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F/A transition agreement reached

"As for the lodging situation in PHX for those who decide to opt for the 8wks of training, I'm sure there are some of us here in PHX that have an extra bedroom we'd be willing to rent out for a reasonable rate. It might be a good way for some of us to get to know one another"
Fly, I couldn't agree with you more. Not only could we help out with room expenses we could offer up uniforms that no longer fit (due to our dieting of course)and help off set expenses. I'm certain with the new uniforms coming many of us could give up a piece or two. Let's get this party started and help transition our furloughees. Westies are Besties!!!!!
Though the whole agreement blows I think it is a great thing that some of you on the west side would offer to do that for the invols that decided to go. Living on the west and working on the east I have had a great opportunity to meet quite a few US-west f/a's. I think as many get to meet from both sides there will be a true feeling for each other and what we have in common.
It's not a good deal for the east or west f/a's. I'm trying to find the silver lining in this.
Give me a break.

The attitude that the furloughed FAs should just suck it up as far as 7 weeks of training is disgusting. Why

The reality is you can accept it or move on. If you dont want to do the training you can wait who knows how many years to be recalled or you can start at another company. as for what all the pilots, fa's and everyone else went thru you are not the only ones. but that was in the past. not many people really care anymore we heard it all before. you can move forward or be left behind.
This deal that the company iss offering to the furloughed F/A's is a slap in the face. For the past couple of months we furloughed have waited with anticipation for an agreement to be reached. The majority of us want to come back to US Airways in any form but not like this. I understand 7 weeks of training, I understand going to the bottom of the seniority and I understand that we are under 2 different certificates. What i don't understand is why we would have to be locked into a base for a year if I am paying to go to training. Why would management think this would be a good deal for many of us who cann't afford to pick up in less than a months time and move to PHX. I truly hate the thought of 7 weeks ground school. I hate the thought of moving back out to PHX when I just left there 2 months ago. But what really turns my stomach is that the thought that US East Union got us the best possible deal. With all that being said I am taking the challenge and going back to PHX. I am going to work with a positive attitude and have fun doing it. I am going to show this management that even though we are not valued at the new US Airways we are professional Flight Attendants. We may be a sore spot in the big picture but you are not going to forget about us and you are not going to shove us into a corner. As long as I am with US Airways and we have furloughed crews; I will not let them forget about any of us. I look forward to working with our new family in PHX and hope that we can build some lasting friendships for yeaqrs to come. For those folks in PHX that have rooms to rent please let us know. I am trying my best to find other F/A's inexpensive places to rent while in training.
The majority of us want to come back to US Airways in any form but not like this.
Perhaps if you weren't so desperate to come back, they would offer a better deal.

It is amazing what people will do to become (or remain) F/As. Management knows that, and therefore is not motivated to do more than the minimum.

The harsh truth is that they could care less whether you come back or not. If you don't, no sweat off their backs; they'll just have an open house in PHX and have hordes of eager 21-year-olds show up to fill the slots. :blink:
As you said Bear they would offer an open house and hire off the street while there are people furloughed. Maybe I should clarify the statement. We want to return to US Airways. The ones that went to MDA returned because they wanted the company to continue. The ones that went back during the recall did so because they wanted to work for US Airways. I am turning down a job with Ryan International to come back into US Airways. When I said return in any form I mean into the new company. What I do not want to see is LCC hirring people off the street while we have fuloughed people in th east.
Perhaps if you weren't so desperate to come back, they would offer a better deal.

It is amazing what people will do to become (or remain) F/As. Management knows that, and therefore is not motivated to do more than the minimum.

The harsh truth is that they could care less whether you come back or not. If you don't, no sweat off their backs; they'll just have an open house in PHX and have hordes of eager 21-year-olds show up to fill the slots. :blink:

Cheap shot Bear. Tell me how you think the furloughees have any voice to this transition agreement. You sound like a pax instead of an airline employee. Its easy to assume being on the outside of things or tucked behind your mgmt desk.

