fair for all...just my opinion.

but I understand what you were implying Dapoes.
History will show that UNIONS at Northwest Airlines demanded and maintained a "ME TOO CLAUSE" in every contract. Pilots do their job...their job can't be done WITH OUT the other employees no matter how important they or the company see themselves.

You are only as valuable as you see yourself. Pilots are no more important than the rest of the work force, their only advantage is that they maintain a unified force.

Delta/NW will NEVER be able to replace 21,000 Cabin Crew...so don't tell me we can't shut the airline down regardless of what the pilots say or do. THAT IS A FACT, and a reality of a strong Union.

Ask your out of work or scab mechanics.(the ones still there are I believe the lowest paid industrywide.
Ask your out of work or scab mechanics.(the ones still there are I believe the lowest paid industrywide.
The only scab mechanics are the ones who could/would/should not get work elsewhere...That is why they scabbed.

Welcome them with open arms to your new Delta. :up:

The honorable mechanics who chose to withhold our labor, all knew exactly what we were doing (and the consequences of our actions). Most of us are making far higher wages and have better benefits than the scabs now have (and, in my case any airline AMT), thanks to leaving the industry.
Nice try, truth of the matter---everyone at NW is getting a payraise to come up to DAL pay levels. You should be happy about that. But no...guess not. :blink:

Another false statement.

There are several hundred of us (including me) who will be taking pay cuts.

So, no, I'm not happy.

On top of that, NW ramp has a 5 year progression to top out. DL has an 11 year scale. What happens to a guy that's on top now, but will move to mid scale at DL?
The only scab mechanics are the ones who could/would/should not get work elsewhere...That is why they scabbed.

Welcome them with open arms to your new Delta. :up:

The honorable mechanics who chose to withhold our labor, all knew exactly what we were doing (and the consequences of our actions). Most of us are making far higher wages and have better benefits than the scabs now have (and, in my case any airline AMT), thanks to leaving the industry.

Congatulations it looks like your union did help you.I only wish the best for those of you who stuck to their convictions.
Another false statement.

There are several hundred of us (including me) who will be taking pay cuts.

So, no, I'm not happy.

On top of that, NW ramp has a 5 year progression to top out. DL has an 11 year scale. What happens to a guy that's on top now, but will move to mid scale at DL?

Hate to rain on all of your parades but not a single DL pilot received a pay raise today. However, every NW pilot did. All NW pilots were brought up to parity with DL. Roughly 10 to 12 % pay raises.
Roughly 10 to 12 % pay raises.
any amount recovered from a concessionary package is not a raise it is restoration. once the concessionary amount has been fully recovered any percentage over that will be considered..a "raise".
Hate to rain on all of your parades but not a single DL pilot received a pay raise today. However, every NW pilot did. All NW pilots were brought up to parity with DL. Roughly 10 to 12 % pay raises.

Wait! I thought we were all one now? Aren't we all DL?

(sarcasm mode off)

Good for the pilots.

And like Dignity said, pay restoration is not a raise...

It still doesn't negate the falsehood of Dapoes' statement.
They have a LONG way to go before restoring $6 Billion in pay cuts! Nice of New Delta to give $22 million of it to Doug Steenland than bank $3.7 Billion.

One can't really get a raise when one is OWED their own money. This whole set up was nothing but a SCAM...and they got away with it because this current government is more crooked than the worst thief out there.

The great thing that the old Delta pilots did was not allow them to steal as much as the NW pilots did.
Wait! I thought we were all one now? Aren't we all DL?


I don't know. I keep reading here that we are really NW in DL's clothing.
Sarcasm off.

In reality, until the FAA grants a SOC we are not one now. Technically you are a subsidiary of DL airlines at this point.

In any case, the NW side of the pilot house just received a nice chunk of pay restoration.
In reality, until the FAA grants a SOC we are not one now. Technically you are a subsidiary of DL airlines at this point.

Well I'm not, but the company I work for is....

In any case, the NW side of the pilot house just received a nice chunk of pay restoration.

And, again, good for them.

I don't get why this bothers you? You didn't take a pay cut yesterday, did you?
I don't know. I keep reading here that we are really NW in DL's clothing.
Sarcasm off.

In reality, until the FAA grants a SOC we are not one now. Technically you are a subsidiary of DL airlines at this point.

In any case, the NW side of the pilot house just received a nice chunk of pay restoration.

