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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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hey neilson how muhc does the co pay u
to disrupt labor n solidarity?
is it true delany fired u becuz u
were cauht faxng uniion papers to
the company?
Solidarity are you freaking kidding you and your Boss are discouraging communication on social media according to your latest messenger because the membership isn't drinking your koolaid you are a total joke and have no backbone
nielson u mite have gotten away wit it
but u ferget to erase mem on fax mashine
also it guy found where u postd under a lot
of names here on union pcs
Just like roadtrip, video guy, Bluto
Maybe you should take your own advice and sign out of computers
Been to Tiajuana lately . The more you post the more exposed you become I am really surprised you defy delaneys order of no posting but then again you are getting paid by the membership to communicate. LMAO
You are most certainly asking the membership to trust in you. How could you not be? Seriously?

As long as it's your way, right tim? If it's not your way it's wrong, that much is apparent in ALL of your posts. And loving yourself is VERY EVIDENT, so much so that I think you lose sight of the bigger picture.

BTW, you didn't answer whether or not you had any left over gift cards from the ATL AT campaign.

And ograc,

What would you do different to change the way grievances were resolved if you were in office. How would you make the company speed the process up? BTW have you even spoken to FO about the grievance, or have you just spoke with the grievant anout the situation? there are always 2 sides to the story, and for all appearances sake you are only listening to one side.

So now your saying the poor guy "robbed again" is mistaken about his own grievance boy your really setting new lows
Weren't you a big advocate against the way Canale separated the work groups with class 1 and class 2 city's but now that your new boss does the same thing at UA you don't have a problem. What a hypocrite. Educate yourself PJ your looking like a fooleverytime you come on here . But I guess that's Tim's fault too
i remember the class 1 n class 2 crap if i recall that was when they added BDL and PVD to class 1 cities to pass am i correct.. as far as that ual contract.... its garbage and it belongs in the trash what the hell are the union dues going to if theyre going to keep coming up with crap like that... and if its at ual now what is waiting for us folks
How about we ask this Cargo since you are trying to disillusion so much!......If your ticket were elected would you do a better job? or.....would you say i THINK i could do a better job! Tim had it right !

" Well, nobody knows for sure what will transpire it's just that the leadership and AGC's haven't taken the prelim work to task yet."

He also assumes alot by saying they haven't done any prelim work.!

You couldnt prove either of those DFR type questions so why are you even asking for an absurd answer?
Remember! I believe there are going to be a lot of Y votes on that UA TA......that being said i may interject and cast a no for myself if i was UA but thats only because certain things arent good for me, but would be good for alot of other people.....So FAIR is a interpretaion issue and thats why it is absurd to ask it

Check out the latest from delaney
If you don't think what's going on over at UA isn't affecting our negotiations you are being seriously mislead your a smart guy and you do your research all Im saying is its not necessarily the teams fault but that of the head coach and its going to cost all US members in a negative way
I said the last time MORE THAN ONE GROUP was allowed on strike was EA, so how am I wrong if only the mechanic and related went on strike at NW?

Mechanic and related at NW is one group. No one else at NW went on strike or was allowed to strike, the FAs tried and were not allowed.

Sorry, you might be right on that. I missed the difference in that.

So here's the question then, is there any record of the NW FAs being denied because of MX?
So now your saying the poor guy "robbed again" is mistaken about his own grievance boy your really setting new lows
Weren't you a big advocate against the way Canale separated the work groups with class 1 and class 2 city's but now that your new boss does the same thing at UA you don't have a problem. What a hypocrite. Educate yourself PJ your looking like a fooleverytime you come on here . But I guess that's Tim's fault too


Please kindly show where I said that robbedagain was mistaken about his grievance. The question to ograc was not in any way, shape, or form related to robbedagain and his grievance. Who looks like a fool in this instance? And I could care less what happens at UA, I DO NOT WORK THERE!...get it. But did RD PERSONALLY negotiate the UA T/A without any assistance from the UA NC? Did he personaly insist upon the class1/class2? How come nobody from the UA NC is being asked any questions about how they got to where they are with this T/A? Why did the UA NC agree to send the T/A out for a vote anyway? If they disagreed with it?Same goes for HA, I DO NOT WORK THERE EITHER...ergo, I don't care about THEIR CBA! Now informer, I think that you are in fact TN, just my opinion, what say that you pm me your cell number, and we can squash this whole duel handle thing once and for all shall we? Because, you post almost identical sayings, thoughts, ramblings as TN, just "dumbed down" a little. How about it. You up to the task of proving that you are in fact NOT TN?
i remember the class 1 n class 2 crap if i recall that was when they added BDL and PVD to class 1 cities to pass am i correct.. as far as that ual contract.... its garbage and it belongs in the trash what the hell are the union dues going to if theyre going to keep coming up with crap like that... and if its at ual now what is waiting for us folks
Yes you are correct to answer the money ? The dues are going to buy new IPads and IPhones to the officers so they can communicate better LOL
Oh and let's not forget about the convention goin to Maui this year Bluto always beat his chest about how they could save by having it in LAS but now since there days are numbered they are pulling a Canale and emptying the districts bank accounts before they get the boot
You are most certainly asking the membership to trust in you. How could you not be? Seriously?

As long as it's your way, right tim? If it's not your way it's wrong, that much is apparent in ALL of your posts. And loving yourself is VERY EVIDENT, so much so that I think you lose sight of the bigger picture.

BTW, you didn't answer whether or not you had any left over gift cards from the ATL AT campaign.

