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Pilots, AF/KL Could Take Stake in DL/NW Merger

I have a problem my ATP has stated DC9 for the last 16 yrs. MD88 is just the model num. and year that it was certified.....MORE fuel efficient engines,EFIS and a Vnav/Lnav capability that was not available before on the DC9 or MD80... same old airframe tech. so it will fly for 30 yrs just like the DC9
DL operates 119 MD-88s and 16 MD-90s. The-88s began to be delivered in 1987 and continued into the early 90s and the MD-90s are early to mid 1990 models. The MD-88 seats 142 and the MD-90 seats 150. All the MD-90s and 63 of the MD-88s are owned and the rest operating with greatly reduced lease rates post BK.

DL now operates 137 B-757s with the 17 TWA aircraft picked up off lease from American. The earliest are late 1980s with the newest are 2001 or 2002 models.

The remainder of the narrowbody fleet is 71 737-800s with 45 or so on order. 10 737-700s will begin to arrive on property in late summer.

Thanks 757 (the cerebral cool) VS. Me...I know...I am the passionate flywheel. I am work at bringing it under control.

In a nutshell...I can speak only for myself, but I think most NWA feel this way. We were set up, taken advantage of in BK, and now sit atop the most financially secure Legacy (from our blood, sweat, and loss of jobs, and imposed POVERTY!), with a VERY bright future...SOLO. NORTHWEST does not need to merge, nor acquire anyone

We command Tokyo out side of JAL (the richest city on Earth), two magnificent US HUBS with the most advanced terminals in America, the youngest fleet across the Atlantic, 68 787 Dreamliners en-route that will allow for massive non stop global expansion, and one of the most highly trained, educated work forces in the aviation industry...with 82 years behind us. That ...will not be lost just so a few at the TOP (including that scourge that holds our company hostage) can cash out from our sacrifices.

I for one will do all that one person can (silly me, with ancient D.C. connections) to see that the NORTHWEST name and enterprise does not disappear, I do not think I am alone.

I am just a dumb NORTHWEST FA with a grad. finishing Law, bitter that I am @ Berkerly vs. Yale (I only like snow for skiing). Northwest will NOT be swallowed up with out a battle....in Washington.
Thanks 757 (the cerebral cool) VS. Me...I know...I am the passionate flywheel. I am work at bringing it under control.

In a nutshell...I can speak only for myself, but I think most NWA feel this way. We were set up, taken advantage of in BK, and now sit atop the most financially secure Legacy (from our blood, sweat, and loss of jobs, and imposed POVERTY!), with a VERY bright future...SOLO. NORTHWEST does not need to merge, nor acquire anyone

We command Tokyo out side of JAL (the richest city on Earth), two magnificent US HUBS with the most advanced terminals in America, the youngest fleet across the Atlantic, 68 787 Dreamliners en-route that will allow for massive non stop global expansion, and one of the most highly trained, educated work forces in the aviation industry...with 82 years behind us. That ...will not be lost just so a few at the TOP (including that scourge that holds our company hostage) can cash out from our sacrifices.

I for one will do all that one person can (silly me, with ancient D.C. connections) to see that the NORTHWEST name and enterprise does not disappear, I do not think I am alone.

I am just a dumb NORTHWEST FA with a grad. finishing Law, bitter that I am @ Berkerly vs. Yale (I only like snow for skiing). Northwest will NOT be swallowed up with out a battle....in Washington.

I'm glad you're proud of your company. You're right, it would be very sad to see the NW name dissapear. The history will never dissapear and the combined compay would be NW in a large part. You could argue that even if the NW name dissapears, it's DL that has been swallowed up by Richard Anderson and the NW mafia. The man who heart was DL (Whitehurst) was sent out to pasture by the creditors probably because he would be an obstacle to this plan.

I've worked at both companies (short time at NW) and I know there are great people there. From an employee perspective however this merger is not going to be a good deal for the DL people. The employees here, across the board, have given an immeasurable amount to help this company survive and set it up for a bright future, as have yours. No offense, but from everything from bases to equipment and pay, NW really brings little to the table for the DL employee to be happy about or look forward to. When I worked there the place was chocked full of commuters who may want to clog up the, not so arguably, better DL bases. Career stagnation all around for DL people unless you want to start commuting to Minny or DTW. Talk about a quality of life hit. I live in So Cal and have many NW friends who would love to trade that MSP or ANC commute for a cozy spot in LAX flying bigger airplanes for more money. I don't see that too many DL peole would be hammering down the doors at DTW, MSP, or MEM.

I see a company in turmoil for many years if this merger occurs. It's much bigger than any airline merger before it. The drivers of this will do or say anything for a profit and we'll be left holding the bag. I would love to see that battle in Washington. Let's hope that both companies are not weakened by the singular focus on the merger instead of our product. Either way, we are mostly just along for the ride and will have to deal with what ever is handed to us.
I'm glad you're proud of your company. You're right, it would be very sad to see the NW name dissapear. The history will never dissapear and the combined compay would be NW in a large part. You could argue that even if the NW name dissapears, it's DL that has been swallowed up by Richard Anderson and the NW mafia. The man who heart was DL (Whitehurst) was sent out to pasture by the creditors probably because he would be an obstacle to this plan.

