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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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Dont have to watch the video, the membership at UA will make their choice, it doesnt effect you in the least bit.

And I meant how you post misinformation and lies and then I counter them, never said you lied in the post.

And Tim nor you were in negotiations, no one knows except the committee and the company what transpired in negotiations.

Interesting you say that, you sure seem to be the expert on AA negotiations with the TWU provided many "facts" on the process yet you haven't sat in. I have to ask, why are you so sensitive to these discussions about the IAM negotiations and feel the need to do PR work for the international? Last I checked the labor movement promotes free speech, membership involvement and accountability of leadership, no? Seems you want to go back to the "don't ask and keep your mouth shut" mindset when workers were afraid to speak up on safety issues, union leadership, company personnel, etc. Is that what you want?

And actually it does potentially impact me, I fly UA to DEN, LAX, and SFO from BOS if they contract out and bring in clueless agents that can't do more than check a bag and issue a boarding pass as a customer it would effect my experience with UA in BOS.

Never said I was an expert on negotiations at AA, I have first hand knowledge and experience in Section 1113 negotiations.

Spreading more lies joshie?

The Grand Lodge Reps assist the negotiating committee in negotiations, as most of them were AGCs or GCs before, Ira was a DL 141 AGC and if I remember correctly Ira is a lawyer.
Never said I was an expert on negotiations at AA, I have first hand knowledge and experience in Section 1113 negotiations.

Spreading more lies joshie?

The Grand Lodge Reps assist the negotiating committee in negotiations, as most of them were AGCs or GCs before, Ira was a DL 141 AGC and if I remember correctly Ira is a lawyer.

It is implied in your posts. Would you like me to recall a few examples?

Are you a mind reader?

Never claimed to know what happened in negotiations at AA, I just explained the process and what happened at US.

Why do you constantly make the topic about me and not the issue?
Cripes PJ lets ask those members in BUF , IND, MSY, and all the other cities that delaney stood down on. Or how about the attendance grievance that he and his merry men campaigned on in 08 only to once again get summoned to Rons office and told and I repeat "told" to WITHDRAW. How many hundred if not thousands of life's does this man have to upset before you have given him his chance

What you don't understand is Delaney makes the call on what is ultimately (just like Canale) in the TA so the hope isn't lost on the NC it's lost on the people in charge of them
I won't burden you with the treason he is pulling at UA since you mindset is strictly US but once again it appears the DOL is going to be involved because of atkinsons color coding ballots and members not receiving ballots or TA but heck I don't have to tell you it's always sunny and 70 in RDU when Frankie's in town. I must say though the big knocker jokes are a little dates and juevenile don't you think
Thanks for explaining it 700 it does make sense now. i should have figured the protection for commerce not workers. in anyhow i wish the mechanics all the luck and hopefully if they do get released to a 30 day cooling down may be that will give the company more pressure to secure a settlement but i do have doubts on that. itll be interesting over the next few weeks n months
Hopefully they will do so, but again it greatly questions the value of the representation they are receiving when it takes four years to reach such a sh!ty agreement and then have District and Grand Lodge officials peddling this a terrific agreement. As you have said many, many times before, without SCOPE nothing else that gets negotiated is of much substance.

It doesn't "question" anything. It clearly demonstrates that 141 is using an anachronistic model of organizing/negotiating, and is completely out of touch with what the rank and file wants. Someone'll correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the NUMBER 1 thing UA/CO people wanted from this T/A was scope, followed closely by medical. Look how that turned out...

Can someone explain the role of a Grand Lodge Rep (Ira Levy)? Do they represent the DL to GL? Represent GL to the company? Not clear what exactly they contribute to the process.


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Never said I was an expert on negotiations at AA, I have first hand knowledge and experience in Section 1113 negotiations.

Spreading more lies joshie?

The Grand Lodge Reps assist the negotiating committee in negotiations, as most of them were AGCs or GCs before, Ira was a DL 141 AGC and if I remember correctly Ira is a lawyer.

With that pedigree you would think he would conduct himself as such
Instead of screaming and cursing at the UA membership when they spoke up and asked ?s in the roadshow
Ira totally fumbled the UA/CO FA election but yet is given the task to negotiate for the largest union membership at UA and comes back with 50 stations on the chopping block and no per BK wages and the highest medical care premiums in the industry
Would you agree that with the rag delaney came back with st UA that US wanted to circle the wagons and rethink what else they can take from him he has pretty much but the nail in the coffin for future negotiations but hell he doesn't give a s@it he is retiring at the convention anyway

What go think about having the convention in Maui this year after all its your dues and your fearless leadership working as hard as they can to drain the DL bank accounts sound familiar
Live in denial all you want but reality is these bozos are worse than canales group , shoot the current AGC group had to take the AGC class not once but twice. But I guess you just can't fix stupid
I would like to propose two questions to all IAM DL 141 members at UA and US; based on past and most recent history. 1.) Does the IAM District Lodge 141 Leadership Team meet their fiduciary Duty to Fairly Represent their members? 2.) Based on past and most recent history... Do you believe the IAM District 141 Leadership Teams have represented their own interests first at the cost of the members' best interests?
Robbed, its not that they cant release two groups at the same company at the same time, its that they wont, remember the RLA is made to protect Interstate Commerce, not the workers.

