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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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me n iam informer r cool now
we talk in bakground 4 few dayz
he knows im not dave and he sez
he cant tell me who he is cuz he
is imbedded undercover deep
in iam. he promised to tell sum
stuff on nielson soon!

I think I can step out on a limb and say none of us give a damn what you post or who you claim told it to you as you have zero cred. I will say that if you are an IAM officer as has been stated you're a disgrace who is stealing from the rest of us.
Whatever you want to claim about Nelson at least the membership isn't paying him.
they start reducing scope for the hubs!!! 🙂

robbed ,I know you probably don't want to hear this and I am not saying to offend you.Nor am I saying it is right or wrong or fair or unfair just that it is the way it is. The hubs in any unions eyes are where both the votes and the dues money is at and I have no doubts that carries weight in contract talks. just my opinion

I will say that any who thinks that how this UA contract talks turn out doesnt affect fleet here is just kidding themselves
cltrat i totally agree with you you did not offend me trust me.. ive long known that the hubs carry the weight and ive seen 2 cities added to help make it come true to throw other cities out the door and of course all the other crap like what happen in buf recently and the whole tpa hangar snafu crap a few yrs ago..

ive always felt if the ha was first then it would be ua and soon to be us and i think for us it will be worse

What happens at one carrier generally affects *every* carrier eventually.

Kev I was told by well let's just call him a union member one who's opinion I greatly value that all these carriers are all in contact with each other about these issues. I believe that myself.
why am i not shocked nor surprised by that... it sounds to me lets go to the lowest end of the barrel
Kev I was told by well let's just call him a union member one who's opinion I greatly value that all these carriers are all in contact with each other about these issues. I believe that myself.

Wouldn't doubt it for a second, though they really don't have to go far to see what's going on with the competition...

FWIW, as you look through NW's last ramp/stores CBA, you can see parts that had previously been accepted at US, AA, etc...
I think I can step out on a limb and say none of us give a damn what you post or who you claim told it to you as you have zero cred. I will say that if you are an IAM officer as has been stated you're a disgrace who is stealing from the rest of us.
Whatever you want to claim about Nelson at least the membership isn't paying him.
u shuld give a damn
follwin nielson n
havin anti iam wank yanks
online 4 all 2 see sez
more a bout ur credibility
than mine im not dave r
anybody else on iam $roll
nielson will cost u more than
any real union rep ever will
keep followin him u will
b alone w him n his multi
thanks 4 the info informer
im still not sure waht u mean
well stay in touch
tell th real dave hello
4 me!
bluto (DL),
I really think you might what to seek some professional help .first you print in the messenger that the membership are like monkeys for following social media (which by the way you were a very big part of ) once you got outed you decide to change your style to dumb down . thinking you might have caught a lashing or two from the boss for breaking the delaney rule of NO message boards. now your having make believe conversations with someone you dont know seriously dave you need to take a vacation maybe some deep sea fishing in florida because it would certainly appear that you are cracking up maybe the pressure to get the UA passed to preserve you lost time off the clock status is scarying you certainly can understand that having to go back to throwing bags after being gone for so long can be overwhelming

folks this is a sad situation unfolding here with bluto I have no need to further discuss with someone who is in a very fragile state
clt rat,
bluto isnt technically an officer he wasn't elected he is considered staff and was appointed in 08 to the communications department for his hard work on getting canale out of office by using these actual message boards non the less he is paid by the membership

good to see you back always enjoy reading your unbiased post
as far as UA dont think it could get any worse I mean 50 stations gone in 3 yrs is about as bad as it gets other than contracting out the whole system.
I recall about 2 years ago UA management communicated to air wisconsin about bidding on 30 to 40 additional cities besides IAD so I foresee the UA ramps going to air wisconsin who are represented by DL142 so the IAM still gets its dues revenue just coming from a 9.00 person instead of a Lifelong UA member
Back in 99 was the only time Mtc and Fleet were together in solidarity, the day we all wore the red sweatbands system-wide and labor relations and the VP of mtc was wondering what was going on especially since the negotiating committee walked in the room for negotiations with their sweatbands on too.

Membership apathy and the lack of solidarity are the biggest threat to the membership.
Quite awhile back when I started this thread, before it was given the title Fleet Service Discussions, it was titled Fleet Service Apathy. I asked for input and suggestions on how to address and overcome the apathy and lack of solidarity. I felt at the time, and still do, these two issues are the biggest threat to the membership. The very root of the many problems faced by the membership. Until we find ways to improve both our problems will not only continue to exist; but will get worse. You've got to hand it to the Officers of US and the other airlines... they remain solidified with their objectives in contract negotiations. Until we can mirror that solidarity at the table we will continue to lose ground.
Quite awhile back when I started this thread, before it was given the title Fleet Service Discussions, it was titled Fleet Service Apathy. I asked for input and suggestions on how to address and overcome the apathy and lack of solidarity. I felt at the time, and still do, these two issues are the biggest threat to the membership. The very root of the many problems faced by the membership. Until we find ways to improve both our problems will not only continue to exist; but will get worse. You've got to hand it to the Officers of US and the other airlines... they remain solidified with their objectives in contract negotiations. Until we can mirror that solidarity at the table we will continue to lose ground.
u wont find it here in a pub
forum w idiots like nielson
trying to destroy iam n unions
in general have u noticed
onlt peple posting r
nielson clones n U?!
700 stomps these idiots
w facts n law every singl day!
true solid mebers r not
on here 4 a good reason!
bluto (DL),
I really think you might what to seek some professional help .first you print in the messenger that the membership are like monkeys for following social media (which by the way you were a very big part of ) once you got outed you decide to change your style to dumb down . thinking you might have caught a lashing or two from the boss for breaking the delaney rule of NO message boards. now your having make believe conversations with someone you dont know seriously dave you need to take a vacation maybe some deep sea fishing in florida because it would certainly appear that you are cracking up maybe the pressure to get the UA passed to preserve you lost time off the clock status is scarying you certainly can understand that having to go back to throwing bags after being gone for so long can be overwhelming

folks this is a sad situation unfolding here with bluto I have no need to further discuss with someone who is in a very fragile state
the balck heicopters
are coming! i thought u
knew i wasnt dave (DL)
thats waht you said wed
wehen we talked. i know ur
not nielson cuz u have a
ORD area code nielson lives
in clt iam iz in ORD?
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