I've worked at both companies (short time at NW) and I know there are great people there. From an employee perspective however this merger is not going to be a good deal for the DL people. The employees here, across the board, have given an immeasurable amount to help this company survive and set it up for a bright future, as have yours. No offense, but from everything from bases to equipment and pay, NW really brings little to the table for the DL employee to be happy about or look forward to. When I worked there the place was chocked full of commuters who may want to clog up the, not so arguably, better DL bases. Career stagnation all around for DL people unless you want to start commuting to Minny or DTW. Talk about a quality of life hit. I live in So Cal and have many NW friends who would love to trade that MSP or ANC commute for a cozy spot in LAX flying bigger airplanes for more money. I don't see that too many DL peole would be hammering down the doors at DTW, MSP, or MEM.

I see a company in turmoil for many years if this merger occurs. It's much bigger than any airline merger before it. The drivers of this will do or say anything for a profit and we'll be left holding the bag. I would love to see that battle in Washington. Let's hope that both companies are not weakened by the singular focus on the merger instead of our product. Either way, we are mostly just along for the ride and will have to deal with what ever is handed to us.

I side with N*NW on this one. NW brings a lot to the table. You do bring a good point- how many NW aircrew commute from FLA? Just to avoid the coooold. And taxes. Looks like competition for jumpseats out of MCO and TPA is gonna get fierce.
I'm glad you're proud of your company. You're right, it would be very sad to see the NW name dissapear. The history will never dissapear and the combined compay would be NW in a large part. You could argue that even if the NW name dissapears, it's DL that has been swallowed up by Richard Anderson and the NW mafia. The man who heart was DL (Whitehurst) was sent out to pasture by the creditors probably because he would be an obstacle to this plan.

I've worked at both companies (short time at NW) and I know there are great people there. From an employee perspective however this merger is not going to be a good deal for the DL people. The employees here, across the board, have given an immeasurable amount to help this company survive and set it up for a bright future, as have yours. No offense, but from everything from bases to equipment and pay, NW really brings little to the table for the DL employee to be happy about or look forward to. When I worked there the place was chocked full of commuters who may want to clog up the, not so arguably, better DL bases. Career stagnation all around for DL people unless you want to start commuting to Minny or DTW. Talk about a quality of life hit. I live in So Cal and have many NW friends who would love to trade that MSP or ANC commute for a cozy spot in LAX flying bigger airplanes for more money. I don't see that too many DL peole would be hammering down the doors at DTW, MSP, or MEM.

I see a company in turmoil for many years if this merger occurs. It's much bigger than any airline merger before it. The drivers of this will do or say anything for a profit and we'll be left holding the bag. I would love to see that battle in Washington. Let's hope that both companies are not weakened by the singular focus on the merger instead of our product. Either way, we are mostly just along for the ride and will have to deal with what ever is handed to us.

Kudos 757!! I'm 100% with you. I hope this thing falls apart and everyone goes back to their corner.
Maybe the feds will throw DL/NW/AF/KL an ATI consolation prize to keep them happy.
One can only hope 😉
I hope this thing falls apart and everyone goes back to their corner.

Hell to the NAW! This thing better go through or King Richard Anderson will take it out on US!!! He will punish us non-union, non-contract, non-pilot employees! :lol:
No offense, but from everything from bases to equipment and pay, NW really brings little to the table for the DL employee to be happy about or look forward to. When I worked there the place was chocked full of commuters who may want to clog up the, not so arguably, better DL bases. Career stagnation all around for DL people unless you want to start commuting to Minny or DTW. Talk about a quality of life hit. I live in So Cal and have many NW friends who would love to trade that MSP or ANC commute for a cozy spot in LAX flying bigger airplanes for more money. I don't see that too many DL peole would be hammering down the doors at DTW, MSP, or MEM.

I agree with this statement except for maybe the west coast and HNL. NW has larger bases with more flying in SFO, HNL and SEA. I would not really include LAX because internationally there is just the once daily to NRT now, right?
But all in all, I think only the west coast air crews would benefit from the merger. Over the past 10 years, DL has closed PDX, SEA (it reopened last year as a very small, limited satellite base) and whittled down LAX to the nubs, stopping service from LAX-NRT, NGO, HKG and FRA, not to mention western Canada and old WAL routes up and down the west coast.
On the NW side, you are correct. I'm sure many would find relief in DL's FL bases and other warmer climates that they may have commuted from for years.
One more thing, let's please stop the "my airline is better than yours" thing. It's so juvenile. Both have great things about them and both have less attractive features. It's really just wasted energy, don't you think?