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hillary 2016

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southwind said:
Rawstory.com.........Just another progressive libtard rag! Sorry if I pass on reading yours and theirs garbage!
southwind said:
Rawstory.com.........Just another progressive libtard rag! Sorry if I pass on reading yours and theirs garbage!
lol Liberal's still under the illusion Scarbourough is some sort of conservative and speaks for the base.

All I know know is that liberals have an inordinate amount of butthurt over what happen yesterday.

If they "won" as they say they sure aren't acting like it.
townpete said:
Did you even bother to look?
Didn't think so.....
Fact is liberals where in full meltdown for the duration of GWB term.
So saying that "you can't think of any" is another intellectually dishonest statement.  
Which one of any of those investigations was carried out with as much zeal as Benghai?  
delldude said:
I'd be inclined to wait and see what the American voters have to say.
One has to admit, the dems looked like little school children on a play ground squabbling over candy.
And Jim Jordan looked like the schoolyard bully trying to roll kids for lunch money.   I'm also inclined to hear what the American votesw has to say.  If what some of the folks I heard at work today are typical - this sideshow was a huge failure for th GOP.  One gal even said it moved her to want to campaign door to door for HIllary.  
KCFlyer said:
Which one of any of those investigations was carried out with as much zeal as Benghai?  
That's not what you asked.

KCFlyer said:
You're right...I can't think of any.  Could you give me one to refresh my memory?  For Bill Clinton, we had Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster 'murder', Troopergate, Lewinsky, cocaine dealing....So please name one investigation that the liberals conducted under Bush.

Asked and answered. Its your perception there is more "zeal" because you're just hypersensitive to your dear liberal leader(s)  
Now if you are still butthurting over the Hildabeast smackdown yesterday, then that's your problem.
But i do recall anything Bush did got waaaaaaaaaaay more airtime and exposure then any investigations the GOP have done.
For one example remember the fictitious 60 Minutes Bush guard story, that was on a 24/7 news cycle.
Benghazi? Lamestream media: Meh
GOP: Obama/Hilary lied about Benghazi.

Media: No, they were just confused

GOP: Here's evidence they lied.

Media: This is partisan.
townpete said:
That's not what you asked.
Asked and answered. Its your perception there is more "zeal" because you're just hypersensitive to your dear liberal leader(s)  
Now if you are still butthurting over the Hildabeast smackdown yesterday, then that's your problem.
But i do recall anything Bush did got waaaaaaaaaaay more airtime and exposure then any investigations the GOP have done.
For one example remember the fictitious 60 Minutes Bush guard story, that was on a 24/7 news cycle.
Benghazi? Lamestream media: Meh
GOP: Obama/Hilary lied about Benghazi.

Media: No, they were just confused

GOP: Here's evidence they lied.

Media: This is partisan.
I can't think of one that had every democrat in congress crying for him to testify.  Which one did that.  Every president has oversight committee issues...which one of the Bush investigations came close to the effort that has been put into the Benghazi "scandal". 
But spin it any way you want....it did more for Hillary than it did for he GOP.  In fact, it may well be the BEST campaign ad for her campaign.  My only regret is that it cost taxpayers almost $5 million to produce. 
KCFlyer said:
Which one of any of those investigations was carried out with as much zeal as Benghai?  
Many of the investigations regarding Obama were personal, not regarding his administration.  Same thing with Benghazi, it's personal.  The investigations with Bush were against the administration, not him personally.  Big difference.  What's more, this is against a former SoS, not a sitting president.  No one went after Powell or Rice in this manner.
KCFlyer said:
I can't think of one that had every democrat in congress crying for him to testify.  Which one did that.  Every president has oversight committee issues...which one of the Bush investigations came close to the effort that has been put into the Benghazi "scandal". 
But spin it any way you want....it did more for Hillary than it did for he GOP.  In fact, it may well be the BEST campaign ad for her campaign.  My only regret is that it cost taxpayers almost $5 million to produce. 
Well for one there was the Valarie Plame scandal that actually landed someone in jail. Remember Scooter Libby? That's kind of a big deal.
Your memory is short my friend.
Ms Tree said:
Many of the investigations regarding Obama were personal, not regarding his administration.  Same thing with Benghazi, it's personal.  The investigations with Bush were against the administration, not him personally.  Big difference.  What's more, this is against a former SoS, not a sitting president.  No one went after Powell or Rice in this manner.
More butthurt spin....
Here's another biggie, doesn't get anymore personal then this:

