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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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So what! Every SLI is independent, stands on it's own and results from the specifics in play at the companies involved, at that point in time. You seem to think that other SLI's automatically form the basis or "formula" for how those that follow will turn out. Hogwash!

Finally got through to you.

So hypocrite. How does your statement stand up to the east pilot/usapa concept that DOH is the "gold standard" and ONLY way to integrate seniority?

So if every SLI stands independently you are admitting that in the merger between east and west Nicolau could have gotten the facts and the list right?

That the east pilots delaying 5 years because you did not like the outcome was a waste of time and huge loss of money. Because each SLI turns on it's own facts.
... as astutely as the East flys airplanes.

Spare us all any AWA "ace pilot" fantasies son. I've already had enough laughs for the day, and you likely don't amount to a pimple on a rat's arse in any case. You're personally far too hopelessly pathetic to even accept a purely recreational flying wager. I take it you've not changed your mind on the wager, oh mighty "spartan"? 🙂 Sigh! Why don't you just stop by the APA's chat threads and explain to them the awesome superiority of your AWA ilk, especially yourself, of course, and don't forget to make light of their many aircraft tragedies while you're there. I'm sure they'll be equally "impressed" with you. 😉

"Stupid is as stupid does."
i can live with that, but be advised snap; you were dangerously close to encroaching on Sylvester level territory earlier, by way of going Steve Martin. 🙂

Please, please don't unleash the dogs!

You have to admit, Steve Martin comes from the best days of SNL.
Man Marty is beating usapa like a red headed step child. Another whoopin today.

First, in the New York Adversary, USAPA does not name as a Defendant these
Plaintiffs or any West Pilot. Rather, it names an entity—Leonidas, LLC—that exists
merely to collect contributions to defray the expenses of defending the Nicolau Award.
Leonidas has no standing to stop anything.

Second, the Bankruptcy Court does not have jurisdiction to decide the New York
Adversary if there are no claims involving the Debtor. See, generally, Stern v. Marshall,
564 U.S. ___, 131 S.Ct. 2594 (2011). The Debtor American Airlines (“AMR&rdquo😉 is making
no claims. Indeed, there is no reason to think that AMR wants to delay the pilot seniority
integration process between the American and US Airways pilots.

Third, as a non-debtor, USAPA does not have standing to assert, as it does in the
New York Adversary, that someone is violating the automatic stay. The right to make an
automatic stay claim is property of the debtor’s estate. It belongs to AMR. It cannot be
asserted by someone else without express authorization by the bankruptcy court.
Consequently, by asserting such a claim, USAPA is violating the automatic stay itself. Cf.
In re Curry & Sorensen, Inc., 57 B.R. 824, 827 (B.A.P. 9th Cir. 1986) (asserting
avoidance claim violates stay).

USAPA cannot prevail in the New York Adversary. At best (and this is what it
really wants) all it can do is create a distraction that delays a final resolution of the DFR
claim here. That is something USAPA has done for the past five years and plans to
continue until stopped.

Marty did ask politely that Shamaski withdraw the NY litigation. Penalties and fines may be in order.
One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong, Can you tell which thing is not like the others. By the time I finish my song? Everybody, now....

Two of them look kind of wooden.
There is no vote on the JCBA under the MOU.

I disagree. And will not go into it here other than a couple of observations.

The ENTIRE JCBA would have to go to arbitration for there to be no vote. Not going to happen.

Same with the SLI. APA may be foolish enough to go to arbitration on parts of the list integration, but they will NOT turn over the entire process to arbitration. Count on that.

Yep! Just checking in. Same people, same subjects, nothing new.

You remind me of someone in my extended family. I walk in on him watching Jerry Springer. For 10 minutes he keeps telling me he "cannot believe people watch this crap." Yet never changes the channel.

And saying there is nothing new only makes you seem tragically uninformed. Only a Merger going on that will change all our lives, and create the largest airline in the world.

One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong, Can you tell which thing is not like the others. By the time I finish my song? Everybody, now....

[font="Arial""]I give. They all seem the same to me. Shiny exteriors, a lot of noise, expensive to operate, and hot air exiting from some point in their structure.[/font]

[font=Arial"]I give. They all seem the same to me. Shiny exteriors, a lot of noise, expensive to operate, and hot air exiting from some point in their structure.[/font]


Yes, but the hot air exits toward the rear on only one of them.
Clear, you keep asking why we delay.
the answer is because you guys didn't want to work out a deal at Wye and now we will use any an all means to protect ourselves from the draconian results of the NIC>

that will include, delay, separate ops, bleeing you dry of money, the courts and any other means possible to ignore the NIC.
have a good day.
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