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Flight Attendant Recalls In 2005

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
OK, with july/05 attrition numbers, where does that put the #1 LLC F/A , to be recalled ?? (in term of numbers)
The #1 TWA FA is now Jo Schuetz, and she's #99 on the list. Yours truly is #669.

kirkpatrick said:
The #1 TWA FA is now Jo Schuetz, and she's #99 on the list. Yours truly is #669.


Actually, I think Ms. Schuetz is #100 on the list. If you subtract the AA seniority number of the most senior furloughed f/a from Ms. Schuetz's AA seniority number, the result is 99 (19021 - 18922). However, that math excludes the most senior furloughee from the count of furloughees. (As an English major, I struggled with this math concept for years.)

If you subtract the seniority number of the most junior active flight attendant from Ms. Schuetz AA seniority number (19021 - 18921), the result is 100.

There are no missing seniority numbers on the published list. Interesting thing I noticed this morning about the seniority list on the APFA website...the date on the bottom of the page is 01June05. The seniority reshuffle was not run until late June.
I sure hope a recall happens soon. I am in danger of losing my part-time job due to Reassignments and Reschedules. I bid turns for a reason, however when they turn into 2days and 3 days...Something is really wrong.

What unity?
BTW...I just got off the phone with the APFA....Their position on this situation is the company can do WHATEVER they want to and yes your part-time job doesnt mean anything. I guess Reserve is just a term in the industry. It seems we ALL are on reserve. BTW? Why do we have a union? and Especially this one? Let me guess....maybe just so they can take our money for themselves. Hmmmm!

What Unity?
Flyboy4u said:
I sure hope a recall happens soon. I am in danger of losing my part-time job due to Reassignments and Reschedules. I bid turns for a reason, however when they turn into 2days and 3 days...Something is really wrong.

What unity?

If you are based in MIA or DFW, don't expect any relief anytime soon. According to my sources, both bases are "technically" overstaffed when comparing base roster vs. flying assigned to the base. However, if you compare flying assigned to the base vs. the number of f/as in each base who actually want to (and make themselves available to the company to) work on airplanes that have passengers on them, you get Option II open on the 3rd of the month and reassignment and rescheduling of working f/as.

That being said, the company is still wasting money and f/a resources on created sequences like the LAX f/a who was a VM on one of my flights last week. He's on availability in LAX. He was assigned a sequence that went like this (cross my heart and hope to die)...

Day One- DHD LAX-SFO, DHD SFO-DFW, work VM position DFW-AUS (my flight), long layover at Radisson downtown Austin.

Day Two- DHD AUS-DFW, DHD DFW-MIA, work transcon MIA-SFO, layover in SFO.

Day Three - DHD SFO-LAX.

15 hours of flight pay for working approx. 5.5 hours, plus hotels, plus cost of possible bumping of revenue passengers to accommodate all that A3 deadheading.
Flyboy4u said:
BTW? Why do we have a union? and Especially this one? Let me guess....maybe just so they can take our money for themselves. Hmmmm!

What Unity?

Oh, for heaven's sake! Get a grip! If you didn't have APFA, you might be spending that dues money on foolish things like food or clothing. :lol:
jimntx said:
Actually, I think Ms. Schuetz is #100 on the list.
I took it right from the pdf file on the APFA website. Hit Site Map| Furlough| Furlough List.

As for the date, I think it's contractually supposed to be the list effective June 1, even if it isn't run (or is run and checked a few times for accuracy) until later.

kirkpatrick said:
I took it right from the pdf file on the APFA website. Hit Site Map| Furlough| Furlough List.

As for the date, I think it's contractually supposed to be the list effective June 1, even if it isn't run (or is run and checked a few times for accuracy) until later.

My mistake. They used to have the most senior flight attendant on furlough marked in yellow. They've changed it to the most junior active flight attendant is now marked in yellow. You're right. Ms. Schuetz is now #99.
It isn't that big a deal. If they call back 100 F/A's then the TWA F/A's will start to be recalled. Too much debate regarding 1 number. Hopefully they will start to recall soon. I bet they will either do one large group or 2 small groups when it happens. IE original AA at one time and then later a Former TWA class. As they will need different training and probably won't be put togehter for that reason.
Up until now I have been optimistic about at least 1 recall this year. I am less so now. The company plans to ground at least 20 additional a/c after Labor Day. That would absorb the attrition y-t-d plus some.

Oil futures continue to be high. Futures for January, 2006 delivery closed at $66/bbl today! If oil remains above $50/bbl for much longer, not only will there be no recalls, I may be furloughed again. Unless oil prices come down, the company will have no choice except to cut back flying to the routes and frequencies that are "guaranteed" (as much as anything can be guaranteed right now) to make money. Fewer flights = fewer f/as.

This is particularly true if the attrition rate drops significantly. No one is more surprised than I at the drop in attrition for July. If the monthly attrition drops into this range, the company can go quite awhile using reassignments and rescheduling to cover the shortages. Expect to see uglier sequences on the September bid sheet. (I know. I know. I mean uglier than they already are! The mind boggles! :lol: :shock: :lol: )
Any links to where you found the information about 20 planes being grounded? And what type? S80, 777, A300? I saw no press releases, nor did I read any HI6's with this info. Inquiring minds want to know. Besides Labor day is less than a month away. Schedules are still in Sabre and the pilots start bidding soon, if they haven't already for Sep.
jimntx said:
The company plans to ground at least 20 additional a/c after Labor Day. That would absorb the attrition y-t-d plus some.


I have to question this as well. Can you back this statement up with a link or something? I have heard nothing about 20 planes being grounded after Labor Day and usually we would have heard something from the company or at least the pilot group by now.
You haven't read anything because nothing has been posted anywhere. The company does not plan to brag about this. Let's just say I have a source that has never been anything but honest with me.

My source said that the grounding was announced in a staff meeting over a month ago.
A few weeks ago,I had posted this question about the grounding of ac on the apfa.org website under the rumor control link. As of today, no response from APFA reg. this issue. Am I correct in assuming that if it were not true, then they would refute this either on the weekly hotline or post me a personal email.
I've kept my ear to the ground on this as well, and can't find anything to support the post-Labor Day rumor.

I can confirm that seven of the ex-TW S80's airframes (already harvested for parts/engines) now in ROW are for sale (if not already sold). Also, five of the non-ER 762's which were in storage have been sold in flyable condition.

I never expected any of those 42 aircraft to come back, but perhaps someone else did?

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