Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Are you a little panicked tonight, Cupcake? Hey, why don't you post that YouTube video that we haven't seen in about 10 posts?
Your forensic ability is impressive, regarding current subjects and is very intimidating.

"Normally one has to go to a bowling alley to meet a person of your stature."

OK, I'll bite: Another defeat for "tyranny of the majority"


July 30, 2010

On May 30, 2008 a RICO law suit was filed against me and 23 other America West pilots by our new union Us Airline Pilots Association. After being dismissed from federal court with prejudice without even going to trial. The case was so poor the judge would not even let them try again. USAPA than filed an appeal in the Fourth Circuit court of Appeals in Richmond.
Today 26 months later we finally have our answer. The Fourth Circuit in a unanimous decision upheld or affirmed the district court. This is a tremendous win for all of the Cactus 18 today. Hopefully this will put an end to the vicious and unfounded attack that the leadership of USAPA has aimed our way. Unfortunately I fear that this case may not be over.
USAPA is under pressure to deliver a contract and after two years of telling the pilots that we were criminals and had done something wrong. After spending upwards of $300,000.00 of pilot dues money they have nothing to show for it.
This is the response that the Communications Chairman put out after their loss.
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond Affirms Dismissal

Today the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, issued its ruling on USAPA's appeal of the dismissal of its lawsuit brought in 2008. USAPA filed the suit, alleging violations of the RICO Statute, against certain pilots who were alleged to be engaged in an overt attempt to deny all US Airways pilots their right to collectively bargain by attempting to destroy our union and performing other harmful and destructive acts to disrupt the union's ability to perform its representational responsibilities. The appeals court today affirmed the dismissal. Attorneys for the Association are reviewing the ruling presently for potential next steps.

Even after losing twice in two different courts in their own backyard these guys still can not admit they were wrong and let it go. The right thing to do would be to apologize and maybe even offer to pay our legal fees for this ordeal. But in typical fashion USAPA threatens to continue the attack and division.
Since this case went to appeal USAPA has been threatening to file in State court of North Carolina if we did not accept some lame settlement deal and admit quilt. It is extremely hard to admit guilt to something that none of us did. Now the courts support that truth, we did not engage in any RICO activity.
The Cactus 18 will have little choice but to defend ourselves again. But unlike last time when we had to educate our pilots on the evil that was being done and explain that we truly were innocent. This time we have the full support of the entire west pilot group and we are beginning to gather support from the east line pilot also. If the USAPA leadership decides to continue on this ill-advised campaign we will go on the offensive and counter sue.
Currently our lawyers are investigating the possibilities of legal action to recover our costs. But if USAPA decides to make the fatal mistake of filing any further legal action we will be forced to not only collect damages but punitive damages also.
A malicious intent law suit would cost this union and the people responsible a load of money.
To bring this journey to an end I want to thank the other Cactus 18 member and the AWAPPA guys. We all stuck together through some extremely critical decisions at any time any of us could have caved in to the pressure and taken a dangerous deal. But we all stuck together and rode out the storm. I would also like to thank my fellow west pilots that supported us during the case. Your words of encouragement and financial support were critical in our success. Also I would like to thank everyone that took the time to read this blog. Hopefully it explained what was going on with this case as it is difficult to do in a short amount of time.
Thank you all.

War in Peace does require more chapters, I stand corrected.
Yes it does and the reason it sucks is because your side behaved like children and dishonorably so.

Grown men honor their word and their agreements. Dishonorable men and children think they can get away with lying.

Excuse me, got to go.

My good friend, who is a USAirways East pilot, mom has gone to bed, we are taking advantage of this time to increase our influence in life by way of her dowry. " You can only attain so much wealth from the west pilots he exclaimed, we must diversify".
The Judge has NO jurisdiction to freeze USAPA's accounts. You're just throwing crap out there.

