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Hillary picks up very surprising newspaper endorsements.

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Won't matter a hill of beans, Hildabeast is done. Newspapers are about dead anyway.
A little late to the party on the endorsement topic... we discussed the DMN weeks ago.

The AZ Republic has been a liberal rag for years -- they were huge fans of Janet Napolitano before she quit to join Obama's cabinet.

FWIW, the DMN supposedly got slammed by subscription cancellations after they endorsed Hillary.
eolesen said:
A little late to the party on the endorsement topic... we discussed the DMN weeks ago.

The AZ Republic has been a liberal rag for years -- they were huge fans of Janet Napolitano before she quit to join Obama's cabinet.

FWIW, the DMN supposedly got slammed by subscription cancellations after they endorsed Hillary.
They were most likely going to cancel their subscriptions anyways.  After all, Texans voted for Ted Cruz for Senate - not much of a chance of them going for Hillary, even if she IS better by a long shot than Trump.  And that's not a compliment to Hillary. 
eolesen said:
The AZ Republic has been a liberal rag for years -- they were huge fans of Janet Napolitano before she quit to join Obama's cabinet.
"Since The Arizona Republic began publication in 1890, we have never endorsed a Democrat over a Republican for president. Never. This reflects a deep philosophical appreciation for conservative ideals and Republican principles.
This year is different."
Since AZ is home for me and being born and raised there I've seen first hand that AZ Republic subcribers have dwindled for years. The company is grasping at straws and is hoping more BIG government can save them. Once again though BIG government isn't the solution it's the PROBLEM!

90 percent of the media is in the tank for Killary. It all comes down to the media and government take care of eachother behind closed doors.
What I find so odd about this entire trump phenomenon is that people actually say, and seem to convince themselves, that he is a conservative. These same people have labeled his cheif supporters RINO'S (and worse for conservative name calling) in the past. Yet here we are with these same people acting like he is the messiah sent to save them.

I look forward to eolesen giving us the predictions. It must really hurt him to know that NHBB'S has been so right, while he has been so wrong about any and all of his election forecasts.

It was refreshing to see eric defend the lack of preparation of trump. It was even more odd hearing the campaign manager of the republican nominee saying that the Democratic nominee was "over-prepared".

The last thing we want in a world leader is someone who prepares for situations.
You still don't get it Glenn do you? Most aren't supporting Trump because of Trump. They're suportingTrump because of Hillary! 
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