Finally got through to you.
So hypocrite. How does your statement stand up to the east pilot/usapa concept that DOH is the "gold standard" and ONLY way to integrate seniority?
So if every SLI stands independently you are admitting that in the merger between east and west Nicolau could have gotten the facts and the list right?
That the east pilots delaying 5 years because you did not like the outcome was a waste of time and huge loss of money. Because each SLI turns on it's own facts.
Gee, I'm not too sure what you are trying to say here.
No, I am not, "admitting that in the merger between east and west Nicolau could have gotten the facts and the list right", clearly he didn't, if he had, it would be in use today, which it is not. The result of the NIC is that the pilots, their contracts and the aircraft they fly, to this day, have NEVER been "merged", yes or no?
The circumstances in effect at the time of the "attempted" merger of the AWA and AAA pilots, aircraft and contracts were such that Nicolau's "proposed" solution, was "stillborn" and still is, dead is dead! You can prop up its corpse in the corner and throw a big "Weekend at Bernie's" party to your hearts content, doesn't bring it back to life!
Could Nicolau have gotten the "list" right (or at least to the point where the majority would ratify it)?, sure. The fact of the matter is that he did not, had he, we would not be where we are today, which by the way is indeed, where we are. Three list
s, three fleets and three contracts, all of which will eventually be "merged" in accordance with the MOU that we ALL ratified. Which, by the way, will enable all of us to achieve an industry standard contract (OK, in a few years), working for the World's largest airline, with consequently considerably enhanced job security. Will all of us then be in a "better place" than we ever thought we would be when we went to work for either AWA or AAA? I think so and I also think that that would constitute a "legitimate union purpose" or would you prefer to just go back the "good old days" at Americaworst or Useless Airways? I know I wouldn't.
By the way, it will end up closer to 10 years, of being "banished" to the desert. Will it have been worth it at that point for you? It will have been for me, as a "long suffering" East 75/76 F/O, having ALWAYS been paid more than my West counterpart. Isn't it great that thanks to the MOU, we are now at equal rates of pay? Don't forget to bid the 75 on your next equipment bid.