Your perceived seniority is not our concern.
Your perceived lottery ticket is bogus!
Your perceived seniority is not our concern.
Your perceived lottery ticket is bogus!
Lottery ticket?
That's some stink bait thrown in the pond by Kirby and y'all bit. He gutted, cleaned you and threw you in the cooler, LOA 93.
LOA 93 brought to some courtesy of ALPA. Kirby proposal, nic now doa and MOU courtesy of USAPA. What's is in your wallet?
When will america west hire again? You have a loosing scratch off ticket now, downgraded from a lottery winner.
Lottery ticket?
That's some stink bait thrown in the pond by Kirby and y'all bit. He gutted, cleaned you and threw you in the cooler, LOA 93.
They are more unwilling than ever. Think real hard about that LUP. A federal judge in AZ WILL BE ASKING SHORTLY."At this time the AWA pilots are unwilling to address our seniority concerns."
LOA 93 brought to some courtesy of ALPA. Kirby proposal, nic now doa and MOU courtesy of USAPA. What's in your wallet?
When will america west hire again? You have a loosing scratch off ticket now, downgraded from a lottery winner.
Make to my original point. You easties think you are going to get a three way integration. Yet not a single one of you can follow through on how that would work.
Just more fantasy from the land of liars.
If you can't even create a small framework how is usapa going to avoid a law suit and get the arbitrators to accept a three way.
I think we can bury the fantasy of a three way integration for good.
You think highly credible litigation would have no affect on the timing of all this? So now USAPA is in a race against time to hurry up and violate the law because if they can do so quickly enough they'll get their DOH dream that has stripped over a Billion dollars in pay from their membership?To me, it's quite simple. APA seems to have ruled out DOH from the get go and it's looking like Arbitration is a given.
Apa will put out their list. USAPA will put down the East and West lists. The 3 person arbitrators will rule after giving Marty his due. Maybe they'll agree with USAPA maybe they'll agree with AOL - who knows? But, in the end, I don't see how anyone can sue after the Arbitration panel rules on way or the other.
I'm curious who trumps whom. Would a win in PHX trump the Federal Arbitration panel? It took Silver, What?, 18 months to decide not to decide. It'll all be over before AOL gets it's day in court.
No, what will happen is that a judge will laugh AOL out of the courtroom and sanction your attorney for frivolously wasting his time.You think highly credible litigation would have no affect on the timing of all this? So now USAPA is in a race against time to hurry up and violate the law because if they can do so quickly enough they'll get their DOH dream that has stripped over a Billion dollars in pay from their membership?
The Arbitration panel won't even be assembled while the litigation grinds on. Of course once USCABA is tossed on the trash heap APA will be free to end all opposition to the Nic...which is exactly what they will do. Majority rules...remember? It's called "democracy" ask $e$ham.
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.
Benjamin Franklin
While my preference is your post, the mou does refer to lists and no changes to them after the JCBA. Assuming the is no list in the first 90 days after the effective date, this seems to lean more toward a 3 way in arbitration.It will not be a three way. There is only APA and USAPA. USAPA will hand over their list and APA will hand over theirs. Then you can sue USAPA over the list that was handed over and sue. Similar to TWA, they sued ALPA for their actions. You have to sue USAPA and the dues payers to USAPA, ten years from now that will be......................?
While my preference is your post, the mou does refer to lists and no changes to them after the JCBA. Assuming the is no list in the first 90 days after the effective date, this seems to lean more toward a 3 way in arbitration.
No, what will happen is that a judge will laugh AOL out of the courtroom and sanction your attorney for frivolously wasting his time.