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F/A transition agreement reached

Basically, the deal that they are offering the East Furloughies is meant to be unattractive to minimize the number of higher waged employees from returning. Do you honestly think that the Union would be able to negotiate some all inclusive package to get you back? Not going to happen when they can hire newbies off the street for next to nothing.

You are quite right in many respects as if most furloughees go to PHX with their longevity at a year it is $17-$19. Right off most will say no. Wests long-term payscale is substantially lower the East. so they can ultimately hire off the street at the substantlly lower pay. However, one year later and once the contracts are finalized, etc. a furloughed FA now employed will get paid something potentially close to $30/hr. That is the pay rate for a 6 year tenure at East (according to ctr)

I believe many are right in that they hope most involvs won't go and are fed up and leave. But they forgot the very same DEDICATED people they hired ARE the furloughs; they won't give up that easily.
The 1999-2001 generation of US Airways flight attendants is very unique. They've been furloughed, displaced, and generally dicked around more times in 5-7 years than most have in thier entire career. If MidAtlantic did anything, it created a group of absolute professionals who went from starry eyed 20 something- year old new hires to the savviest group out there. Airways is terrified to have these people back after what they've done to them... ask a senior granny what a scope clause is and she'll bleat on about the bid sheet. Ask a MIdAtlantic F/A and they'll talk your ear off.. of course they don't want the smart ones back! This group does a great job but they will not be abused because they've had every low-down dirty trick done to them. They are the last generation of "career F/As", that had a taste of when contracts were better, and they've still got some years ahead of them. They have organized a lawsuit against the company and AFA that was initially laughed off as an idle threat, but throughout it all the MDA operation has remained an example of how customers should be treated and how F/As should act. US Airways has created a unique group of F/As that they have no idea what to do with and are probably a little bit scared of. Of course they'd rather have an open house at a Denny's in PHX than bring back the MDA/furloughed people.
Ok, why would they insist on 7 weeks training? I know people who have been off for three years and did training in one week. If you really don't want people back than you make it damn hard for them. Who's paying for the flight out there? The east union should grieve this or the furloughed F/A's should consider a class action. Seriously. If they can train in one week there is no reason why they couldn't. The big but....you are being offered a job at a new company. I'm so sorry. Its not fair.

Okay, let me ask you this! If you are out there for 7 weeks of training and have to foot the bill, what is the difference if you are living there footing the bill??? Seriously, if you are going to live there, get an apartment during training. I am not being rude I am just curious.
I remember going to a friend's crash pad.. his place was about 1/2 a mile east of Mesa's HDQ and was kinda nice & quaint. Wouldn't be surprised to see some of our West crash-padders & Mesa crews open their open rooms up to the East crews.

In regards to the MDA, I can attest that our passengers have noticed a difference. A route we operate was converted from one express carrier to US, err MDA, and we have a steady flow of regulars & that was the first thing they all raved about, was how professional & fun everyone was, that it was nice to see people enjoying their jobs instead of some 20 year old fresh out of high school sitting there chewing gum & smiling at them for xx minutes. (I have nothing against our Express FAs, I even dated one! I'm just telling you what our regular passengers have commented on).
What do you call 3 usairways(east) FA sitting in a hot tub in harrisburg?
Answer gorillas in the mist
Why would you say something like that? I do not see anyone else saying stuff like that. Ignorance!!!
Basically, here is the bottom line.

Basically, the deal that they are offering the East Furloughies is meant to be unattractive to minimize the number of higher waged employees from returning. Do you honestly think that the Union would be able to negotiate some all inclusive package to get you back? Not going to happen when they can hire newbies off the street for next to nothing.

The sad reality of the entire situation is that employees have become pawns in a larger chess game. You are expendable and are meant to protect the king (stock holders).

It is a sad reality......(and not one I advocate by any means)

That's why there are uinions and organzied labor AND FEDERAL LAWS protecting the workers, specifically older population from the greed that a capitalistic system brings with it as a consequence.

