TWAnr said:
How many of those who were on OVL chose to quit rather than to fly?
First things first...Congratulations, Flyboy4U. I should be in the next recall as long as it's at least 138 flight attendants (No. I haven't really counted. Why do you ask?
😛 )
As far as the OVLs, as I said in an earlier post, I doubt that we will know the actual number of returning OVLs until maybe the middle of July. It is correct that there is no requirement that a person on OVL notify the company of their intention to return or not. Also, this return may be messy.
1. There are some who do not intend to return, but are not going to let the company know one way or the other.
2. There are some (I've heard) who have told the company that they are returning and have even scheduled training, but don't intend to show up. (The fact that this is wildly unfair to your fellow flight attendants does not seem to outweigh the inconvenience it might cause the company.)
3. There are those who want to return, but are physically too ill to work right now, or otherwise qualify for FMLA. The company would be on VERY shaky legal ground to deny them a medical or FMLA leave.
4. The re-training classes probably won't be over until the middle of July. You know, there is a possibility that some may return for the training and then change their minds.
My SWAG (scientific, wild-assed guess) is that as many as 500 may not return. I think this recall is the company hedging it's bets on the OVLs. I don't think they ever intended to make the recall a one-for-one with non-returning OVLs.
Next couple of months are going to be very interesting. Some of those returning may decide that the job is no longer their cuppa t.
Again, congrats to all the returnees.