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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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Yes PJ my previous post was directed toward Was I off on the number of guys needed to retain your grievance seat a few years back Im sure you will correct me. Question for ya what happened to the ND141r logo I remember you keep preaching to the membership how much you support him and the rest but have yet to hear from you on what 3 positive improvements he has done for the membership pick the property of your choice if he is such a great leader that should be an easy one . I will give you a chance to call your buddy's to see how they want you to spin it
Yes PJ my previous post was directed toward Was I off on the number of guys needed to retain your grievance seat a few years back Im sure you will correct me. Question for ya what happened to the ND141r logo I remember you keep preaching to the membership how much you support him and the rest but have yet to hear from you on what 3 positive improvements he has done for the membership pick the property of your choice if he is such a great leader that should be an easy one . I will give you a chance to call your buddy's to see how they want you to spin it

nielson giv up ths fake handle s***!
everbodie nows u r the informer
a man that lies abut this is not 2 b
trusted! itz 1 thing 2 b an idiot
but a lying deceitful idiot iz worse!
The NMB wont release two groups at the same airline at the same time.

And freedom, if you were a true union member you wouldnt have been the cheerleader for the current agreement in which you sold out your brothers and sisters for coin.

So the Mechanics and Related Employees have the power and solidarity at the negotiation table that comes with resorting to self-help
and the NMB releasing the parties

Fleet Service not so much
Ignorant comments?
if you read any scholarly paper on the RLA you would know its to protect companies and interstate commerce, and was even used to nationalize the railroads by the army under President Truman when the railroad workers went on strike.

Look at every other industry except the railroads and airlines and they can strike as soon as their CBAs expire, CBAs under the RLA dont expire and you have to get permission from the government to strike and then the President can stop you.

You are the one who is truly ignorant.

Most contracts in the railroads are legislated by Congress as the railroads and the unions never reach agreements.

History speaks for itself, go read the book Strike and it will tell you how the RLA came into effect, it was to stop all the wildcat strikes in the railroads as airlines didnt even exist in 1926 when the law was enacted.
700 I know you don't listen but what I write now is to the audience who gets continually betrayed by the IAM who says dopey things and then when it doesn't deliver the goods it blames the RLA much like Roabily did all last year when justifying how tough the IAM has it in negotiations. The RLA is an incredible tool for labor and protects unions much moreso than any other labor act that I know of in the US or abroad. Item 1: It supersedes right to work laws. This is HUGE! This keeps our union strong insomuch that the resources are 'guaranteed' because the RLA allows closed shops. That is the most sacred legal thing when you have a union. How many members would be paying dues to this arsehat IAM if it didn't have to? I doubt you could get more than 10% to pay dues with this trash representation. Item 2: It allows the collection of dues through the labor agreements so the method of collecting those dues is 'seamless'. Item 3: It doesn't allow a lockout at the midnight hour if a union doesn't strike. This in itself is great and you can look at history yourself and compare. Under the NLRA, a company can lock out its employees at midnight when its collective bargaining agreement expires. This happens all the time, most probably know of the baseball strikes, or other sports strikes where America has become accustom to the term 'Lockout', but many plants and manufacturers also lock out its employees. Under the RLA, agreements never expire and airlines can't lock out IF there is no strike. Many cases exist but the most recent one was the Teamsters at Pan Am. They decided when to strike, not the NMB or the airline, so after the cooling off they just kept going to work. In the meantime Pan am had hundreds of replacement workers ready but couldn't use them. The bankers did not want to give credit to Pan Am since nobody knew if the Teamsters would strike at any given airport, any given hour, or any given flight. At the end of the day, every other union on the property became pissed at the teamsters since the other unions gave pay cuts but the teamsters got pay raises as it forced the company to cave in. You, 700, are an IAM Pollyanna who never blames the IAM leadership but always blames the RLA, the membership, me, or anything else under the sun. regards,
You truly are clueless, the NLRA permits dues collected through paychecks as does various state laws.

There is no power when your CBA doesnt expire and only becomes amendable.

Guess you havent read Beck vs CWA or Whirpool vs Machinists, the permit workers to be non-members and only pay whats germane to the CBA.

Have you ever seen a NLRA CBA negotiations take four years?

