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Columnist: What's so interesting about Hillary?

Johnson got what, 2% of the vote? Paul won how may primaries? How many delegates? Libertarians have a few good ideas but they are buried by bat chit crazy ones. Rand Paul is a little less nuts than Ron Paul but that's like saying getting killed by a bus is better than getting killed by a car.
2% is a 400% increase in votes over the last cycle. Rand Paul would get about 40% of the vote were the election held today. These type of numbers are called a trend. Ron Paul was second in a great many primaries oft times polling well over 25%. The movement is growing and every blunder by Obama Lama Ding Dong (Think IRS, NSA, Snowden, Manning) people start to look around at options and right now Libertarians are looking pretty good. We have a long hard journey to become competitive nationally, but thanks to Dr Paul it's gotten a little easier. IF/When the international economy collapses under the weight of its own debt more people will look to Austrian economics, Ron/Rand Paul and the rest of us for answers. So we soldier on safe in the knowledge that whether you believe us now or not you can never un-hear what we say.
2% is a 400% increase in votes over the last cycle. Rand Paul would get about 40% of the vote were the election held today. These type of numbers are called a trend. Ron Paul was second in a great many primaries oft times polling well over 25%. The movement is growing and every blunder by Obama Lama Ding Dong (Think IRS, NSA, Snowden, Manning) people start to look around at options and right now Libertarians are looking pretty good. We have a long hard journey to become competitive nationally, but thanks to Dr Paul it's gotten a little easier. IF/When the international economy collapses under the weight of its own debt more people will look to Austrian economics, Ron/Rand Paul and the rest of us for answers. So we soldier on safe in the knowledge that whether you believe us now or not you can never un-hear what we say.

Yes and at a few percent a year they might win a election in a century or so.

40%? In what reality? Polls said Clinton would win the nomination and we see how that went. Polls said Romney would win the election. Not so much. I believe once Paul has to explain some of his positions he would go down in flames. I remember your 'great many' being more like a few. Like I said earlier. They have a few good ideas but are being drowned out by a whole lot of bat chit crazy.
Again, lots of ammunition being used to run against Bush.

Still nothing to show what she's actually accomplished.

Oh, that's right -- she cares about the middle class and union members.

Honestly, KC, I don't see either Hillary or Joe as being viable candidates in 2016. Biden hands down has more qualifications and experience than Clinton, but I can't see an old white guy or gal generating the same level of enthusiasm as Obama did. Boomers might like them, but it's the youth and minority vote that pushed Obama across the finish line, coupled with a lack of enthusiasm around Romney. The Millenials who pushed for Obama in 2008 won't be old enough to stay on their parents' health plans anymore, either...

But again, I ask, why is Clinton qualified? What has she accomplished?

The 2016 election cycle is still 18 months away, but bowing out now would at least allow for a proper field of candidates. Nobody would want to incur the wrath of the Clintons beforehand.

"Why is Hillary qualified" ?
Answer: Because she is eligible to run for the POTUS !

"What has she accomplished"
Answer: Like a LOT of other former POTUS's, probably not much.

Questions asked,........and ANSWERED !

But for you and yours, they're moot points.
Because your F'd-up Party has NO ONE who can/could/might....WIN ! At least 'sparrow's guys have an honest long shot, BUT again, for you and yours.............(Like DeNiro said in the 'Untouchables)......"YOU ?.....YOU GOT NOTHIN' " ! ! ! !

I mean, looking over the REPUG potential field,.....you Morons would be better off nominating .. BOZO the CLOWN. He'd stand a Better chance of getting in ! Your OWN REPUG Senator from AZ. is practically saying that the GOP is gonna go DOWN...AGAIN !

(And THAT eolesen m'boy is frosting your 'cookies' BIG TIME. Tell us Eric,...How does it FEEL to constantly be backing LOSERS ??? Inquiring minds want to know )

Considering I'm a registered independent, your bashing of one party vs. the other doesn't bother me either way, but everyone I voted for in November won the election in my state, and by large margins. Would have been nice to see Obama lose at the national level, but this is exactly what was predicted 60+ years ago in an Oklahoma newspaper:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.

Keep in mind this was on the heels of WW-II, and long before welfare and the Great Society...

McCain would probably lose a recall election tomorrow if someone cared enough to file for one. He was actually primaried in 2010, which is rare for a four term Senator, and only got 56% of the vote.

