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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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Still waiting to hear 3 things RD has done what's wrong cat got your tongue. You speak big words for such a little fellow

Cause I respect you Im going to take your advice but just let me point out it was NO surprise that US management is backing out of negotiations and YES it does have a lot to do with what delaney just signed

With that I will leave it to the rest of your to fight it out
I havent heard 1 thing in 5 pages that brings solidarity. Bottom line is , if you feel so negative regarding the present administration why dont you save it for the next elections? Persuade your colleagues to vote a slate you desire!...
Otherwise lets see what we get out of the present negotiations...ok?
If you are going to use the UA/HA TA as evidence again , i think we get your point already.....thing is you can't show anything on paper or print that says we are going the way of UA/HA.. PERIOD!

If you cant show the company that ur not gonna put up with the bullshit any longer than say things along those lines.....otherwise ur just showing how non-solidified you are.

" The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
Saul Alinsky, from his Thirteen Tactical Rules

mike 33,
I agree it is time we put personal differences and agendas aside at this time. We owe it to ourselves, the union and our NC. There will be a time to critique our leadership on what they have or have not accomplished. In the meantime... we need to show a united front for the sake of our NC and ourselves. Let's give the negotiation process a chance under our current NC, District leadership and US before we come to judgement. Based on the latest contract negotiations update though... I think it's quite clear US has no respect, or sense of obligation, toward our group. IMO... this lack of respect and leverage will be a huge obstacle to overcome for our committee and the IAM going forward.
Re-cycling past elections ,politics, and egos will get US nothing. Live together IAM Brothers and Sisters or WE will PERISH ! Are ENEMY should not be US.
nielson is the enemy n haz been
for decades! true soliidarity wll
not be seen on thes bords
the reason why iz those that
are solid dont com here to read
nielsons n others negative bullshit!
nilelson lost by a huge last place
this shows how fs realy feels!
Ok then , are we done with the accusations and less exciting aspects of union politics or do you guys still have some left in you ?

(in which case i'll come back later )
Ignorant comments?

You are the one who has done more damage to fleet over the years than the IAM, you filed short of cards which led to the bloodbath of 92.

You tried to get the teamsters and they laughed at you, you tried to raid the TWU they laughed at you, you tried to start two different unions and you failed.

You were removed from your grievance chairman at ORD for dual unionism, almost fired from US with the help of JC and JR who convinced the company to let you keep your job when you promoted the slow down on the Big Picture and you were removed from your organizing position from the district.

You cant get elected to the district nor the international.

And if you read any scholarly paper on the RLA you would know its to protect companies and interstate commerce, and was even used to nationalize the railroads by the army under President Truman when the railroad workers went on strike.

Look at every other industry except the railroads and airlines and they can strike as soon as their CBAs expire, CBAs under the RLA dont expire and you have to get permission from the government to strike and then the President can stop you.

You are the one who is truly ignorant.

Most contracts in the railroads are legislated by Congress as the railroads and the unions never reach agreements.

History speaks for itself, go read the book Strike and it will tell you how the RLA came into effect, it was to stop all the wildcat strikes in the railroads as airlines didnt even exist in 1926 when the law was enacted.

And Time, FO and you were buddies, you pushed for him to get elected, so why dont you share the blame for what you say are his failures?

It's always been about timmy and not the membership.

You are the one who is resorting to attacks rather than discussing IAM Fleet Service negotiations, not Tim. When you don't like what an individual on this forum has to say you resort to attacks, nothing new here.

nielson is the enemy n haz been
for decades! true soliidarity wll
not be seen on thes bords
the reason why iz those that
are solid dont com here to read
nielsons n others negative bullshit!
nilelson lost by a huge last place
this shows how fs realy feels!

Please try to remember that you are not texting on here..
The ibt represented, PIT, PHL, BUF and BOS, and those four stations made less money than their non-union counterparts system-wide and after the merger the ibt failed to unionize the whole system and was decertified at the four stations.

And non-union mechanics at Delta and jetBlue make more than IAM mechanics at USAIR. The IAM has facilitated bargain basement labor costs for USAIR since 2002, and as Bob posted earlier they seem fine kicking the can down the road and maintaining the concessionary agreements.

