700UW said:
Truetownpete said:Cummings will do everything short of dousing
himself in gasoline & lighting himself on fire
to keep anything Hillary says out of the news.
CactusPilot1 said:True
Trey Gowdy has called his BS today. That idiot is trying to obstruct the process because he does not want the truth to come out and sink Hillary. I think when it is all done, the libs will have to put out the fire by breaking the glass and reaching for Biden.
townpete said:
Exactly, the biggest bombshell was her secret emails reveal she KNEW the attack on Benghazi was a terror attack from the start.
Clinton told Egyptian PM next day: "We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack."
The other is her emails trashing Obama. Im sure that's not going to sit well with God-Mama-Obama Valerie Jarrett.
They are probably already plotting for Biden to reconsider...lol
Glenn Quagmire said:You really have your hair on fire over her.
Seek help for your obsession.
KCFlyer said:Don't look now, but I don't think she's getting destroyed. The only people the GOP is destroying is....themselves.