As far as the merger, I don't think your legal filings will do anything other than to reveal your scorched earth policy.
Insisting upon fair and equitable treatment as a dues paying union member is only considered a "scorched earth policy" by mustachioed, Tom Sellack wannabe hillbillie scabs. SYICMF!! Bring your water wings, you're going down for good this time.
We understand you westies threw off the jumseat our good buddy 924PS (TB) out of SAN, what's up with that?

As usual luv you are misinformed.

I have only been denied jump seat by one West pilot over two years ago.

Most of my fellow USairways pilots from the PHX base have been nothing less than cordial and friendly. I have enjoyed meeting and chatting with them. In fact, I hope I have made some new friends while commuting.

There have been few jump seat denials from either camp of late. I understand the PHX Chief Pilot is very proactive when it comes to dealing with pilots that deny jumpseats as is Senior Flight Operations management.

As most of your posts are...just more flame bait.
Insisting upon fair and equitable treatment as a dues paying union member is only considered a "scorched earth policy" by mustachioed, Tom Sellack wannabe hillbillie scabs. SYICMF!! Bring your water wings, you're going down for good this time.
"SYICMF"....teenage dialog?
More money spent, well yes but in the grand scheme I'm out 5k and how much have you left on the table in the 8 years? My W2 was north of $170k for the last 5 years, yours?

The bumbling puppet reps just gave us another pay cut with a huge amount of $$ in the bank heading into the sunset of this so called onion.

I'm happy investing in assuring the agreement that BOTH groups accepted so many years ago is actually put in place.


You have just spent more money on an unripe case. The position of USAPA and US Airways will certainly be no JCBA. The latest EAST bid,which came AFTER the MOU reflects that stance. That will certainly be exhibit A. Leonidas has offered nothing new. No joint contract, no Nicolau or no harm. It is the same case that went to the 9th and will again if an AZ court is bold enough to run with it.
Yes it does and the reason it sucks is because your side behaved like children and dishonorably so.

Grown men honor their word and their agreements. Dishonorable men and children think they can get away with lying.
Stop with the self righteous BS. You know as well as anyone that if the NIC hadn't been so absurd, this would have never happened and the ONLY reason you get so high and mighty about it is because of the huge advantage the bottom half of your list gets from it. People don't like being told they are worthless and that their labor and sacrifices are for nothing. That is what the NIC says. That is what the West says and frankly, I resent it more with each passing day. Look at this operation. Look at where we were at the merger and where we are now and tell me where the value is...EAST. So can it with the holier than thou name calling because all you do is piss us off even more.
It's all in the eye of the beholder. Your PHL rep(s) DEMANDED DOH and that position wouldn't change.

Value in the east, ok. I know PHX will be sold to Mesa or become a 190 base.


Stop with the self righteous BS. You know as well as anyone that if the NIC hadn't been so absurd, this would have never happened and the ONLY reason you get so high and mighty about it is because of the huge advantage the bottom half of your list gets from it. People don't like being told they are worthless and that their labor and sacrifices are for nothing. That is what the NIC says. That is what the West says and frankly, I resent it more with each passing day. Look at this operation. Look at where we were at the merger and where we are now and tell me where the value is...EAST. So can it with the holier than thou name calling because all you do is piss us off even more.
As usual luv you are misinformed.

I have only been denied jump seat by one West pilot over two years ago.

Most of my fellow USairways pilots from the PHX base have been nothing less than cordial and friendly. I have enjoyed meeting and chatting with them. In fact, I hope I have made some new friends while commuting.

There have been few jump seat denials from either camp of late. I understand the PHX Chief Pilot is very proactive when it comes to dealing with pilots that deny jumpseats as is Senior Flight Operations management.

As most of your posts are...just more flame bait.

There is no justification for jumpseat denials related to the seniority dispute. I would welcome you aboard, find a place for your bag and talk about sports, fishing or find something in common. I'm not going to give the silent treatment with one exception, Cleary who would not even speak to his Phoenix rep at the Addignton trial.

There's probably a few on each side that deny jumpseats. I'd say they are in the minority.
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