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Feb / Mar 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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It's all good Bean. 😉 About all any of this amounts to nowadays is pure grins and mutual amusement, and naturally; the continuance of years of habitually exchanged "Nyaah, Nyaahs." The MOU vote's cast. Whatever's to be from that point forward, will be.


On a side note, someone I know just got hired on the east side. He had 13 years in at a regional when it merged with another commuter. The seniority went relative, not DOH, and in his words he got screwed. You guys will have lots to talk about. Seriously, he's a nice guy, great to fly with and you can talk about the merits of DOH.

Say USAPA is allowed to submit an East and West list, whats you're guess for how the three lists are combined?

it will be slotted. I doubt there is little question there. I also doubt it will be nearly as ugly as the Nicolau list, but who knows.

If it goes to arbitration, it would seem that USAPA is obligated to argue DOH. But, I am beginning to wonder if the Merger Committee could not unilaterally move off of a strict DOH proposal to the three arbitrators (depending on what seems to be receptive to them.) If they did violate their own C&B-Ls, the only real downside would be a DFR from east pilots. By the time it got heard, USAPA would be gone, and the APA is not now, nor will be, bound by USAPA C&B-Ls. Any lawsuit would be dismissed due to lack of a defendant. This might give the USAPA MC some leeway in the arbitration.

There is not a chance in hell that the arbitration would be something other than slotted. The best shot the east pilots have at capturing attrition would be to fight for high fences. And I think the APA wil be advocating that, too.

I suppose there is even a chance at a negotiated list with the USAPA MC bending their rules in the same manner.

If USAPA comes off DOH, there is little legal downside since they will be gone fairly promptly after the SLI is in place, and we know there can be no DFR until it is ripe.
it will be slotted. I doubt there is little question there. I also doubt it will be nearly as ugly as the Nicolau list, but who knows.

If USAPA comes off DOH, there is little legal downside since they will be gone fairly promptly after the SLI is in place, and we know there can be no DFR until it is ripe.

Careful. You sound a bit to west-ish for most here on the board. Where's Pi?
How much or how long did ALPA survive after the NMB ruled usapa as the bargaining agent?

Do you think usapa is special and somehow would have different rules applied?

When the NMB rules usapa is gone, not some but completely.

USAPA displaced a single bargaining agent at a single carrier.

Do I think USAPA is special? No. But I do think the circumstances of a merger are totally different than the election of a new bargaining agent at a single carrier.

Can you not fathom that difference? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Its been no party, and not a single tear has been shed over the fact USAPA is going away. You guys keep throwing that at us like we should be upset. We cannot wait to merge and be done with all this! Like I keep saying, the West Class has other ideas about delaying the process in lieu of a "win."


I agree. It just boggles my mind that those morons think there is wailing and gnashing of teeth over here on the east over the demise of USAPA. It's part of the game. We knew that all along. Do they really think we would have opposed the merger to "save" USAPA? What jerks. Who cares? It'll just save us rent on the CLT offices.

The only emotional attachment to USAPA is in PHX where they are apoplectic over losing their "enemy."
it will be slotted. I doubt there is little question there. I also doubt it will be nearly as ugly as the Nicolau list, but who knows.

If it goes to arbitration, it would seem that USAPA is obligated to argue DOH. But, I am beginning to wonder if the Merger Committee could not unilaterally move off of a strict DOH proposal to the three arbitrators (depending on what seems to be receptive to them.) If they did violate their own C&B-Ls, the only real downside would be a DFR from east pilots. By the time it got heard, USAPA would be gone, and the APA is not now, nor will be, bound by USAPA C&B-Ls. Any lawsuit would be dismissed due to lack of a defendant. This might give the USAPA MC some leeway in the arbitration.

There is not a chance in hell that the arbitration would be something other than slotted. The best shot the east pilots have at capturing attrition would be to fight for high fences. And I think the APA wil be advocating that, too.

I suppose there is even a chance at a negotiated list with the USAPA MC bending their rules in the same manner.

If USAPA comes off DOH, there is little legal downside since they will be gone fairly promptly after the SLI is in place, and we know there can be no DFR until it is ripe.
Come off DOH?
Are you kidding. I expect to see another petition floated demanding DOH just like last time.
Careful. You sound a bit to west-ish for most here on the board. Where's Pi?

In addition to being a complete joke yourself: You ARE joking with aiming that towards nycbusdriver...aren't you, umm..."east" pilot? 😉 Give it up kid....for your own benefit, unless you get some perverse delight from continually making an utter fool of yourself.
USAPA displaced a single bargaining agent at a single carrier.

Do I think USAPA is special? No. But I do think the circumstances of a merger are totally different than the election of a new bargaining agent at a single carrier.

Can you not fathom that difference? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Does the NMB have different rules for different situations?

Like if it is single carrier or national union or multiple carriers?

Or does the NMB apply the same rules to every election? When the NMB make a determination that a union has won do they allow the losing union to hang around for awhile, collect dues and negotiate?

Does being in the middle of a merger matter? the NMB did not delay approving usapa in the middle of our merger why would they change the rules now?

No when the APA is approved as the single bargaining agent usapa is gone. Completely and quickly.
....remember to look out for those "Agents of Leonidas" who have been known to blend in with the Harley drivers on bike nights! That would be Fridays, right?

Yes, they are really hard to spot when they drive up on their pink Vespas, with matching leather jackets and helmets.

We'll be careful. Don't you worry yourself one little bit.
In addition to being a complete joke yourself: You ARE joking with aiming that towards nycbusdriver...aren't you, umm..."east" pilot? 😉

Hello Colonel. Glad you can get your 2 cents in. I can now go on with my day.
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