As I have said, when it finally sinks in with the West Class they have actually voted away even the perception of NIC, look for the offers, ideas, suggestions, threats, and demands for some "process" going forward to "resolve" our issues. Having been away flying, I come back to pages and pages of West posters telling, asking, even demanding how they should be treated in a three way or two way. As predicted. NIC or nothing now is "nothing." Too late, the train has left.
The West Class will have their dates of hire, furlough time, etc. presented to APA, and maybe later an arbitrator. They will also have a complete fleet count of the PHX base presented, along with USAPA's best arguments for their career expectations. When the issue comes up as to widebodies, they simply have none, nor had any expectation or orders. That one will be easy for APA, USAPA, and maybe an arbitration to resolve.
Still waiting for Cactus Dave to publically ask the Company to publish a combined list, publish a system bid, and grant the West class their arbitrated 190 flying. I know the answer, but understand his reluctance to ask the question.
As to all the various sins of the NIC, and there were many, all the comman man needs to know is this:
You cannot put a new hire ahead of a 17 year pilot. Period. Not going to happen.
By the way, my favorite post of the weekend was Trader going over to one of the F/A threads and chastising them for going DOH.