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TransWorldONE said:
The last I heard there is a meeting with the EC over the uncounted/discounted votes tomorrow.
Regardless of the outcome "We" will be hated because we voted...anger should be directed at the majority of naatives that didn't care enough to vote. :down:
Your last sentence summed it all up perfectly. THE 50% THAT DID NOT VOTE.

This was pointed out personally to an individual by the ORD base chair (on the 4m) and never acknowledged.

I finally got caught up on 4m posts tonight and I am disgusted. It's all monkey hijinks at APFA HDQ at this point.

The faxed issues in question are the hard-copies (my understanding) of the Membership (let's say) enrollment, not voting ballots.

The hard copies you (nAAtives) filled out in initial training near the end (dues check-off, etc.)

I've personally found that the "testimonies" that affected me most were 4m confessions by Jeff Bott (during the initial voting) and George Price (after the EC meeting). These were by people who had no stake in outcomes, nothing to lose in the Union, politics-wise, they were done and gave their impressions.

Impressions that are sobering, to say the least.

I could go on and on, but it's bed-time.

Latest news about "As APFA Burns" is that a quorum was not available to settle the resolution addressing the unopened by apparantly legal ballots. This appears to be a purely political move designed to eliminate the risk that JW might not be the winner of the election. I guess we could say we have an indefinite gate hold.
Word is that only about 700+ have signed up for recall from OVL training. They must get trained soon or they cannot bid for July. There is time for the usual last minute people yet, but this sounds like good news for furloughees.
Don't hold your breath L1011

This company will do everything they can not to bring back any furloughees....With the recent flight reductions out of ORD 700 maybe all the company needs to sustain manning through the summer...It ought to be interesting to watch though.

What Unity?
Flyboy4u said:
Don't hold your breath L1011

This company will do everything they can not to bring back any furloughees....With the recent flight reductions out of ORD 700 maybe all the company needs to sustain manning through the summer...It ought to be interesting to watch though.
Although ORD service was reduced somewhat, flights must have been added elsewhere or there would have been an overall reduction in service; something which has not occurred.

Does anyone know the percentage that AA is expected to grow in 2005. I read somewhere - I thought 5 percent - but I could be wrong.

Can someone clear this up for me. Thanks
I haven't yet seen any forecast for growth in 2005, but 5% sounds plausible, and would mean the need for approximately 1000 additional FA's (not to mention pilots, agents, and other furloughees out there). I wouldn't expect to hear firm numbers for 2005 until this fall.

L1011Ret said:
Word is that only about 700+ have signed up for recall from OVL training. They must get trained soon or they cannot bid for July. There is time for the usual last minute people yet, but this sounds like good news for furloughees.
If they don't sign up here is what awaits them:

From the APFA Hotline:

1. All training must be scheduled by June 15th, and must be accomplished prior to the end of the leave if the Flight Attendant wishes to hold a July bid.

2. The company will plot training dates on your schedule once you return without your input.

3. Once you are deemed "qualification insufficient" (QI), you could immediately begin to lose bidding seniority.
So where does any of that above mentioned information state that a F/A not returning to work by July 1st on overage leave, lose thier job?
Flyboy4u said:
So where does any of that above mentioned information state that a F/A not returning to work by July 1st on overage leave, lose thier job?
The contract doesn't specifically state that. But then, it doesn't specifically state "any flight attendant who fails to show up for work for a month will be terminated" either. Believe me, anyone who doesn't report for work (or training) after an OVL is history; period.

Flyboy4u said:
So where does any of that above mentioned information state that a F/A not returning to work by July 1st on overage leave, lose thier job?
Ed, if yo are expecting a guarantee that people will be terminated, or an exact count today of how many people will not return from OVL, or the precise number of flight attendants who will retire before the Christmas travel season, or even a specified date that you will be recalled...

You are not going to get it. Wish you could because then I would have answers to the same questions, but it just doesn't work that way. We will be recalled, but when???? When we receive the notice of recall. That's the best that anyone can tell you.
Here is the response per the APFA:

Dear Ed,

John has asked me to help him with all of the emails he has received and yours was one of those. As you know the Company is bringing back all of the overage leaves July 1, 2004. This is good news for the furloughs because all OLOAs must be brought back before any furloughs can be recalled. The bad news is that there has been nothing said about recalling any furloughs at this time to APFA. The Company will notify APFA prior to recalling flight attendants. We are in hopes that this will be sooner rather than later. Thank you so much for the support and please know that John is fighting to get all furloughed flight attendants back to work a soon a possible. Please feel free to write or call anytime.

Juan Johnon

It was what I figuerd the response would be. However, I never thought the person who responded would be who it was. Didn't she just recently lose an election? Shoudn't she be opening some cans and cracking some ice?

P.S. Where is JW these days?

What Unity?

It's the old fraternity, Alpha Pi Phi Alpha at work. Somehow they still think they are in office.

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