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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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I have a concern... if there are outstanding grievances such as one that i have against the company that is already more than 3 yrs since i first filed... if there is an election and say a new union takes over... what happens then to grievances such as what i filed

fyi my union shop steward told me yesterday when i asked him point blank about that and he did not have an answer... he told me he did not know and that i should ask an agc like frank...

my shop steward said he believes that bec the twu does not have enough money to get the cards to get an election going... but he thinks that the iam/twu would do a joint thing similar to the afa/cwa

if thats the case what or how would that work and affect us all
The TWU does not have to get one card. IMO, the IAM and TWU will make an arrangement but I hope there is an election and the IAM can salvage up about 4,000 cards. Then that 'trigger' may bring to life a campaign that is well networked to get the Teamsters. As far as your grievance, all grievances carry over so your grievance will continue to push infinity. regards,
All this TA does is brings up sUA to pretty much our pay levels. (IMHO: Since WN is barking about expenses and the AA BK, I honestly think that $25.00 or more was very difficult to get) The contract (7 years from 2010-2017) pays sUA some retro from '10 to ratification. IIRC: I think its is 3%; 3%; 3% for the 3 years) Our ATW gets 3% retro since they were in limbo after their election. And we get 1% (even though we were to get a 3% raise in our old IBT contract) The longevity pay is a bit better, but we lose a dollar in the Market Rate cities, so for me, its about a 180.00 a month pay cut. For people not topped out, after the increase in dues, its almost a 200.00 a month cut. So it's really not a pay raise for anybody if you look at this objectively. Its a pay cut for a lot of people. And the job loss will follow, starting with the Ten Percenters; then the larger stations closing and the bump and roll into the hubs.

As far as the AGC's: Please! Do you think that out of that 130,000,000 they won't get something for bringing this crap to us?
You would have to as someone from sUA how do they feel about this, since I'm kinda biased. I want sUA to get their retro - they deserved it - but for rest of us: JOB PROTECTION was the number one thing we wanted in a contract.

This ain't it..........TRY AGAIN!
The more I'm hearing about the details of this TA the worse it seems to get. Seems to have completely missed the mark on what a lot of the members wanted or expected. If you were to poll the members I doubt you would find many who would want their union to agree to giving the company the green light to eliminating their jobs.
The more I'm hearing about the details of this TA the worse it seems to get. Seems to have completely missed the mark on what a lot of the members wanted or expected. If you were to poll the members I doubt you would find many who would want their union to agree to giving the company the green light to eliminating their jobs.

"Our members now have employment security unmatched in the industry."
"The future, for our airline and, more importantly, for our membership, is brighter today as
a result of these agreements."
The question is will the hubs and larger cities be charmed with the money. If not more cities can/could be added to the protection list. History could repeat it self,Core work in all Classifications protected against contracting out work in DEN, EWR, IAD, IAH, LAX, ORD and SFO with no expiration date Core work in all classifications protected against contracting out In until 12/31/2016 AUS, BOS. BWI, CLE, DCA, DFW, FLL, GUM, HNL, JFK, LAS, LGA, MCO, MSP, MSY, PDX, PHL, PHX, PIT, SAN, SEA, SNA and TPA until

