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hillary 2016

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Glenn Quagmire said:
Yep. All the people that were not going to vote for her are REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, not going to vote for her now.

And they are going to chat forums and posting cartoons and meme's reinforcing their position.

lol.  I agree.  I doubt many if any people will be swayed one way or the other by this investigation that were now swayed by the previous 7 investigations.  The GOP has spent how much money on this now?
HRC choking on her lies.
Either that or its just more hamana-hamana-hamana 
Glenn Quagmire said:
Yep. All the people that were not going to vote for her are REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, not going to vote for her now.

And they are going to chat forums and posting cartoons and meme's reinforcing their position.

Actually....here's why they are hurting themselves.  I wasn't planning on voting for Hillary if she's the candidate.  I wasn't going to vote a any republican candidate either, since the entire field is nothing but tax cuts and wars.  I could easily vote for Bernie or Biden.  I was planning on staying home on election day.  That's as good as a vote for the republicans.  BUT....after watching these republicans "talk tough" about emails and Benghazi...  And seeing how well SHE and the other democrats did - I believe that I WILL get out and vote.  Because, with all the problems, or perceive problems this country faces...the shitty economy, unemployment, the debt....all that stuff....the one thing that is the MOST important to the republicans is Bengahzi and emails.   And I believe that many more Americans will see that.  And vote accordingly. 
Ms Tree said:
lol.  I agree.  I doubt many if any people will be swayed one way or the other by this investigation that were now swayed by the previous 7 investigations.  The GOP has spent how much money on this now?
Since when have "spend-spend-spend" liberals been so concerned about spending money?
Still a lot less then Obama's numerous golf outings and vacations...
KCFlyer said:
Actually....here's why they are hurting themselves.  I wasn't planning on voting for Hillary if she's the candidate.  I wasn't going to vote a any republican candidate either, since the entire field is nothing but tax cuts and wars.  I could easily vote for Bernie or Biden.  I was planning on staying home on election day.  That's as good as a vote for the republicans.  BUT....after watching these republicans "talk tough" about emails and Benghazi...  And seeing how well SHE and the other democrats did - I believe that I WILL get out and vote.  Because, with all the problems, or perceive problems this country faces...the shitty economy, unemployment, the debt....all that stuff....the one thing that is the MOST important to the republicans is Bengahzi and emails.   And I believe that many more Americans will see that.  And vote accordingly. 
And you also believe in scary fictitious non-automatic-automatic weapons and gun show loopholes.
So then i guess you will fall for anything...
KCFlyer said:
Actually....here's why they are hurting themselves.  I wasn't planning on voting for Hillary if she's the candidate.  I wasn't going to vote a any republican candidate either, since the entire field is nothing but tax cuts and wars.  I could easily vote for Bernie or Biden.  I was planning on staying home on election day.  That's as good as a vote for the republicans.  BUT....after watching these republicans "talk tough" about emails and Benghazi...  And seeing how well SHE and the other democrats did - I believe that I WILL get out and vote.  Because, with all the problems, or perceive problems this country faces...the shitty economy, unemployment, the debt....all that stuff....the one thing that is the MOST important to the republicans is Bengahzi and emails.   And I believe that many more Americans will see that.  And vote accordingly. 
Her display today is also the best GOTV for the republicans as well.
So there's that.....
Hey townpete, when your hair is on fire, the worst thing you can do is run around in a screaming frenzy.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Yep. All the people that were not going to vote for her are REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, not going to vote for her now.

And they are going to chat forums and posting cartoons and meme's reinforcing their position.

