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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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I don't have any exposure to the airline industry.

A lie masquerading as a technical truth. The time and interest you've invested here seems to indicate some species of exposure; that or you have a poor choice in hobbies.
According to the letter from an AGC I read on the union board the IAM is not interested in talking merger until current negotiations are concluded. I hope this is the case.

I'm not convinced people (at least at my station) will simply jump at the money this time. Reason being the successive waves of transfers and furloughs that have been coming in to PHX and integrated into the workgroup over the last few years (with more on the way, I understand). I and many others have heard their stories about what life was like at their former stations, the circumstances under which they were shut out of them, and the difficulties they had getting details and answers from the IAM and the company about all kinds of concerns. These transfers constitute a small but significant (and vocal) percentage of the workforce in PHX now.
If my station gets outsourced I'm coming to PHX with 32 years. Where will that put me on the work schedule and station seniority roster? So you see... It's not just me who is affected by this demonic outsourcing issue.
If my station gets outsourced I'm coming to PHX with 32 years. Where will that put me on the work schedule and station seniority roster? So you see... It's not just me who is affected by this demonic outsourcing issue.

32 years would put you wherever you'd like to be. That doesn't bother me at all because relatively speaking my seniority's stayed the same or has even eroded since I've been here. Those who are really scared I would imagine would be the old-school HPeeps, who, by virtue of their long years in PHX have been riding the BMU gravy train for so long they can't remember how to (or are physically incapable of) running conx/abr or working a gate. Not to name names, but from what I've seen, a lot of them could become re-acquainted with the real work that happens on the ramp.
The outsourcing on the AA side has already taken place......and likewise with US over a period since the TA

Question is ? ... Will the combined Schedule at some date bring back the AA folks or will the company change a/c type to bigger and eliminate a couple flts to keep it outsourced?....I believe there are a lot of stations that fall into this quagmire.
That will all depend on who's contract we end up following. If its what AA has now, it will be a close call given their number of required flts.
Based on US AGC assignments listed on the District 141 website we have 37 inhouse. This info could be stale and not inclusive of the last round of station outsourcing. Inhouse: BDL, BOS, CLT, MHT, MSP, ORD, PVD, DEN, MCO, RDU, SEA, PDX, SFO, SMF, SJC, LAX, ONT, SAN, RNO, LAS, SLC, PHX, BWI, DFW, EWR, LGA, MCI, MSY??, PHL, ATL, DCA, FLL, MIA, PBI, PIT, JAX AND TPA.
I've lost track of how many are outsourced. Sorry.
Pretty sure MHT & MSY were lost on the last round, I think there are some on your list out west as well. I'm sure some out that way can confirm.
This is based off what ograc and JFK posted.

Pretty sure MHT & MSY were lost on the last round, I think there are some on your list out west as well. I'm sure some out that way can confirm.
As stated... the list is based on the AGC represented stations on the DL 141 web site. You're probably right; some stations listed as being represented by an AGC may have already been outsourced. I guess DL 141 is losing union represented stations so quickly they can't keep up with it on their website. I know I can't keep up with the jobs and stations lost to outsourcing. Anyway... I thought this would be a good starting point for a definitive answer on how many stations are inhouse on US property.
This is based off what ograc and JFK posted.

I would like to add this disclaimer... " the US represented stations are based on AGC represented stations as listed on the DL 141 website. Based on the fact the information on the website could be "stale" and therefore inaccurate the number of represented stations could be less than 35." The stations being outsourced and subsequent job loss is difficult to keep up with.
District Lodge 141 should be able to tell you that. Call and ask them.

This is a message board, the idea of an exchange of information. I dont need to call 141 when my intention was to compare AA to US.

So dont tell me what to do.
If we could get a joint contract faster than this company could adjust the flight schedules then we could possibly get stations back ...

Remeber that part of this merger is poltical , I doubt the company could shead jobs for at least the next two Years .

The company can anticipate long before we get a joint TA. In fact they expect to close this Oct 14 2013 with an extension till Dec 31 2013 if needed and thats it. So, that is why we need USairways to demonstrate its commitment to its employees by negotiating in good faith and recognize what Fleet service and MTC have brought to the table to make this merger possible............
According to the letter from an AGC I read on the union board the IAM is not interested in talking merger until current negotiations are concluded. I hope this is the case.

I'm not convinced people (at least at my station) will simply jump at the money this time. Reason being the successive waves of transfers and furloughs that have been coming in to PHX and integrated into the workgroup over the last few years (with more on the way, I understand). I and many others have heard their stories about what life was like at their former stations, the circumstances under which they were shut out of them, and the difficulties they had getting details and answers from the IAM and the company about all kinds of concerns. These transfers constitute a small but significant (and vocal) percentage of the workforce in PHX now.
Same thing the IAM said at United. During our organizing campaign for the ramp, we made it clear that we would finish a United contract first before entering transitions, like the flight attendants and MX did. When I got wind that Delaney himself signed a LOA to dump United only talks and instead enter transition talks, I sent him a text telling him he was an #### and that I was through with him because he lied. Well, now he is doing it to the US AIRWAYS members so we can only hope that dope doesn't lie and develops a conscience before he gets voted out. regards,
The company can anticipate long before we get a joint TA. In fact they expect to close this Oct 14 2013 with an extension till Dec 31 2013 if needed and thats it. So, that is why we need USairways to demonstrate its commitment to its employees by negotiating in good faith and recognize what Fleet service and MTC have brought to the table to make this merger possible............
I may be wrong but IMO I think this merger will proceed with ... or without the IAM's approval. Recognition for past sacrifices by our members will not be recognized by US. US will continue to meet, once a month with the IAM, to fullfill their obligation of negotiating in "good faith" and you can rest assurred they will be reviewing every detail of the TA with UA/IAM and awaiting the outcome of a ratification vote. That being said... they will wait for a representation election to decide who the bargaining agent (union) will be for the combined Fleet Service group. Based on the TA reached with UA they may prefer the IAM.
What's disturbing is labor is a party to it; by bringing back TAs with outsourcing language that allows the trend to continue. Past labor leaders have got to be rolling in their graves. Labor scratches their heads and wonders why their membership, percentage of represented jobs in the workforce and political influence continues to decline.


We've grown complacent, allowed ourselves to be messaged into submission ("you're just lucky to have a job"), and tolerated our leaders spending their time empire building instead of fostering an engaged membership.

Until that changes, don't expect any respect from capital; they laugh all the way to the bank every day...

I may be wrong but IMO I think this merger will proceed with ... or without the IAM's approval.

See above...
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