May I digress from the past posts to ask a meaningful question? When are the ballots to be counted on the DL 141 UA TA?
The ballots will be counted this weekend, and the results by Monday. The company needs this by the first of April so they can integrate for the summer flight schedule. If it goes down, we will still remain status quo, and they will have to go to a "Plan B" cause we will still be separate.
Problem is, not everyone received ballots....... As Tim said, I know that a few here at EWR and IAH did not receive ballots in a timely fashion, if not at all. Funny thing is that everyone got the IAM Messenger newsletter, but not a voting packet..........hmmmmm!
Bagfather, we will be fighting for scope, especially for the stations that the are now insourcing. Those stations, and the 29 original cities in the old UA agreement, (along with IAH & CLE) should be protected. Protect the work first. Of course our (sSO pilots) gave up their 50 scope, and the codeshare with US will be ending, so there will be a big hole in the South Eastern part of the system that IAD and IAH will have to cover. Will that present opportunities for our members in those cities? Or Air Wisconsin (in IAD) get more work? IMHO, we should be doing the express work in ALL seven hubs, and not by some cinderella agreement that will expire in 2016. But you are right that some of the smaller cities will get whacked no matter what happens.
Also, bring back the 1.00 Market Override and add it to ORD. That's $160.00 or more to one's paycheck each month.
But the biggest issue is the seniority problem, and that won't be resolved till the middle of April. That is a big problem on the sCO side, especially in the Lead position. (amongst other things like lost seniority, but that a lot to discuss) The way that sUA does it, won't fly with sCO. We do it by DOH, not time served as Lead. We have leads who had to wait a long time to upgrade (either by choice or lack of opportunity or bad timing), and now they will lose their seniority. Why is that a problem? If you have 20 years (on the ramp, and not came over from Chelsea) you should keep your 20 years and bit with the Leads with your 20 years time. I have only 8 years as a lead, but 19 total. The way sUA does it, I will only have 8 years! That ain't happening.
We will know by April Fools Day...........