dude com clean i message u
my # u calld it n showd ‘private’
on id u said u wer in phl on biz
n live in clt but reverse lookup
show ‘restricted’w/ ord area code.
u didnt thinki wuz smart nuff to
see that did u?u know im not
dave now to don’t u!
u shuld give a damn
follwin nielson n
havin anti iam wank yanks
online 4 all 2 see sez
more a bout ur credibility
than mine im not dave r
anybody else on iam $roll
nielson will cost u more than
any real union rep ever will
keep followin him u will
b alone w him n his multi
Rich Delaney, March 30, 2013­—Download Members of District 141 have emphatically rejected the tentative agreements reached with United Airlines. Member/tellers from across the country completed their week-long work of receiving, verifying, and counting ballots mailed in from every work group and station covered by the Ramp & Stores and Public Contact Employees agreements. Employees of legacy United Airlines, Continental Airlines, and Continental Micronesia Airlines participated in the ratification process and expressed their opinion.
District 141 will now notify the National Mediation Board of our request to enter into federally mediated negotiations covering all employee groups, as previously established within the protocol of interest based bargaining in August 2012.
Membership surveys will be conducted in the coming weeks to confirm the future positions of the Union on issues important to our members. Negotiations will resume based on the directives of the National Mediation Board.
District 141 thanks all participating members for their vote. The democratic process of membership ratification/rejection is the foundation of our Union and a fundamental right of membership. We respect the decisions made by the majority of our members and will proceed with their best interests in mind.
Rich Delaney, March 28, 2013­—Updated PDF US contract negotiations resumed this past week in Tempe. The company presented their response to our previous economic proposal and included it in an overall proposal for settlement. The company proposal, as presented, was not acceptable to the Negotiating Team and an IAM response was prepared and presented to the company on Wednesday. Our Team was informed by the mediator that the company would not respond to our proposal immediately. Therefore, talks abruptly ended on Thursday. We expect to be called back into talks by the mediator in April, in keeping with our previously agreed to schedule. The lack of response and urgency by the company is disturbing and should be of concern to all members.
As we have pointed out before, USAirways management has spent more time and effort reaching labor agreements with unions and employees that don’t work for US than they have in reaching contract terms with their IAM represented employees both in Fleet Service and Maintenance. This is not a situation that can be ignored. The success or failure of future merger plans must include the satisfactory conclusion of negotiations for US members.
dude com clean i message u
my # u calld it n showd ‘private’
on id u said u wer in phl on biz
n live in clt but reverse lookup
show ‘restricted’w/ ord area code.
u didnt thinki wuz smart nuff to
see that did u?u know im not
dave now to don’t u!
For the sake of us all... I hope they get the message and their is an awakening. For, unlike Bluto's opinion about those on this forum, the whole membership is watching. The Canali team underestimated and dismissed this forum as well. History speaks for itself. I guess if your the incumbent team this forum is a bit threatning... for it serves as a portal for member's true opinions and concerns. It's kind of ironic the said forum, that spearheaded the drive for leadership change within the district, not so long ago, is now being viewed in such a negative light by Bluto and the current team who benefited from it.good for the folks at UA shooting that mess down, maybe that will signal to the 141 leaders not to even bring garbage like that to US for a vote
So... if you're posting on here I guess that makes you a not solid member and an idiot also. Give it a break Brother. You're defensive posture speaks volumes. Don't be scared... this forum represents accountability of our district to the members. You, of all people, should appreciate this. People who challenge the accountability of a leadership team are not idiots. It's called a democratic process. A process the IAM claims to stand for.u wont find it here in a pub
forum w idiots like nielson
trying to destroy iam n unions
in general have u noticed
onlt peple posting r
nielson clones n U?!
700 stomps these idiots
w facts n law every singl day!
true solid mebers r not
on here 4 a good reason!