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NW/DL Pilots Reach Agreement


Sep 13, 2006
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Pilots union plans for airlines' merger
Northwest, Delta may join forces


Leaders of the union representing 11,100 pilots at Northwest Airlines Corp. and Delta Air Lines Inc. have reached an agreement on consolidating the two groups of workers under a merged carrier, sources close to the matter said Monday.

It outlines terms for combining the pilots' seniority lists, as well as calls for a pilots' representative on the board and an equity stake in the merged airline.

The plan addresses most of the pilots' concerns and removes a major hurdle to a Delta-Northwest merger.

The agreement between the Delta and Northwest chapters of the Air Line Pilots Association -- the only union representing employees at both airlines -- will be presented Wednesday at a scheduled meeting of Delta's board in New York, the sources said.

Questiion...At airports where Delta Connection is contract labor (i.e. SkyWest/ASA) and Northwest Airlink is wholly owned Mesaba, will the wholly owned Mesaba take over the airport ground operations and move ASA/SkyWest out since they are just contract help? Anyone know anything yet?
Questiion...At airports where Delta Connection is contract labor (i.e. SkyWest/ASA) and Northwest Airlink is wholly owned Mesaba, will the wholly owned Mesaba take over the airport ground operations and move ASA/SkyWest out since they are just contract help? Anyone know anything yet?



A Fair question !

When "this thing" happens(and it will happen soon) is going to have MAJOR ramifications throughout the Industry.(this is HARDLY going to be a NW/DL thing only)

To best describe what will happen nationwide,................Think of the Movie(with Peirce Brosnon).."DANTE'S PEAK".
Think how Gullable all the people were.

Many old "Soothsayers"(Bob CRANDALL/AA comes to mind) were predicting "this" 15 years ago.

Good Luck, BUT Stay Tuned!
From what I understand, the pilots of both airlines are union. The other employees from f/as to others are non-union at delta and union in nwa.

The pilots agree...hooray!...where does this leave the other employees?

I base it on this!

From what I understand, the pilots of both airlines are union. The other employees from f/as to others are non-union at delta and union in nwa.

The pilots agree...hooray!...where does this leave the other employees?

I base it on this!


From AJC.com

"A longtime Delta pilot briefed on the talks said the plan created by union negotiators would give each pilot a $50,000 to $100,000 stake in the new company, but only if pilot unions for both airlines ratify the agreement."

That would amount to up to $1 billion, or 5 percent to 7 percent of the value of the new company, which would be paid out either in cash or stock.

Salaries for the Northwest pilots would rise 10 percent to 15 percent to bring them up to par with Delta pilots.

There are also plans to provide equity in the new airline for other union/non-union employees as well. Exactly how much and how soon is to be determined.
From AJC.com

"A longtime Delta pilot briefed on the talks said the plan created by union negotiators would give each pilot a $50,000 to $100,000 stake in the new company, but only if pilot unions for both airlines ratify the agreement."

That would amount to up to $1 billion, or 5 percent to 7 percent of the value of the new company, which would be paid out either in cash or stock.

Salaries for the Northwest pilots would rise 10 percent to 15 percent to bring them up to par with Delta pilots.

There are also plans to provide equity in the new airline for other union/non-union employees as well. Exactly how much and how soon is to be determined.

I am more concerned about the NWA pilots frozen defined benefit plan. DAL has no DB plan (terminated in bankruptcy) and I know sure as heck, DAL pilots don't want to fund that!