BUT those non union folks at jb and dl can come to work one day and the mgmt can say you are outta here and they would not be able to fight to get their jobs back etc. they are at will employees... in fact if mgmt wants to they can slash their pay as low as they want too without interference While the iam and other unions may have what you claim to be the lowest wages in the world but at least they have added protection
dont forget it was the m r that had their contract abbrogated in ch11 then they got a deal in 2008 just as fsa did at usairways and the contracts are up for couple of yrs and the m r just asked to be released from negogiations but guaranteed at those non union none of that can happen
And non-union mechanics at Delta and jetBlue make more than IAM mechanics at USAIR. The IAM has facilitated bargain basement labor costs for USAIR since 2002, and as Bob posted earlier they seem fine kicking the can down the road and maintaining the concessionary agreements.

Thats because DL only filed chapter 11 once, not twice, DL has laid-off many mechanics when they closed hangars in TPA and DFW, and DL outsources a lot of their heavy maintenance and hires contract mechanics in ATL heavy instead of their own employees, DGS.

Keep trying.

And B6 doesnt have costs of a legacy, but their maintenance costs are creeping up, they got all their slots at JFK for free, and airbus gave them a great deal on the planes and for the first five years they maintenance costs were very low as the planes were new.

B6 is learning that is has to make money from other sources and will begin offering premium seating on the JFK to West Coast markets.
You are the one who is resorting to attacks rather than discussing IAM Fleet Service negotiations, not Tim. When you don't like what an individual on this forum has to say you resort to attacks, nothing new here.

Josh, he doesn't have a life and doesn't even work in the airline industry. He is mostly angry because he was on a negotiation team and didn't find out until after his group got contracted out that the language he agreed to as a lavman was useless. Then he equates the BUF situation where the members all got paid and the company violated the contract, to a legal lockout. Absurd. Again, no airline is legally allowed to lockout a group of workers in the airline industry if they don't strike. I'm not sure why he has to continue fighting this??? The RLA was agreed to and amended to include airlines in the 30's and all the unions agreed to it. If not for the RLA, I seriously doubt more than 10% of our membership would be paying dues to the IAM right now. It supersedes RTW laws. The reason why 700 and the IAM talks so negative about the RLA, and blame the law, is so they can continue their Pollyanna support of an organization that has simply done a lousy job from start to finish in representing. As for me, if I was such a piss clam member then the IAM wouldn't have employed me after many of his allegations. They wouldn't have bothered asking me to formulate organizing plans and winning them. I mean, 700 says I divide and destruct yet the IAM hired me to build solidarity. Had the IAM gone mad? Of course not, because building solidarity within the masses is what I do. I won every organizing election for the IAM by building solidarity through effective communication, education, and trust. At the end of the day, I could no longer organize for them since Delaney and the IAM141 eboard betrayed the trust of the members and I had to rise up against them. We gave these guys a shot but they blew it. regards,
Once again Timmy is spreading lies.

I knew exactly what would happen I read the final offer when I was at ccy, that is why I bid back to stock clerk, so my job was not eliminated, so keep trying.

Show the board where in the RLA it states a lockout is illegal?

And an airline doesnt lockout its employees after the 30 day cooling off period normally they just impose a new CBA, just like what happened at NW with their mechanics and then AMFA chose to strike.

You wont find it, because its not in there, its in the CBA, not the RLA.

An example from the M&R CBA:

C) It is understood and agreed that the Company will not lock out any
17 employees covered hereby, and the Union will not authorize or take part in
18 any strikes, sit downs, slowdowns, or picketing of Company premises
19 during the life of this Agreement until the procedures for settling disputes as
20 provided herein and provided by the Railway Labor Act, as amended, have
21 been exhausted. The Company will not require the employees to cross
22 picket lines of the Company's employees legally established under
23 contractual provisions and the Railway Labor Act on or in front of the
24 premises. The individual or concerted refusal to pass such picket lines shall
25 not constitute grounds for discipline, discharge, lay-off, or be considered a
26 violation of this Agreement.

Closed or open shop language is negotiated, at NW airlines when the flight attendants changed from the IBT to the PFAA, NW stopped taking dues out of the flight attendants paycheck and the PFAA was not collecting dues that way, thanks to Gerry Glass and at one time in history at AS they had an open shop.

And glad to see you keep ignoring the facts and truth.
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