POWER TO THE PEOPLE, my friend. Checks AND balances alive and well and protected. Just wait until November election and see how many Republicans get thrown out on their azzes for allowing Corporate greed to upset the balance; dumping pension plans and employers placing more of the medical cost burden on the employee with decreasing wages will hurt every tax payer in America. And WalMart ain't seen nothing yet.. :up:

Okay, let me ask you this! If you are out there for 7 weeks of training and have to foot the bill, what is the difference if you are living there footing the bill??? Seriously, if you are going to live there, get an apartment during training. I am not being rude I am just curious.

I think it is pathetic that the MECs did not insist in their negotiations that the Company (who gave obscene raises to their senior management) put the recalled f/as up in a hotel for training and pay for these rooms. How in the heck are these f/as able to pay for the transportation to and from the training site??? All of us on the East who were new hires were trained with some pay and hotels were ALL paid for the 5 weeks of training. How quickly everyone forgot.

This is a shame!

How much time does anyone get to look for apartments or crash pads while in training. This is a very expensive move for the "recalled" f/as and I suspect many won't take the recall. Figures this is how the senior U-East fa/s got to manuver a transfer into the PHX base. Sounds pretty suspect to me!

The media should be receiving sound bites on this one.
What do you call 3 usairways(east) FA sitting in a hot tub in harrisburg?
Answer gorillas in the mist

What's the diference between God and a pilot?

God doesn't think he's a pilot.

Just jabbin. My old man is a pilot.
Why would you say something like that? I do not see anyone else saying stuff like that. Ignorance!!!
Because I cant stand any of you whining pains. You people want everything and are not happy with anything you get.The only thing that comes out of easties mouths are we deserve this we derserve that I guess our west FA dont derserve squat(like Job security)which wasnt an issuse until we Aquired the Titanic(usairways).
Because I cant stand any of you whining pains. You people want everything and are not happy with anything you get.The only thing that comes out of easties mouths are we deserve this we derserve that I guess our west FA dont derserve squat(like Job security)which wasnt an issuse until we Aquired the Titanic(usairways).
You know, I have never whined about anything (I want the best for everyone and unfortunatly some people are not going to be happy no matter what) actually I have sometimes been quite embarrassed by my co-worker's actions and have stuck up for the West folks as I have several friends there and a huge amount of respect for them. This is not personal so do all of US a favor and keep your ignorant comments to yourself or go back under your rock. And for the record yes we do have some dried up scaggs here but so does HP and CO and WN and UA and everyone else. On the same token we also have some VERY beautiful people along with HP and CO and WN and UA etc. We all know we have some bad eggs but to make this a personal attack is totally uncalled for.
Because I cant stand any of you whining pains.

That's because you don't know them. There is a reason the US VFF was so loyal to US--because of the frontline people, so shut your trap.

Now that Tempe has come to town and forgotten about the East side (customers and all) many of the VFF's are leaving and going elsewhere. Perhaps they need a geography lesson--the Earth isn't flat and Tempe is not at the edge. From what is posted on other boards--US3's are getting upgrades these days on flights that would have been filled with US1's in FC. Keep drinking Tempe's kool-aid.

And, if you honestly believe that HP would be around today if there had not been a merger, you are dumber than the marketing department in Tempe. And, by the way, if you were out of town when the merger happened, HP acquired no one.
Because I cant stand any of you whining pains. You people want everything and are not happy with anything you get.The only thing that comes out of easties mouths are we deserve this we derserve that I guess our west FA dont derserve squat(like Job security)which wasnt an issuse until we Aquired the Titanic(usairways).

Screw you. :angry: AWA would be looking at a restructuring without a merger. You don't read do you? Its been a "known" since the beginning of 2005.


You couldn't be more accurate about these "high and mighty" delusional "want-a-bees".
Screw you. :angry: AWA would be looking at a restructuring without a merger. You don't read do you? Its been a "known" since the beginning of 2005.


You couldn't be more accurate about these "high and mighty" delusional "want-a-bees".
Oh the wrath of a women, and the WRONG women yet to get pissed :lol:
Not going to happen when they can hire newbies off the street for next to nothing.

Correct me if I'm wrong please, but didn't a first year F/A make over 16 bucks a hour with healthy pay increases year over year? I guess in comparision to my situation I might be better off quiting my tech-writer job and trying out for an F/A position. In 5 or 6 years I'll be making more money with healthy pay increases continuing every year after.

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