Well...yes technically we are a subsidiary of "New" Delta/ NOT Old Delta airlines (there is a VERY BIG difference)...with our OLD NW CEO at the helm of the New Delta so one can interpret that as they like. As a reminder, Old Delta airlines no longer exists.

In the case of the NW pilot pay raise, they were returned some of their money with NONE of it coming from old Delta. Old Delta pilots should have demanded a return of some more of their pay cuts. NW agreed to REPAY some of NW pilots their money or otherwise, there most likely would not have been a NEW Delta and we wouldn't be having this conversation. The issue I see that seems to be at Delta, is that they somehow think this is their OLD company and they just gobbled us up. THAT will be a very big mistake.

Let's be clear here...Old Delta has done NOTHING for NW employees financially...PERIOD. If anything WE have brought MORE cash to the table of New Delta than old Delta. (while generating far more potential profit) That is a fact of the Third quarter financials.

I don't want to get into a pissing match...but the last thing any old Delta person should do is act as if they took over NW because of their financial prowess. Least they be reminded of why the Delta name survived and the limited future Anderson pointed out for them with out those NW Asian jewels.

Now, what we can do is close the deal with our Unions and push this NEW company to great heights of operations and PAY/BENEFITS instead of living in the past.

I can assure you, NW employees do not intend to stay at the bottom of industry pay when it was THEIR money that helped build this...as I am sure many of Old Delta feel the same.

And for the record..I am the LAST one to brag about having NW management running the surviving company as something of a good thing. I've pointed out many times that the reality is these NW monsters have in fact taken over the New company and there will be a price to pay. We have a LONG way to go before this merger is on a sound footing...if ever.
I don't get why this bothers you? You didn't take a pay cut yesterday, did you?

No, but my original post was to dispute the very topic of this thread entitled "Huge pay raise for DL/NW pilot.. only"
There was no pay raise or restoration for the Delta pilot. Its as simple as that.
No, but my original post was to dispute the very topic of this thread entitled "Huge pay raise for DL/NW pilot.. only"
There was no pay raise or restoration for the Delta pilot. Its as simple as that.

Good point Luv2fly...my mistake.

It is difinitely not your fault that your UNION negotiated a better deal than NW's pilots or non union old Delta.

My hats off to old Delta pilots! At least we know there is one Union on the property (for now) that will stand up to these thugs.
Another false statement.

There are several hundred of us (including me) who will be taking pay cuts.

So, no, I'm not happy.

On top of that, NW ramp has a 5 year progression to top out. DL has an 11 year scale. What happens to a guy that's on top now, but will move to mid scale at DL?

Just an interested bystander here, who doesn't have a dog in this fight, but is concerned none the less since the situation is very similar.

I was just wondering how the IAM was laying out the groundwork for this battle to organize the New Delta (I'm talking ramp and Ticket agents only). Since IAM is the bargaining agent for your group, how are they going to present the issue to the Delta people who haven't had union representation? Are you guys trying to better the work rules, or trying to keep what you presently have? And do you have enough people who will come over to the union side? Because I know personally that it would be tough to try to bring someone over to your side, especially if you have a younger workforce or a non-union workforce who had been treated fairly, even though they could be making more money and with better workrules.

You said that it would take roughly 11 years to top out instead of 5. That's about the same with our airline. I just got my card from the IAM and they are committed to organize us also. (IMHO - I rather see the IAM instead of TWU - they lost 4 times already on the property, and talking to AA people, they have a very concessionary contract - plus they made a lot of promises they couldn't keep - but that's for another day) The problem is that trying to explain the benefits of having a union in the house instead of not is the main issue. You got guys who are topped (like me) who lost a lot (some nearly 12% and major changes in work rules), and guys who just came on within the last 3 years who definitely want more money, but who don't see the immediate benefit of having a union, cause they aren't making any money where the contract would take the major effect. Then, of course there is Houston (which I will not discuss), and we are seeing the same thing - the union being voted down by about 100 or so votes. But Uncle Larry is considering a pay raise to the "Market" cities above "System" cities to cover the increased cost of living. Does Delta have a pay scale where certain cites make more than others?

I'm just curious, because it seems that IAM has a lot on it's plate, and I think that it has it's resources focused on your situation above all else. But they sent letters saying that they are committed to us and are "In It To Win It" according to their literature. Or will they wait until after the elections and hope that the labor friendly bill in Congress will pass first where every one votes?

BTW: Our flight attendants aren't happy with the dues increase IAM just did. But they are certainly rooting for us to go Union!
I guess more members, less dues....lol!