First time shame on me, second time shame on you. Had the American public realized that the Obama Administration was using the IRS to deny legitimate Tea Party organizations their 501.3C status and at the same time the State Department lying to you and me about a terror attack that killed 4 American citizens, none of this would be going down. The lies and deceit that put Obama in office in 2012.
Is this political? You damn right it is!  Clinton's poll numbers have been in a dive because most decent people don't like being lied to.    
Knotbuyinit said:
First time shame on me, second time shame on you. Had the American public realized that the Obama Administration was using the IRS to deny legitimate Tea Party organizations their 501.3C status and at the same time the State Department lying to you and me about a terror attack that killed 4 American citizens, none of this would be going down. The lies and deceit that put Obama in office in 2012.
Is this political? You damn right it is!  Clinton's poll numbers have been in a dive because most decent people don't like being lied to.    
And yet the republican response has driven THIS voter to vote for her.  Here's the thing about scandals...before you spend millions digging into the scandals of the folks you don't like....you'd better make damn sure that YOUR guys are scandal free.  
KCFlyer said:
And yet the republican response has driven THIS voter to vote for her.  Here's the thing about scandals...before you spend millions digging into the scandals of the folks you don't like....you'd better make damn sure that YOUR guys are scandal free.  
Pretty sure you were going to vote for whatever demorat is on the menu.
You aint fooling nobody buttercup.
townpete said:
Pretty sure you were going to vote for whatever demorat is on the menu.
You aint fooling nobody buttercup.
I wasn't planning on voting for Hillary.  One reason was that if (when now) she is elected, it will be another 4 years of the republican "nyet" on anything, and probes into emails and maybe if we are lucky....facebook accounts.  They'd do it with any democrat that wins...but especially Hillary.  Look at the past 30 years.  When a democrat was the president, what did the republicans do?  8 years of investigations against Bill Clinton, a guy I didn't vote for either time, but I know a witch hunt when I see one.  Then we get Obama.  And there were "investigations" into his birth certificate...into his education...into his associations...and anything else was just nyet.   A lot of democrats didn't like Bush, but how many "investigations" did they conduct?  They conducted ONE against St "I can't recall" Ronnie.  Should the republicans win, I have a cartoon that you can use....it's from the roadrunner episode where the coyote finally catches the roadrunner
KCFlyer said:
I wasn't planning on voting for Hillary.  One reason was that if (when now) she is elected, it will be another 4 years of the republican "nyet" on anything, and probes into emails and maybe if we are lucky....facebook accounts.  They'd do it with any democrat that wins...but especially Hillary.  Look at the past 30 years.  When a democrat was the president, what did the republicans do?  8 years of investigations against Bill Clinton, a guy I didn't vote for either time, but I know a witch hunt when I see one.  Then we get Obama.  And there were "investigations" into his birth certificate...into his education...into his associations...and anything else was just nyet.   A lot of democrats didn't like Bush, but how many "investigations" did they conduct?  They conducted ONE against St "I can't recall" Ronnie.  Should the republicans win, I have a cartoon that you can use....it's from the roadrunner episode where the coyote finally catches the roadrunner
None of this would have happened if she and Obama hadn't concocted a lie to cover a terror attack on Barry's watch.
HC and Obama are the only reason this investigation went on so long.
FOIA requests by a citizen group shot the lock off this investigation rather than relying on State and Obama to provide timely info requests.
Right takes the WH, won't be any investigations.
You're going to be forced to accept Jesus, burn gays at the stake, and open your home to illegals for a modest tax write off.
delldude said:
None of this would have happened if she and Obama hadn't concocted a lie to cover a terror attack on Barry's watch.
HC and Obama are the only reason this investigation went on so long.
FOIA requests by a citizen group shot the lock off this investigation rather than relying on State and Obama to provide timely info requests.
Right takes the WH, won't be any investigations.
You're going to be forced to accept Jesus, burn gays at the stake, and open your home to illegals for a modest tax write off.
Exactly, they stonewalled the investigations from the very start in hopes it goes away.
Granted bonehead Boehner should have called for a select committee from the very start.
KCFlyer said:
I wasn't planning on voting for Hillary.  One reason was that if (when now) she is elected, it will be another 4 years of the republican "nyet" on anything, and probes into emails and maybe if we are lucky....facebook accounts.  They'd do it with any democrat that wins...but especially Hillary.  Look at the past 30 years.  When a democrat was the president, what did the republicans do?  8 years of investigations against Bill Clinton, a guy I didn't vote for either time, but I know a witch hunt when I see one.  Then we get Obama.  And there were "investigations" into his birth certificate...into his education...into his associations...and anything else was just nyet.   A lot of democrats didn't like Bush, but how many "investigations" did they conduct?  They conducted ONE against St "I can't recall" Ronnie.  Should the republicans win, I have a cartoon that you can use....it's from the roadrunner episode where the coyote finally catches the roadrunner
Are you seriously whining about how politics are played in Washington?
Where you born yesterday? 
Do you not recall all the hysterics and investigations liberals had under 8 years with GWB?
Apparently not.
Gimme a break already.
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