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DL Pilots Union Open to Arbitration


Sep 13, 2006
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Delta pilots union open to arbitration with Northwest pilots

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Published on: 04/21/08

The pilots union chairman at Delta Air Lines said Monday that he would be open to "expedited arbitration" with Northwest's pilots to reach an agreement on combining the two unions before the merger deal is completed.

In a message to pilots, Delta union Chairman Lee Moak said the union wants to ink a single labor contract with Northwest's pilots before the airlines close on their merger agreement, possibly by the end of this year. He said the union will also try to agree on how to merge their seniority lists through arbitration, if necessary.

"We will continue to pursue a single joint contract with full parity for the Northwest pilots to take effect at the close of the corporate transaction," Moak said in the message to the Atlanta carrier's pilots. "We are also committed to the premise that seniority integration should be accomplished after negotiation of the single joint contract ... and, if necessary, expedited arbitration to be completed" by the closing of the deal.

Ok if I recall correctly all of the terms pay, benefits, were agreed upon between both ALPA groups. The only sticking point was the seniority list.

NW says they wanted arbitration DL supposedly walked away from it. Not all the details were released but perhaps DL did not like the arbitrartor NW wanted. Why would they go for something now that they turned down before.

Either way if this works and both pilot groups come out in support of the merger Oberstar will not look so hot for the hearing on Thursday.