Dont have to watch the video, the membership at UA will make their choice, it doesnt effect you in the least bit.
And I meant how you post misinformation and lies and then I counter them, never said you lied in the post.
And Tim nor you were in negotiations, no one knows except the committee and the company what transpired in negotiations.
Interesting you say that, you sure seem to be the expert on AA negotiations with the TWU provided many "facts" on the process yet you haven't sat in. I have to ask, why are you so sensitive to these discussions about the IAM negotiations and feel the need to do PR work for the international? Last I checked the labor movement promotes free speech, membership involvement and accountability of leadership, no? Seems you want to go back to the "don't ask and keep your mouth shut" mindset when workers were afraid to speak up on safety issues, union leadership, company personnel, etc. Is that what you want?
And actually it does potentially impact me, I fly UA to DEN, LAX, and SFO from BOS if they contract out and bring in clueless agents that can't do more than check a bag and issue a boarding pass as a customer it would effect my experience with UA in BOS.