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Feb / Mar 2013 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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sadly I have to agree with you about building solidarity ... that is SO important .. we tend not to ask ourselves how can we build solidarity ?

Does anyone have any ideas on how we can build solidarity here at US Airways ?

You're kidding, right?

I dont want to compare UA paper and i dont want compare HA paper. Period!

Fair enough, but given that it's the same people at the top of 141- and given the history of an almost pattern bargaining in the industry- isn't it safe to assume that what happens at UA or HA has the possibility to affect what happens at US?
The NC is made up almost entirely of US employees (with I believe three exceptions), NOT UA employees. What UA got is only something to use as ammo to try to get when they're good. The company will use it to show what they didnt' get. Only an idiot would assume that the US TA (which is still being written) is going to be like the UA one. Even moreso, by saying that it's the same without seeing it tells the NC that you have no respect for their hard work and tells the company that you're not expecting much.
Necigrad, the chief negotiator for your negotiation team is from United airlines and it is significant since he is the same anti unionist that hammered and sabotaged other negotiations. And Frank and MF consider him their boss. At any rate, exactly what hard work are you referring to? If they see RH for 15 minutes in any given week they are lucky. Nobody is negotiating 24/7 as Frank O says, certainly not the company so maybe they are negotiating with ghost. Most of the days, the company blows them off. The fault lies in the District leadership which leaves the negotiation team with little to negotiate with. They have no leverage in negotiations since they have been given none by the District AGC's and IAM141. There is no respect for these guys from the company because no prelim work has been done by the union. Why should the company give them one penny? What will compel the company to do so? Hell, IAM141 isn't even on the same page with IAM 142. Embarrassing indeed. Because the prelim work was not done, negotiations will fail, and if a contract is reached it can only necessarily be because they gave the company some things and in return got a few crumbs. There simply is no evidence to suggest or hope otherwise. regards,
700 You said the nmb cannot release 2 groups of the same union at the same time.. given that the 142 has asked to be released how long does the 141 have to wait to ask to be released and why cant they be released together whats the logic behind that
700 You said the nmb cannot release 2 groups of the same union at the same time.. given that the 142 has asked to be released how long does the 141 have to wait to ask to be released and why cant they be released together whats the logic behind that
Asking for a release is symbolic. I don't know of any situation of a merger where a US President approved of a strike. Especially Democratic presidents who are more apt to not allow a strike. Remember, APA pilots at American were told by Obama not to expect a cooling off, and that was after a long time of negotiations. What is more troubling though is that IAM 141 and IAM 142 don't seem to be on the same page and the memberships have not been melded together for solidarity. Surprising indeed. regards,
Your work makes US leadership shine. US leadership does not shine on merit. What they are doing right now is flat out disrespectful and uprofessional towards both DL 142 and DL 141 on the US property. Perhaps you are brainwashed by the briefings that sensationalize our performance as a company. It is now time (and has been for a while) for the company to answer to OUR work group. We are snubbed at every opportunity the company has to do so... open your eyes. Did you get a piece of pie the other day when everyone else got their profit sharing checks?
And for the poster a few pages back that cited that the TWU is known for outsourcing..ahem...IAM is known for it, too. I fell victim to that and have spent the past 14 months making several personal and professional sacrifices to get back to what was rightfully mine. No thanks to the Company or the Union. I did what I had to do.
Now, you mention remaining calm, cool, and collected. Well, please, sit back and remain idle, it is just what the company would like you to do. They're hoping the rest of our workgroup does, too, so they can sweep us under the rug and forget about us. If your not feeling the recoil from the latest slap in the face, then you are numb.

actually I didn't even get the pie ....... so I got NOTHING .........that bothers me something horrible that we get ZERO as far as profit sharing .. that needs to be rectified ...

actually I didn't even get the pie ....... so I got NOTHING .........that bothers me something horrible that we get ZERO as far as profit sharing .. that needs to be rectified ...

lol you can forget that profit sharing went the way of the great white buffalo with this contract and it
is never coming back, unless maybe your willing to let them contract everything but the hubs and I doubt it would then.

