I wasn't planning on voting for Hillary. One reason was that if (when now) she is elected, it will be another 4 years of the republican "nyet" on anything, and probes into emails and maybe if we are lucky....facebook accounts. They'd do it with any democrat that wins...but especially Hillary. Look at the past 30 years. When a democrat was the president, what did the republicans do? 8 years of investigations against Bill Clinton, a guy I didn't vote for either time, but I know a witch hunt when I see one. Then we get Obama. And there were "investigations" into his birth certificate...into his education...into his associations...and anything else was just nyet. A lot of democrats didn't like Bush, but how many "investigations" did they conduct? They conducted ONE against St "I can't recall" Ronnie. Should the republicans win, I have a cartoon that you can use....it's from the roadrunner episode where the coyote finally catches the roadrunner