lets not start talking about illegal work slow downs ... no one here is stupid , not us , not management reading this ...
let us remain cool calm and collected ... patience is a virtue...
As to taking out a 100K ad in USA today to complain about whatever ,yeah I agree with the other poster who said that no one will care .. ...that's like protesting outside of Wal-Mart because their non-union and don't pay a living wage , their parking lots will still be full and you'll just end up with heat stroke .
I think we need to remind the company that our performance as a work group has been exemplary .... Remember this management group is all about performance vs cost ..
If our union wanted to spend some coin , they should create some graphs that show our MBR before our new contract and our MBR afterwards ...
One of the problems that we have is that our management is for the most part old AWA brass so their much more apt to see the decreased MBR from the west system and assume that further gains would be less likely company wide .
Happy workers are PRODUCTIVE workers , and while we here in the west were VERY happy with our new contract , our fellow brothers and sisters in the former US Air portion of the system only received minimal gains economically ..
We need to argue strongly that increased compensation will result in decreased delays and MBR ...