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Columnist: What's so interesting about Hillary?

Nope. Go read his budget proposal. His proposal based on fiction
LOL Do you hold this administration to the same standards you hold a Republican proposal? Where's that 5% unemployment rate? Where that economic recovery Obama brags about? 65% of jobs created in July were low paying, part time jobs. It's painfully obvious that the policies of this "Progressive Smart Power" administration are taking us in the wrong direction . . . !
the policies of this "Progressive Smart Power" administration are taking us in the wrong direction . . . !
None of the jobs programs proposed by the administration have been passed by the House.

Why not pass the policies he has proposed and let them fail as you say they will. You will then surely have the Presidency, House, and Senate come 2016.

Why would CNN and NBC run documentaries on Hillary Clinton?

I find it HILLARYous, that Republicans are threatening to boycott networks over this dribble. I say lets have a reality show called Clinton Friction, where Hill tries to show us how she'll fix the economy. In the mean time, Bill is in the corner EXHALING a joint while not having sex with some Wiener Woman! :lol:
LOL Do you hold this administration to the same standards you hold a Republican proposal? Where's that 5% unemployment rate? Where that economic recovery Obama brags about? 65% of jobs created in July were low paying, part time jobs. It's painfully obvious that the policies of this "Progressive Smart Power" administration are taking us in the wrong direction . . . !

They are two separate issues. Too answer your question regarding Obama, no I did not believe him. Did not believe he was going to close Gitmo, did not believe he would pull out of Iraq and end that war (we still have troops there) and a whole bunch of other stuff. Obama made promises which he had no hope of keeping. They all do that. I think a close equivalent would be the numbers for the AHA. I think they are grossly unrealistic.The issue with Ryan is that he is basing a proposed budget on an unemployment level that has not been seen since the Korean war. I believe he is basing it on 2% or 2.8% which is a fantasy.
Hillary Clinton, speaking at the American Bar Association's annual meeting in San Francisco Monday night, botched the name of civil rights icon Medgar Evers. The former secretary of state and first lady was recounting the story of one of her mentors, lawyer John Doar.
"In 1963, in Jackson, Mississippi, John stepped between angry protesters and armed police to prevent a potential massacre after the murder of Medgar Evans," said Clinton, who was referring to Medgar Evers, a civil rights activist who was murdered while walking into his home on June 12, 1963.
Democrat Senator has a hard time explaining what Hillary's message is...

Glenn Quagmire said:
None of the jobs programs proposed by the administration have been passed by the House.

Why not pass the policies he has proposed and let them fail as you say they will. You will then surely have the Presidency, House, and Senate come 2016.
Hard to negotiate with an administration that says;
"We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
- Barack Obama - 25 Oct 2010
Glenn Quagmire said:
None of the jobs programs proposed by the administration have been passed by the House.

Why not pass the policies he has proposed and let them fail as you say they will. You will then surely have the Presidency, House, and Senate come 2016.
And nothing proposed by the House have gone anywhere in the Senate.....so whats your point?
eolesen said:
A fairly good read...


My question to Bears and all the other Team Hillary cheerleaders...

What has she accomplished which makes her a good candidate for president in 2016?
You could say the same thing about George Bush and he was elected twice.  Lets face the facts though.  Being talked about as a front runner this early on is almost like a kiss of death as far as presidential aspirations go.  Bill Clinton was not on anyone's radar back in 1990.  Can anyone name who was the front runner back then?

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