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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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u wont find it here in a pub
forum w idiots like nielson
trying to destroy iam n unions
in general have u noticed
onlt peple posting r
nielson clones n U?!
700 stomps these idiots
w facts n law every singl day!
true solid mebers r not
on here 4 a good reason!

Actually, members talking directly with one another & sharing information, be it online or face to face, is EXACTLY where you find engagement/solidarity in today's labor environment.

If you truly are a communications person for 141, the fact that you refuse to recognize that speaks volumes.
LOL. I thought we communicated through email now we are talking on the phone
You can't even keep up with you own BS
u shuld give a damn
follwin nielson n
havin anti iam wank yanks
online 4 all 2 see sez
more a bout ur credibility
than mine im not dave r
anybody else on iam $roll
nielson will cost u more than
any real union rep ever will
keep followin him u will
b alone w him n his multi

can anyone translate for me? I think he is accusing me of being a Nelson follower?
The UA TA is going down in flames and alliances tied to 141r are catching all kinds of hell because the leadership is in hiding. So Bluto has gone of the deep end and appears to b drowning.
Actually, members talking directly with one another & sharing information, be it online or face to face, is EXACTLY where you find engagement/solidarity in today's labor environment.

If you truly are a communications person for 141, the fact that you refuse to recognize that speaks volumes.
whut speaks volumes iz
a handful of foolz hangin
out in a public forum
spewin bullshit n calimin
they are union supporters!
the co loves u guys i guess u
think u are in some secret
forum only union people see!
The UA TA is going down in flames and alliances tied to 141r are catching all kinds of hell because the leadership is in hiding. So Bluto has gone of the deep end and appears to b drowning.
"iam informer" in a
iam thread nuff said!
whut speaks volumes iz
a handful of foolz hangin
out in a public forum
spewin bullshit n calimin
they are union supporters!
the co loves u guys i guess u
think u are in some secret
forum only union people see!

Everybody knows this is an open forum.

You didn't answer the points I raised.

You seem to think that members talking directly to one another is bad. Why?

You seem to think that transparency is bad. Why?

True solidarity & engagement is built from the ground up, not the top down. As an alleged "communications officer," you should know that & embrace it. The fact that you not only don't, but instead play games with people- people that pay your salary, BTW- shows how out of step (and out of date) you are.

If you are in fact D.L., you need to do right by your brothers and sisters, and resign. They're not getting their money's worth.
The UA TA is going down in flames and alliances tied to 141r are catching all kinds of hell because the leadership is in hiding. So Bluto has gone of the deep end and appears to b drowning.

I have to admit it looks like all of the very pro-Delaney supporters are absent over the last week, makes one wonder why?

Bluto you are so full of sh*t your eyes must be brown from it

First of all I would be hard pressed to know Tim Nelson if he walked into a breakroom though I am pretty sure he doesn't live in CLT
I will say at least I can understand what he writes even if I do not always agree with it.

Your accusations of posters here shows what a clueless douche you really are, what they are is people who don't always believe everything that propaganda rag newsletter tells them. People who are getting their pension contributions cut while their dues go up, all to pay 100k plus salaries and apparenttly for douches like you who got their job by firmly placing their lips on the bosses ass.
As for 700 while I respect his knowledge on things union ther isn't much he and I agree on otherwise, but even he as big an IAM supporter and fan as there are has not attempted to answer Informers question about what postive things has Delaney done? All I here on that issue are crickets chirping.