Efforts to impeach George W. Bush
During the presidency of George W. Bush, several American politicians sought to either investigate Bush for allegedly impeachable offenses, or to bring actual impeachment charges on the floor of the United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee. The most significant of these efforts occurred on June 10, 2008, when Congressman Dennis Kucinich, along with co-sponsor Robert Wexler, introduced 35 articles of impeachment
townpete said:
Well for one there was the Valarie Plame scandal that actually landed someone in jail. Remember Scooter Libby? That's kind of a big deal.
Your memory is short my friend.
Looks like they had their ducks in a row when they investigated that.  Didn't take 3 years to do it...saw it...questioned it, investigated it...and were proven right.  NOW...had they NOT found anything on Darth or Scooter....would they have pursued it from a different angle....17 times?  Nope.  Democrats are just too damn nice.  
KCFlyer said:
Looks like they had their ducks in a row when they investigated that.  Didn't take 3 years to do it...saw it...questioned it, investigated it...and were proven right.  NOW...had they NOT found anything on Darth or Scooter....would they have pursued it from a different angle....17 times?  Nope.  Democrats are just too damn nice.  
That's just your opinion looking thru your liberal lens.
Everything Bush = Evil+Guilty
Everything Obama/Hildabeast/Any Liberal Politician = Innocent+Unicorns+Rainbows
townpete said:
That's just your opinion looking thru your liberal lens.
Everything Bush = Evil+Guilty
Everything Obama/Hildabeast/Any Liberal Politician = Innocent+Unicorns+Rainbows
You'd be wrong there.  I didn't vote for Bush in 2000, but when the supreme court named him president, I didnt' *****.  After 9/11, I, and about 99% of the rest of Americans were behind him.  Then came Iraq.  And the way he got us into that war....we have to act NOW....we don't want the smoking gun to come in the form of a mushroom cloud....an attack on us is imminent....and after his administration ignored the advice of guys who actually made a career out of the military by sending in a fraction of the troops that they recommended...after ignoring some of our allies...and once troops were committed, telling the soldiers that "you fight with the army you've got"...only to find that they weren't nearly the threat we thought they were.  The nearest he came to admitting that was when he joked around and looked under a sofa saying "those WMD's have to be around here somewhere"....he SHOULD have been tried for treason.   But he wasn't.  AFter all that....he kind of lost me. 
KCFlyer said:
I can't think of one that had every democrat in congress crying for him to testify.  Which one did that.  Every president has oversight committee issues...which one of the Bush investigations came close to the effort that has been put into the Benghazi "scandal". 
But spin it any way you want....it did more for Hillary than it did for he GOP.  In fact, it may well be the BEST campaign ad for her campaign.  My only regret is that it cost taxpayers almost $5 million to produce. 
Ahh but it confirmed and reenforced, beyond a reasonable shadow of a doubt her lies and obsfucation.
Can't wait to see the political ads. 
delldude said:
Ahh but it confirmed and reenforced, beyond a reasonable shadow of a doubt her lies and obsfucation.
Can't wait to see the political ads. 
It did to you and other right wingers.  The rest of the voters (the majority) are still asking "what's the big deal".  I can't wait to see the political ads either.  If I were on Hillary's team, while the RNC is running Benghazi email smear campaigns, complete with the ominous cello music playing in the background ,  I would run something like...Morning in America. 
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