I don't know about ORD, but I know that EWR; CLE; and IAH won't go for it. BWI; JFK; LGA; BOS; PHL; and a few other Market Rate cities that I can't remember won't go for it. I don't think that DEN will go for it either. What money???? The retro for the sUA people? We on the sCO side lose money on this. Plus the seven stations that the IBT saved and other smaller stations are on the block as well. Also, we (sCO) hired a lot of people from 06 to 08. And I heard sUA hired a lot from that time frame till '10. That's the 10% that is not protected at all. They won't vote for it.
For us, there is more to it than money, and Delaney punted over the seniority issue which is just as important. That will be decided AFTER the contract, and it will be up to an arbitrator to decide. That's really going to be a ####, especially with the Lead Agent issue to deal with. This is going to be a mess.
T5, every indication is that ORD and DEN is a big no vote as in BIGTIME. The IAM is on survival mode and brought back this TA in desperation since they continue to lose 3,000 members a month. Now down to 338,000 but the defense department dropped the bomb on them and notified the union that many jobs and classifications in the defense department will be eliminated. Thus, IAM western territory will most likely see a drop of 50,000 more members over the next 24 months. To maintain and increase revenue, the IAM negotiated unlimited part time at UA. Because of its dues structure, a part timer pays same dues as full time. Thus two part timers = $120 month for 8 hours a day, but one full timer = $60 buck a month for the same 8 hours. Never mind that the AGC's are biased with this TA because they get a $20,000 pay raise if this passes and WILL get retro also. regards,

Like I said......a PAY CUT!!!
"Our members now have employment security unmatched in the industry."
"The future, for our airline and, more importantly, for our membership, is brighter today as
a result of these agreements."
Is he reading the same TA? What a spin.
I have a concern... if there are outstanding grievances such as one that i have against the company that is already more than 3 yrs since i first filed... if there is an election and say a new union takes over... what happens then to grievances such as what i filed

fyi my union shop steward told me yesterday when i asked him point blank about that and he did not have an answer... he told me he did not know and that i should ask an agc like frank...

my shop steward said he believes that bec the twu does not have enough money to get the cards to get an election going... but he thinks that the iam/twu would do a joint thing similar to the afa/cwa

if thats the case what or how would that work and affect us all
I represented a grievance on the local level in my station that is now over 3 years old. Been waiting for arbitration for well over a year. Frank is handling it. Representation and a grievance procedure that takes over three years for a decision and hopeful resolution. Remedial action is to recover lost wages. If it were disciplinary the level three would have expired and been pulled by now.
The TWU won't go for the 'Alliance of Incompetence' US passenger service has with the CWA and IBT.

They may trade aircraft maintenance for fleet service,but they wont 'share' any representation of the same classification at a combined company.

As far as the teamsters,you're delusional if you think they're getting 4,000 cards here.
A co-worker reminded me that when we were TWU at AWA there was a lot of talk about the IAM members being disgruntled and how we would be able to get more votes than them ....

Today I am IAM .....TWU fleet at AA out numbers us by what two to one ?
A co-worker reminded me that when we were TWU at AWA there was a lot of talk about the IAM members being disgruntled and how we would be able to get more votes than them ....

Today I am IAM .....TWU fleet at AA out numbers us by what two to one ?

Guessing 8500/5200= 1.63461538 avg

You were never going to get more votes than them due to the fact that AWA was a seniority suppressed workforce!
JFK, can you please list what AA stations are currently staffed with your own people, as well as which ones were most recently outsourced?
Thanks in advance.
The TWU couldnt get enough cards to force an election during the merger.
JFK, can you please list what AA stations are currently staffed with your own people, as well as which ones were most recently outsourced?
Thanks in advance.

Okay, currently AA staffed stations are:


The outsourced are:


Under the current agreement restaffing or opening of a new city is triggered at 7300 annual departures.21 a day basically.

They speak of "Harmonization" of operations after the single carrier determination, I'm just curious as to how many stations under that scenario would hit the opening/staffing trigger number.EWR alone has 18 daily mainline AA flights.
Okay, currently AA staffed stations are:


The outsourced are:


Under the current agreement restaffing or opening of a new city is triggered at 7300 annual departures.21 a day basically.

They speak of "Harmonization" of operations after the single carrier determination, I'm just curious as to how many stations under that scenario would hit the opening/staffing trigger number.EWR alone has 18 daily mainline AA flights.

san US has 11 avg and AA 12. combined 23
Where have I've heard that word before."harmonization" before.........
That's managements new term for job losses.

I noticed a lot of mainline flights for AA at EWR. And US still have their employees there. That station should be a great candidate to be wholly insourced.
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