Dog Wonder
Tell us about it.townpete said:
Do you not recall all the hysterics and investigations liberals had under 8 years with GWB?
Tell us about it.townpete said:
Do you not recall all the hysterics and investigations liberals had under 8 years with GWB?
Dog Wonder said:Tell us about it.
townpete said:
Are you seriously whining about how politics are played in Washington?
Where you born yesterday?
Do you not recall all the hysterics and investigations liberals had under 8 years with GWB?
Apparently not.
Gimme a break already.
KCFlyer said:
You're right...I can't think of any. Could you give me one to refresh my memory? For Bill Clinton, we had Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster 'murder', Troopergate, Lewinsky, cocaine dealing....So please name one investigation that the liberals conducted under Bush.
Glenn Quagmire said:Yep. All the people that were not going to vote for her are REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, not going to vote for her now.
And they are going to chat forums and posting cartoons and meme's reinforcing their position.
^Also this^KCFlyer's why they are hurting themselves. I wasn't planning on voting for Hillary if she's the candidate. I wasn't going to vote a any republican candidate either, since the entire field is nothing but tax cuts and wars. I could easily vote for Bernie or Biden. I was planning on staying home on election day. That's as good as a vote for the republicans. BUT....after watching these republicans "talk tough" about emails and Benghazi... And seeing how well SHE and the other democrats did - I believe that I WILL get out and vote. Because, with all the problems, or perceive problems this country faces...the shitty economy, unemployment, the debt....all that stuff....the one thing that is the MOST important to the republicans is Bengahzi and emails. And I believe that many more Americans will see that. And vote accordingly.
KCFlyer said:
You're right...I can't think of any. Could you give me one to refresh my memory? For Bill Clinton, we had Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster 'murder', Troopergate, Lewinsky, cocaine dealing....So please name one investigation that the liberals conducted under Bush.
southwind said:Problem is, I doubt the black vote turnout will be even close to what BaRack had and if you want to see a power hungry liar-in-chief , who would sell their soul to sit in the WH, vote Hitlery!
KCFlyer said:
You're right...I can't think of any. Could you give me one to refresh my memory? For Bill Clinton, we had Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster 'murder', Troopergate, Lewinsky, cocaine dealing....So please name one investigation that the liberals conducted under Bush.
700UW said:Even the right wing conservatives say Hillary is too smart for the republicans!
700UW said:Even the right wing conservatives say Hillary is too smart for the republicans!