Back in the late 70s one airline went out on strike and everyone else followed in a wildcat, those were the days.

Hold up 700, let's look at your logic there. First off, you're ASSUMING that they won't. OK, fair enough to give an opinion. Hell, some here talk out of their ass all the time. I've got a monumental problem with your conclusion though. You're stating that the NLRB will not releae two groups based on both past practice from events 40 years ago as well as the fact that one airline after another went on strike. Here's my problems:
  • This is 2013, not even close to the days of disco. Since then there was this little thing called deregulation. ANY labor related comparison really isn't relevant as the times and situation are totally and completly different. There's also the fact that the NLRB is made up of different people now, so it's a poor assumption that different people will make the exact same decision on a completly different situation.
  • You are making a comparision based on strikes across MULTIPLE airlines. That has nothing to do with this situation. What's the difference between 141 or 142 striking versus 141 AND 142 striking? The airline isn't running either way. In fact, it's actually more beneficial that way because it keeps the airline from being hit with strikes twice in sucession.
  • Third, and this is more of a comment, and not necessarily a truly factual retort. You're assuming that the cool down periods will result in a strike. I'm not certain, but I find the odds of the airline failing to stop at least one group from striking pretty long.
I would like to propose two questions to all IAM DL 141 members at UA and US; based on past and most recent history. 1.) Does the IAM District Lodge 141 Leadership Team meet their fiduciary Duty to Fairly Represent their members? 2.) Based on past and most recent history... Do you believe the IAM District 141 Leadership Teams have represented their own interests first at the cost of the members' best interests?

Based on my observations at US the IAM has done as good (or as bad, your choice) a job as the TWU did with HP. Some of this I do believe the union is at fault for, but most of it I blame on the airline. I can not and will not speak about UA because I don't work there. I can't say that their contract is crap becauise I can't understand where they're coming from. I know I would say that TA was crap if it came from OUR NC, but it didn't.

The facts are simple:
  • Everyone will never be happy
  • Dissenters are always loudest
  • Forums generally only get input from both extreme ends, but neglect the middle
  • The company is the threat; at worst the union just isn't competent
Let's fight the right fight, not the fight of elections past and future. That will come up next election.
I would like to propose two questions to all IAM DL 141 members at UA and US; based on past and most recent history. 1.) Does the IAM District Lodge 141 Leadership Team meet their fiduciary Duty to Fairly Represent their members? 2.) Based on past and most recent history... Do you believe the IAM District 141 Leadership Teams have represented their own interests first at the cost of the members' best interests?

How about we ask this Cargo since you are trying to disillusion so much!......If your ticket were elected would you do a better job? or.....would you say i THINK i could do a better job! Tim had it right !

" Well, nobody knows for sure what will transpire it's just that the leadership and AGC's haven't taken the prelim work to task yet."

He also assumes alot by saying they haven't done any prelim work.!

You couldnt prove either of those DFR type questions so why are you even asking for an absurd answer?
Remember! I believe there are going to be a lot of Y votes on that UA TA......that being said i may interject and cast a no for myself if i was UA but thats only because certain things arent good for me, but would be good for alot of other people.....So FAIR is a interpretaion issue and thats why it is absurd to ask it

The NLRB has nothing to do with the RLA and unionized airline employees, that would be the NMB.

The last time more than one group went on strike which was permitted by the NMB was at EA.

Hasnt happened since and it wont, look at the history.
How about we ask this Cargo since you are trying to disillusion so much!......If your ticket were elected would you do a better job? or.....would you say i THINK i could do a better job! Tim had it right !

" Well, nobody knows for sure what will transpire it's just that the leadership and AGC's haven't taken the prelim work to task yet."

He also assumes alot by saying they haven't done any prelim work.!

You couldnt prove either of those DFR type questions so why are you even asking for an absurd answer?
Remember! I believe there are going to be a lot of Y votes on that UA TA......that being said i may interject and cast a no for myself if i was UA but thats only because certain things arent good for me, but would be good for alot of other people.....So FAIR is a interpretaion issue and thats why it is absurd to ask it
What you interpret as disillusion, is in fact, a simple question put forth regarding the quality of representation by the IAM District 141 Leadership. The question put forth is not about "my ticket" or anyone else's. The question put forth is about past and current District 141 leadership's responsibility to the membership. A union has a fiduciary DUTY TO FAIRLY REPRESENT. The leadership team you defend, may in fact, be protected by the veil of interpretation and the inability to "prove" the Failure to Duly Represent but this does'nt change the truth. To you and others the question, I'm sure, is threatning... but it is not "absurd" as you put it. Are you advocating the membership blindly follows the district's lead? Are you advocating a sit down, shut up and do as I say style of representation? Are you advocating a policy and belief that if anyone questions the accountability of our elected union representatives their questions and ideas should be considered as "absurd" and politically motivated? This has nothing to do with politics, past elections or personal agendas. This is about accountability to the members who pay dues. Accountability to the members who elected the officers to Duly Represent their best interests. You may call it "disillusion" or "absurd" to ask such a question if you so choose but it doesn't change the truth.
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