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Have things been settled with the Ward chad counting or what is the status?
AAStew said:
Have things been settled with the Ward chad counting or what is the status?
The last I heard there is a meeting with the EC over the uncounted/discounted votes tomorrow.
Regardless of the outcome "We" will be hated because we voted...anger should be directed at the majority of naatives that didn't care enough to vote. :down:
Flyboy4u said:
I know of 3 F/A's already to date with understaffing pay. So if you sayflight are not going out understaffed again you are wrong. I agree seems like Eagle is and will be taking all domestic flying. As far as turning down a good job waiting for AA...Give me a break!! I havn't even considered that...What I am considering is enrolling into a Masters program at a local University. Now you see my situation..Its a shame that nobody can get any information out of this company but I guess this is one of the many reasons why AA is in the current situation

What Unity?
I hope you are not getting a masters in statistics. 3 FA's out of 17k? Not a very broad sampling.

Yes there are flights every now and then that go out understaffed. Probably due to a last min sick call or ES or ..... I have not had a flight go out understaffed on either of my bases since just after the new year.
TransWorldONE said:
regardless of the outcome "We" will be hated because we voted...anger should be directed at the majority of naatives that didn't care enough to vote. :down:
Not to discount your feelings, but I really don't think you will be hated, and if some do, please realize they are the few and not the majority. I sincerely hope to see you on the line someday.
Flyboy4u said:
Until you have walked in my shoes AAStew you don't know what testy is....I will enjoy my Masters program...You enjoy your 3day trip!

What Unity?

You will be recalled; it's a question of when. That "when" depends on a couple of items.

Item #1) How many of the OVL's will bail out?
Item #2) How many are waiting for the 777 arbitration payoff to bail?
Item #3) What are the company's plans for 2005?

We should know the answer to #1 in July, #21 by Nov, and the company normally announces plans for the next year in the fall of the previous year.

So, in my not so humble opinion, my advice to you is: If you want to fly, your worst case scenario is Spring of 2005; your best case scenario is just before xmas 2004.

All of the above is presuming there are no 9/11 type attacks on the transportation industry.

AAStew said:
Not to discount your feelings, but I really don't think you will be hated, and if some do, please realize they are the few and not the majority. I sincerely hope to see you on the line someday.
Thank you Stew for your graciousness.
AAStew said:
Not to discount your feelings, but I really don't think you will be hated, and if some do, please realize they are the few and not the majority. I sincerely hope to see you on the line someday.
I agree, Just like the 50% that didn't care to vote. Probably 90% don't care enough to hate anyone.
Back to the chad status. E-mail exchanges from attendees at the EC meeting suggest there are 16 TWA unopened ballots from the election. They were unopened due to some internal APFA procedures. According to e-mails, the APFA lawyer has stated the ballots are legal. Then too there are some other ballots in dispute. So what happens next is uncertain. But it appears that fighting over election results is far from over as is the election of the APFA President.
here is a tid bit-not to sure what it might add up to but it seems some good news on the manning logic from HDQ-

PVM pos 9 and 8 on JFK/MIA -BID for JUN

maybe the numbers can not be ignored any more-
this for summer-what happens over NOV/DEC?
When anyone hears anything on the APFA fiasco, will they post it? So thats 16 more votes for TH-B, it is FLA all over again, huh?
I would love to see Ward gone, but will he take it to the Supreme court? Ya never know!
AAStew said:
When anyone hears anything on the APFA fiasco, will they post it? So thats 16 more votes for TH-B, it is FLA all over again, huh?
I would love to see Ward gone, but will he take it to the Supreme court? Ya never know!
I can't imagine him giving up without a fight. Just what APFA needs...more legal fees to pay.
On another BB someone has posted DOL procedures for resolving disputed ballots. It appears from a fast reading that the disputed ballots shall remain unopened until an inquiry is completed to see if the ballots pass the union's requirement for a proper ballot. In this case, some individuals seeking to be members had faxed parts of the application process for membership. These ballots were disallowed although abpparantly APFA allows for such a process and by past practice has allowed such practice. Only after all internal union processes have been exhausted in efforts to resolve the dispute can the dispute be moved to another forum such as the DOL. Some posters here might have access to Base Chairs through phone or e-mail and might be able to shed more light on how resolution might occur.
AAStew said:
When anyone hears anything on the APFA fiasco, will they post it? So thats 16 more votes for TH-B, it is FLA all over again, huh?
I would love to see Ward gone, but will he take it to the Supreme court? Ya never know!
Here's what I was told...
Once it had been stated (by APFA legal counsel, I believe) that the unopened ballots were valid, Steve Ellis presented a Resolution that the ballots should be opened, counted, and the results combined with the previous results.

JW had already left to go to the fly-in in D.C. At the point that Steve presented his resolution, Ted Bedwell and Cheryl Walters got up and left the meeting denying a quorum for a vote.

I think the DOL is the next step.
jimntx said:
At the point that Steve presented his resolution, Ted Bedwell and Cheryl Walters got up and left the meeting denying a quorum for a vote.

I think the DOL is the next step.

What's Maggie's take on it?


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