Kev I was told by well let's just call him a union member one who's opinion I greatly value that all these carriers are all in contact with each other about these issues. I believe that myself.
Alex.... I"ll take "Employers F#ckin' Employees" for 100 please?
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! You hit the daily double!!!!
The question is : Why are all the major airline employees getting screwed?
Answer: What is A4A?
Airlines Industrial Relations Conference was originally chartered as a nonprofit association by the airline industry in 1971 to facilitate intercarrier exchange of information on negotiations and other employee relations. It served as the only legally approved forum for joint study of labor policy matters of common interest to the scheduled carriers.
The functions of AIR Conference were assumed by A4A effective Jan. 1, 2012. As part of the agreement, A4A has formed a new Labor and Employment council, comprising representatives from its members, to strengthen and advance the labor relations and employment interests of its member carriers and employees.
The Airlines Industrial Relations Conference (AirCon) Amazinly enough, was located at 1300 19th NW st, Washington DC. Probably not a coincidence that the Ford Harrison Labor Firm is located at the same address. They have lobbied heavily against Unions and the changing of Union election rules. They were directly involved along with the Chamber of Commerce in getting a decision reversed against the TWU reguarding rights of a shop steward.
A4A Airline Members:
Alaska Airlines, Inc. (AS)
American Airlines, Inc. (AA)
Atlas Air, Inc. (5Y)
Delta Air Lines, Inc. (DL)
Federal Express Corporation (FX)
Hawaiian Airlines (HA)
JetBlue Airways Corp. (B6)
Southwest Airlines Co. (WN)
United Continental Holdings, Inc. (UA)
UPS Airlines (5X)
US Airways, Inc. (US)
Associate Airline Members:
Air Canada (AC)
Industry Partners:
Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Honeywell Aerospace
Pratt & Whitney
Delaney and his District reprentatives are severely outgunned when these groups combine to outthink the unions. I don't even think the Burgermeister Buffinbarger can do anything to stop the Corporate steam roller. I think the only ones who have a chance are the employees acting in concert.
Nelson is on the right track relating the concessions at United with the treatment of the Fleet group at US Airways. I just hate that the motivation might be the chance of a re-re-election and positioning for that election. I hate Chicago politics!