As for me, from here I sit all these unions look crooked to me, the only reason I support the IAM over TWU in this merger is that they are the lessor of two evils
LOL. I thought we communicated through email now we are talking on the phone
You can't even keep up with you own BS

dude com clean i message u
my # u calld it n showd ‘private’
on id u said u wer in phl on biz
n live in clt but reverse lookup
show ‘restricted’w/ ord area code.
u didnt thinki wuz smart nuff to
see that did u?u know im not
dave now to don’t u!
IVE long said if it comes down to just the twu and the iam the iam is the lesser of the 2 evils AS FOR NOTHING FROM RD OR HIS BANDITS.... it does not come to as a shocker nor should it... its commonly called throw it out to the dogs to vote on and if they turn it down run and hide
IVE long said if it comes down to just the twu and the iam the iam is the lesser of the 2 evils AS FOR NOTHING FROM RD OR HIS BANDITS.... it does not come to as a shocker nor should it... its commonly called throw it out to the dogs to vote on and if they turn it down run and hide
robbed I read as I imagine you did the full page promo of that pos TA for the UA folks all I did was shook my head as I threw it in the trash.
YES and i even spoke to some friends at ua that i know in my station and they sayd theyre voting it down the outsourcing is the main but there are other garbage in there too they dont like
Kev I was told by well let's just call him a union member one who's opinion I greatly value that all these carriers are all in contact with each other about these issues. I believe that myself.

Alex.... I"ll take "Employers F#ckin' Employees" for 100 please?

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! You hit the daily double!!!!

The question is : Why are all the major airline employees getting screwed?

Answer: What is A4A?

Airlines Industrial Relations Conference was originally chartered as a nonprofit association by the airline industry in 1971 to facilitate intercarrier exchange of information on negotiations and other employee relations. It served as the only legally approved forum for joint study of labor policy matters of common interest to the scheduled carriers.

The functions of AIR Conference were assumed by A4A effective Jan. 1, 2012. As part of the agreement, A4A has formed a new Labor and Employment council, comprising representatives from its members, to strengthen and advance the labor relations and employment interests of its member carriers and employees.

The Airlines Industrial Relations Conference (AirCon) Amazinly enough, was located at 1300 19th NW st, Washington DC. Probably not a coincidence that the Ford Harrison Labor Firm is located at the same address. They have lobbied heavily against Unions and the changing of Union election rules. They were directly involved along with the Chamber of Commerce in getting a decision reversed against the TWU reguarding rights of a shop steward.

A4A Airline Members:

Alaska Airlines, Inc. (AS)
American Airlines, Inc. (AA)
Atlas Air, Inc. (5Y)
Delta Air Lines, Inc. (DL)
Federal Express Corporation (FX)
Hawaiian Airlines (HA)
JetBlue Airways Corp. (B6)
Southwest Airlines Co. (WN)
United Continental Holdings, Inc. (UA)
UPS Airlines (5X)
US Airways, Inc. (US)

Associate Airline Members:

Air Canada (AC)

Industry Partners:

Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Honeywell Aerospace
Pratt & Whitney

Delaney and his District reprentatives are severely outgunned when these groups combine to outthink the unions. I don't even think the Burgermeister Buffinbarger can do anything to stop the Corporate steam roller. I think the only ones who have a chance are the employees acting in concert.
Nelson is on the right track relating the concessions at United with the treatment of the Fleet group at US Airways. I just hate that the motivation might be the chance of a re-re-election and positioning for that election. I hate Chicago politics!
dude com clean i message u
my # u calld it n showd ‘private’
on id u said u wer in phl on biz
n live in clt but reverse lookup
show ‘restricted’w/ ord area code.
u didnt thinki wuz smart nuff to
see that did u?u know im not
dave now to don’t u!

Can someone interpret this jipperish
But since you won't heed some sound advice answe 2 questions please

1 what has your boss delaney done for the membership
Dave I'm going to make it really easy just name 1
2. Why won't you give update on the voting. Your in the office poking around doing nothing
On the memberships dime heck what's the per diem in ORD 81.00 a day
At least post how many ballots have been received cooom on man thats your J O B try doing it
From what I'm hearing, this TA is going down!!!!!!!
All three workgroups have voted NO!

Have to find out about the strike vote though.

Finally some balls to do what is right. Go back to the table!
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