The company is going to keep up this stalling bs for as long as it suits them.I see nothing the nc or the union can do about it. Fed laws prevent anything that might help imo.
lol you can forget that profit sharing went the way of the great white buffalo with this contract and it
is never coming back, unless maybe your willing to let them contract everything but the hubs and I doubt it would then.

The company is going to keep up this stalling bs for as long as it suits them.I see nothing the nc or the union can do about it. Fed laws prevent anything that might help imo.

well maybe they might serve pie on different days then next time ?
actually I didn't even get the pie ....... so I got NOTHING .........that bothers me something horrible that we get ZERO as far as profit sharing .. that needs to be rectified ...

This should tell you something about how our leadership views our work group. True, it was "negotiated" out of our contract and "factored" into our hourly wages, but that isnt the case for other work groups, so why was it necessary to do so for our group? I agree, we should have it back, and the amount our work group would get to split amongst the membership is a drop in the bucket compared to say, the pilot group. It certainly wouldnt be asking too much. By "negotiating" it out of our T.A., all we did was give our percentage back into the pot to add to the other workgroups percentage!! Fleet is sucking hind tit on all levels.... that is why morale is, and will remain, low. You gotta love your work/job to continue to do this for a living.
actually I didn't even get the pie ....... so I got NOTHING .........that bothers me something horrible that we get ZERO as far as profit sharing .. that needs to be rectified ...
but you still think mgmt is doing a beautiful job... yea they sure are... doing back room door buster deals with anther airline... not trying to negogiate with the iam etc yep then they close up cities left n right yes they sure are doing a great job in your eyes better wake up and smell the coffee bec they do not give a dam about anyone that is a fact

What “prelim” work should have been done? How much “teamwork” and “solidarity” does it take for the company that YOU and I work for to show Fleet some respect? And truth is Tim, even IF you were PDGC of DL141, which you aren’t btw, the members assured us of that, thank goodness for small miracles, there would be absolutely nothing you could do about the company’s tactics, and treatment of the NC, and Fleet Service as a whole. And you can preach to the “masses” about DL 141 and DL 142 working together against the company, but you and I both know, although you will not admit it, that DL 142 wants nothing to do with Fleet. Remember 141M? We were and always will be a pawn to DL142. IMHO anyway. And as far as our CBA that is currently being negotiated, well by our NC anyway, the company went AWOL on this round of negotiations, I for one will give those on the committee the respect that they deserve, and will reserve judgement until we have something to read in its entirety, not just the bullet points, and to vote on. IMO they deserve our support, and, that we reserve our judgement until that all happens. Cripes people lets give them a chance already.

Rich YOU have to earn respect something you can't do when you blow off negotiations more than 50% of the time the first year and half US was in negotiations
So give up the we pissed at the company routine you set this commitee and its membership to fail be a freaking MAN and own up to it

You will probably have a 50 / 50 chance of getting to get your hands on a TA before ratification just ask your UA buddy's once again Atkinson sabotages the mailing by saying oops we didn't order enough contracts. And this MORON is in charge of your money something to be very proud of. I realize you and frank are buddy's so I will try and be gentle here but if a AGC Can't get a pay Dispute that has been going on for 4 yrs for one poor employee how in gods name do you think he can negotiate a contract once again hang your head with Irish Proud on that one to but I guess at the end of the day it's all Tim's fault.