And an airline can choose to lockout workers even if its in the CBA that there is a no strike, no lockout, what happened in stations like BUF and others?

And yet you fail to post at the end of the thirty days, the company can impose a new CBA with new pay, benefits and working conditions as the status quo requirement is gone.

The NMB doesnt decide if a union goes on strike, they only give permission too after a 30 day cooling off period, then the President, which happened to the APA can enact a PEB and order them back to work and Congress can even legislate a CBA if the union doesnt accept the PEB findings.

Like I said, go read the book Strike, it clearly shows you how and why the RLA came into effect, it was to stop the strikes against the railroads. And please show the board, what airline was around in 1926, let me give you a hint, that would be ZERO!

Go educate yourself:

I found a simple one so that you could understand it.


Decades of railroad labor unrest which included widespread and often violent work stoppages frequently pitted federal soldiers against striking railroad workers. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge urged both Railroads and Unions to recommend legislation for better labor/management relations and reduce the threat of railroad shutdowns. Railroads and their unions jointly drafted legislation, whose premise is that arms-length negotiations (jaw-jaw, not war-war) promote more stable labor relations. Formally signed by President Coolidge on May 20, 1926, this new law was designated the Railway Labor Act of 1926 (RLA).

The RLA contains five basic purposes

To avoid any interruption to commerce.
To ensure an unhindered right of employees to join a labor union (added in 1934).
To provide complete independence of organization by both parties to carry out the purposes of the RLA.
To assist in the prompt and orderly settlement of disputes covering rates of
pay, work rules, or working conditions.

To assist in the prompt and orderly settlement of disputes growing out of
grievances or out of the interpretation or application of existing contracts covering the rates of pay, work rules or working conditions.
nielson has ben blaming iam
since the 80s fuuny thing
that happens to be when fs
begun to look at goin union!
nielson iz a co plant!
The ibt represented, PIT, PHL, BUF and BOS, and those four stations made less money than their non-union counterparts system-wide and after the merger the ibt failed to unionize the whole system and was decertified at the four stations.
Bluto/ DL
Since I hadn't heard back from PJ how about you can You name 3 things that delaney has done to positively affect the membership Hint you use the guide dogs thats a charity
Yes PJ my previous post was directed toward Was I off on the number of guys needed to retain your grievance seat a few years back Im sure you will correct me. Question for ya what happened to the ND141r logo I remember you keep preaching to the membership how much you support him and the rest but have yet to hear from you on what 3 positive improvements he has done for the membership pick the property of your choice if he is such a great leader that should be an easy one . I will give you a chance to call your buddy's to see how they want you to spin it


Clearly you are not INFORMED when it comes to matters of MY local. And how the Grievance Committee is nominated/elected. What year are we talking here? 2008?, 2009?, 2010?, 2011?, 2012? Which year was a "few years" back? You truly make yourself look like a dumb-ass with comments like that. Since you clearly think that you "know" me, yet hide behind a screen name, I do not feel that you deserve an answer from me.
bluto (DL), PJ,

tell you what if you guys think I am Nelson why havent you reported to the mods Dave you used to have them on speed dial .

attention mods could you investigate and put these accusations to rest that I am not Nelson and Nelson is not me thanks for your attention in this matter
bluto (DL), PJ,

tell you what if you guys think I am Nelson why havent you reported to the mods Dave you used to have them on speed dial .

attention mods could you investigate and put these accusations to rest that I am not Nelson and Nelson is not me thanks for your attention in this matter


I have not said one (1) more word about you being or not being TN since you chickeded out on my offer. I did however call you a dumb-ass.
I havent heard 1 thing in 5 pages that brings solidarity. Bottom line is , if you feel so negative regarding the present administration why dont you save it for the next elections? Persuade your colleagues to vote a slate you desire!...
Otherwise lets see what we get out of the present negotiations...ok?
If you are going to use the UA/HA TA as evidence again , i think we get your point already.....thing is you can't show anything on paper or print that says we are going the way of UA/HA.. PERIOD!

If you cant show the company that ur not gonna put up with the bullshit any longer than say things along those lines.....otherwise ur just showing how non-solidified you are.

" The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
Saul Alinsky, from his Thirteen Tactical Rules
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