And ograc,

What would you do different to change the way grievances were resolved if you were in office. How would you make the company speed the process up? BTW have you even spoken to FO about the grievance, or have you just spoke with the grievant anout the situation? there are always 2 sides to the story, and for all appearances sake you are only listening to one side.
The first thing I would suggest doing to speed up the process is cease this practice of allowing the company and their lawyers the time to review the grievance, in the hope of a settlement, before going to arbitration. This practice is not in the grievance procedure. This practice allows the company another opportunity to delay an already long process. This practice also tips your hand to the company and allows them time and the ability to prepare accordingly. Although FO is our AGC... my station was assigned a VP at Large to assist FO with some of his stations. FO is too busy to call, visit or represent the station I guess. Since he has never visited the station ... my grievant doesn't even know what he looks like. The only two times I personally have spoke with FO it was initiated from my end. Both conference calls with myself, our acting AGC, the grievant and FO. BTW... our acting AGC has done a very good job with our station. Unfortunately, arbitration goes through FO. The grievance has been on FO's desk for over two years now and we are no closer to a scheduled arbitration hearing then when we were from the first day it was forwarded to him.

Just FYI, I am nobody's mouthpiece. Like you, I tell the facts as I see them. You say I don't know squat, maybe so, maybe not. It looks like I hit a nerve though. And NH can most certainly speak for himself, of that I am sure. You are just a whiney POS that when you don't get your way you a temper tantrum to anybody that will listen. God help us if you are ever in a postioin of authority when it comes to FS at US. We would be doomed, cause you would screw over anybody that disagrees with you, and burn down the house just to prove a point.
I would do my best to screw over anyone who screws over the membership. I told you 141 rising supporters what was going to happen with the United contract, not because I was a prophet but because no prelim work had been done and leverage had been lost. The only nerve struck was the one that made you reduce your position to calling me a POS. I make no apologies for having a small part in removing those bum union officers I have in the past and those I am about to. regards,
The first thing I would suggest doing to speed up the process is cease this practice of allowing the company and their lawyers the time to review the grievance, in the hope of a settlement, before going to arbitration. This practice is not in the grievance procedure. This practice allows the company another opportunity to delay an already long process. This practice also tips your hand to the company and allows them time and the ability to prepare accordingly. Although FO is our AGC... my station was assigned a VP at Large to assist FO with some of his stations. FO is too busy to call, visit or represent the station I guess. Since he has never visited the station ... my grievant doesn't even know what he looks like. The only two times I personally have spoke with FO it was initiated from my end. Both conference calls with myself, our acting AGC, the grievant and FO. BTW... our acting AGC has done a very good job with our station. Unfortunately, arbitration goes through FO. The grievance has been on FO's desk for over two years now and we are no closer to a scheduled arbitration hearing then when we were from the first day it was forwarded to him.


I asked how YOU would speed up the process. Not what you would suggest. How would YOU make the company hear grievances in a "timely" manner? What would YOU do if the company said no to a certain schedule that didn't fit your timeline? What recourse do you have in any of these situations? And have you called FO personally to discuss this grievance one on one?
How about we ask this Cargo since you are trying to disillusion so much!......If your ticket were elected would you do a better job? or.....would you say i THINK i could do a better job! Tim had it right !

" Well, nobody knows for sure what will transpire it's just that the leadership and AGC's haven't taken the prelim work to task yet."

He also assumes alot by saying they haven't done any prelim work.!

You couldnt prove either of those DFR type questions so why are you even asking for an absurd answer?
Remember! I believe there are going to be a lot of Y votes on that UA TA......that being said i may interject and cast a no for myself if i was UA but thats only because certain things arent good for me, but would be good for alot of other people.....So FAIR is a interpretaion issue and thats why it is absurd to ask it
The prelim work hasn't been done. How could someone say otherwise? Neither has it been cultivated either at US AIRWAYS or United. Those are facts. It all starts with trusting the membership and having the leadership skillset to build the solidarity. In the context of US AIRWAYS, the IAM is the biggest union at the airline but it has not taken advantage of this natural leverage, instead it has encouraged two separate cultures and two separate languages between fleet and mx. And although DL142 filed for 30 day, it only did so because the IBT has targeted and initiated a raid there. Nonetheless, IAM 141 has to do something more than putting up love letters on the site and following the same goofy non-academic path it did when it got its arse kicked at United. Management has blown off the negotiations committee numorous times. Why wouldn't they? Is there something we are missing because I'm not sure why anyone would expect anything other than more disrespect since our union leaders are incredibly soft and can't even handle 'baby grievances'. And remember, at United, IAM141 has 32,500 members or 40% of the entire employee base which is tons and tons of leverage. regards,
I would do my best to screw over anyone who screws over the membership. I told you 141 rising supporters what was going to happen with the United contract, not because I was a prophet but because no prelim work had been done and leverage had been lost. The only nerve struck was the one that made you reduce your position to calling me a POS. I make no apologies for having a small part in removing those bum union officers I have in the past and those I am about to. regards,

You are a POS in my opinion because you threw away friendships you have had for years to advance YOUR political/union career. All because you had a hissy-fit because you didn't get your way. But sad as it is to admit, I am a little like you in one respect. If you ever were in a position of power within any union that represents US fleet, I would certainly work against you in every way possible, to the detrement of the members, which, IMO, is what you are doing here. And I am glad for all of the work you put in, in throwing canoli, and his merry band of misfits, out, it was/is greatly appreciated. No apology needed there. So to reiterate, yes I think you are a POS for putting friendships aside for personal gain, I think you are a detrement to the membership at US, and are succeeding in nothing more than dividing an already divided workgroup.
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