What “prelim” work should have been done? How much “teamwork” and “solidarity” does it take for the company that YOU and I work for to show Fleet some respect? And truth is Tim, even IF you were PDGC of DL141, which you aren’t btw, the members assured us of that, thank goodness for small miracles, there would be absolutely nothing you could do about the company’s tactics, and treatment of the NC, and Fleet Service as a whole. And you can preach to the “masses” about DL 141 and DL 142 working together against the company, but you and I both know, although you will not admit it, that DL 142 wants nothing to do with Fleet. Remember 141M? We were and always will be a pawn to DL142. IMHO anyway. And as far as our CBA that is currently being negotiated, well by our NC anyway, the company went AWOL on this round of negotiations, I for one will give those on the committee the respect that they deserve, and will reserve judgement until we have something to read in its entirety, not just the bullet points, and to vote on. IMO they deserve our support, and, that we reserve our judgement until that all happens. Cripes people lets give them a chance already.
I too will acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our NC. Unfortunatley, IMO... they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They're tasked to negotiate with a company that is not willing or interested in negotiating a new contract anytime soon. The rock: The company. A summary of the last two negotiating sessions... the first: the company was not prepared to exchange proposals. See you next month. The second and most recent: a complete and disrespectful no show by the company. Hardly the NCs fault on either account. The hard place: District 141 Leadership tentatively agrees to a sub par contract at UA and brings it back for ratification with their full support. A TA inclusive of drastic subcontracting language, unlimited part time, split shifts, dramatic increases to contributions to medical benefits a modest wage increase etc. Hardly an industry leading contract. As I have stated before... I believe the members who make up our NC are dedicated and are doing the best they can. Unfortunately they are caught in a cross fire and fighting a battle on two fronts as I see it.

Rich YOU have to earn respect something you can't do when you blow off negotiations more than 50% of the time the first year and half US was in negotiations
So give up the we pissed at the company routine you set this commitee and its membership to fail be a freaking MAN and own up to it

You will probably have a 50 / 50 chance of getting to get your hands on a TA before ratification just ask your UA buddy's once again Atkinson sabotages the mailing by saying oops we didn't order enough contracts. And this MORON is in charge of your money something to be very proud of. I realize you and frank are buddy's so I will try and be gentle here but if a AGC Can't get a pay Dispute that has been going on for 4 yrs for one poor employee how in gods name do you think he can negotiate a contract once again hang your head with Irish Proud on that one to but I guess at the end of the day it's all Tim's fault.
Let's not forget the grievance out of my station awaiting arbitration. 3 year old grievance. Waiting 2 years for arbitration. Same AGC. Embarassing and difficult, if not impossible, to explain to the grievant.
Robbed, its not that they cant release two groups at the same company at the same time, its that they wont, remember the RLA is made to protect Interstate Commerce, not the workers.

Back in the late 70s one airline went out on strike and everyone else followed in a wildcat, those were the days.
The inherent advantage that UA employees have over DL workers is that they have a collective say in their future. Hopefully, they use that voice to say "F no" to this T/A.

Hopefully they will do so, but again it greatly questions the value of the representation they are receiving when it takes four years to reach such a sh!ty agreement and then have District and Grand Lodge officials peddling this a terrific agreement. As you have said many, many times before, without SCOPE nothing else that gets negotiated is of much substance.

Josh, Delaney kept the term 'temporary employee' instead of converting it to 'ready reserve'. But they certainly did make a lean to ready reserve in this contract when you compare the current contract with the new TA. Not fully blown like at Hawaiian. What is equally concerning is unlimited split shifts and unlimited part time. It will destroy our craft but double the revenue of the IAM since two part timers bring in double the revenue of one full timer. The TWU just signed unlimited part time as well at AMR and no doubt our present leadership at the IAM will try to also swing that one. Both the IAM and TWU are losing their collective rumps and have sold out to part timers to keep the union functionable. Anti labor indeed. regards,

Makes sense, they are looking to maximize headcount and dues payers to suit the interests of the IAM not the workers they espouse to serve. It's just like when the IAM rolls over and allows UA/US to outsource handling to ZW, from the Grand Lodge perspective nothing changes they still collect dues.

Can someone explain the role of a Grand Lodge Rep (Ira Levy)? Do they represent the DL to GL? Represent GL to the company? Not clear what exactly they contribute to the process.

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