I would love to see not a one of the furloughees coming back to that rediculous offer. However reality is that our career is unusual and desired as you say.
Cheap shot Bear. Tell me how you think the furloughees have any voice to this transition agreement.
I'm not sure how it is a "cheap shot"? I simply stated the reality of the F/A job market -- lots of supply (i.e., many many people willing to put up with a lot of crap to become F/As) and relatively little demand (i.e., not many airlines out there willing to offer high salaries to F/As).

In any case, they have a voice by exercising their right to say "no thanks" if they don't like it, and waiting for the recall to East.

Its easy to assume being on the outside of things or tucked behind your mgmt desk.
Maybe I am misunderstanding you, but what am I "assuming" that is incorrect?

I would love to see not a one of the furloughees coming back to that rediculous offer.
You say that as if management cares if people come back under these terms or not. My point is simply that they don't care.

In fact, they would probably prefer furloughees NOT take the offer. Instead of a bunch of people coming back with chips on their shoulders, many of whom intend to commute once training is done, and having to pay them a couple of steps up the pay scale, they would probably prefer a bunch of naive local PHX-folk who are still dazzled by the glamor of the job and whom they can start at Year 1 of the payscale.

So in fact management is motivated to DISCOURAGE people from returning, if anything.
Tell me how you think the furloughees have any voice to this transition agreement.

I would like to comment on this. America West F/As didn't have a voice in the transition agreement either. Almost half of our flight attendants (that's 1,000) will be bumped by US Air furloughees (once recalled) and 2,000 will be bumped by senior US Airways F/As by not having a fence. The transition agreement may suck for the east furloughees, but it definetely sucks even more for west flight attendants. But you know what? I'm not going to be bitter about it. Life goes on.
Perhaps if you weren't so desperate to come back, they would offer a better deal.

It is amazing what people will do to become (or remain) F/As. Management knows that, and therefore is not motivated to do more than the minimum.

The harsh truth is that they could care less whether you come back or not. If you don't, no sweat off their backs; they'll just have an open house in PHX and have hordes of eager 21-year-olds show up to fill the slots. :blink:
I totally agree, that is why the agreement is crappy. I really don't think Tempe wants the Easties to come back and be integrated prematurely BEFORE a full integration is in order. The furloughees are in a tough spot and although I would like to see them back, I personally would recommend they check out UAL or CO....the grass may be greener over there!
What do you call 3 usairways(east) FA sitting in a hot tub in harrisburg?

Answer gorillas in the mist
Ya know, as much of a slap in the face to the US-east furloughed f/a's this agreement is I don't know think anything is going to change now. I do feel that a better deal could have been negotiated but the reality now is that it was not. With the way management operates this is no surprise. The unions are just as much to blame for this. The true reality though is that the company does NOT care if any invols come back for there are many unemployed and young folks out there that will go willingly. It doesn't give much strength to the invols fight and the company knows that. While the pill to swallow is a harsh one there is a choice to be made. You see the choice given to you. Is this a company you want to go back to work for? Many ask that question that are here now I'm sure. I know quite a few of you out on invol and can only say how truly sorry I am for what is being done to you.
Why would management think this would be a good deal for many of us who cann't afford to pick up in less than a months time and move to PHX.

I am going to show this management that even though we are not valued at the new US Airways we are professional Flight Attendants.

Basically, here is the bottom line.

MOST of the "entry level" positions in the company are not meant to be "Professions" or "Careers" anymore. Maintaining you as a "Career" employee is more costly then training new employees and keeping the turnover high.

Basically, the deal that they are offering the East Furloughies is meant to be unattractive to minimize the number of higher waged employees from returning. Do you honestly think that the Union would be able to negotiate some all inclusive package to get you back? Not going to happen when they can hire newbies off the street for next to nothing.

The sad reality of the entire situation is that employees have become pawns in a larger chess game. You are expendable and are meant to protect the king (stock holders).

It is a sad reality......(and not one I advocate by any means)

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