So far, the only qualities anyone has come up with to support Hillary is she's a woman with name recognition...
That's what W Bush did and it put him in the WH. Clinton is a strong woman and an inteligent woman. I think she would have a very good shot at the WH if she were to run.
You better hope she runs! Who is on the plan "B" list for the democrats if Clinton decides not to run?
Considering I'm a registered independent, your bashing of one party vs. the other doesn't bother me either way, but everyone I voted for in November won the election in my state, and by large margins. Would have been nice to see Obama lose at the national level, but this is exactly what was predicted 60+ years ago in an Oklahoma newspaper:

Keep in mind this was on the heels of WW-II, and long before welfare and the Great Society...

McCain would probably lose a recall election tomorrow if someone cared enough to file for one. He was actually primaried in 2010, which is rare for a four term Senator, and only got 56% of the vote.

So far, the only qualities anyone has come up with to support Hillary is she's a woman with name recognition...
The democrats have already provided the ammo against Hillary. Journey back to 2007 and dig up the dirt the Democrats used against Hillary to put a no-name, do-nothing empty suit into office.
You better hope she runs! Who is on the plan "B" list for the democrats if Clinton decides not to run?
The better question is what is the Republican's plan B. So far all they've got is a 10% approval rating in Congress and the Benghazi scandal. If Hillary DOESN'T run, what's plan B for the GOP?
The better question is what is the Republican's plan B. So far all they've got is a 10% approval rating in Congress and the Benghazi scandal. If Hillary DOESN'T run, what's plan B for the GOP?

KCF.....' Thier plan B ' ..... ?
Those SOB's haven't got a friggin' PLAN - A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You better hope she runs! Who is on the plan "B" list for the democrats if Clinton decides not to run?

Who knows. It's two years out. As I recall Clinton, Carter, Romney and various others were all unknows until the primaries hit.
And Bush said Reagans ideas were voo doo economics yet was his VP for two terms. Bush sabotaged McCain in 2000 in Carolina with a hateful flier about his adopted daughter. Candidates trash each other during the primaries and then make up after the dust settles. Welcome to American politics. Bush
The better question is what is the Republican's plan B. So far all they've got is a 10% approval rating in Congress and the Benghazi scandal. If Hillary DOESN'T run, what's plan B for the GOP?

So far the only names I have heard are Paul, Ryan and Cruze. Paul obviously does not have a chance no matter how much Sparow would like to believe other wise. Ryan needs to learn math and figure out how to stop being a misogynist before he can run. The right wingers will love him but the moderates (where the elections are won) will laugh him off the stage. Cruze is a bit of an unknown but with some of his comments here in TX I am pretty sure he is a lost cause as well.

Christie or Rubio would make it an interesting horse race but I do not think the republicans are that smart.
The better question is what is the Republican's plan B. So far all they've got is a 10% approval rating in Congress and the Benghazi scandal. If Hillary DOESN'T run, what's plan B for the GOP?
The answer to a question is always to ask another question then claim it to be the better question. Progressive Smart Power! As far as Congressional approval ratings, what kind of approval rating do the Democrats have?
According to this June Gallop poll, 8 points better,m 34% vs 26%

Just like a conservative to deny their own dirty laundry while pointing at others. The dems have Clinton till she or the voters say otherwise. The repubs have no one as of yet but it is 2 years out. So who cares?
Ryan needs to learn math
LOL, I guess Ryan needs to learn the "Progressive Smart Power" math used to formulate the "Affordable" Care Act.

[font=Lucida Grande']Just before the July 4 holiday, the Obama Administration[/font] announced[font=Lucida Grande'] that it had decided to delay enforcement of the PPACA’s employer mandate, despite the lack of clear legal authority for this move. [/font][font=Lucida Grande']Last week, the CBO released its [/font]initial assessment[font=Lucida Grande'] of this decision. According to the CBO, delaying enforcement of the mandate will [/font]cost $12 billion[font=Lucida Grande'] in 2014 — both by reducing federal revenues and increasing federal spending — and result in[/font] 1 million fewe[font=Lucida Grande']r people having employer-based health insurance coverage.[/font]

Math, Obama style!
What unemployment rate is Ryan's budget plan based on? When was the last time US unemployment was at that rate?

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