What “prelim” work should have been done? How much “teamwork” and “solidarity” does it take for the company that YOU and I work for to show Fleet some respect? And truth is Tim, even IF you were PDGC of DL141, which you aren’t btw, the members assured us of that, thank goodness for small miracles, there would be absolutely nothing you could do about the company’s tactics, and treatment of the NC, and Fleet Service as a whole. And you can preach to the “masses” about DL 141 and DL 142 working together against the company, but you and I both know, although you will not admit it, that DL 142 wants nothing to do with Fleet. Remember 141M? We were and always will be a pawn to DL142. IMHO anyway. And as far as our CBA that is currently being negotiated, well by our NC anyway, the company went AWOL on this round of negotiations, I for one will give those on the committee the respect that they deserve, and will reserve judgement until we have something to read in its entirety, not just the bullet points, and to vote on. IMO they deserve our support, and, that we reserve our judgement until that all happens. Cripes people lets give them a chance already.