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F/a Recall

galleyguy4u writes:

Well I guess Jay N. and Bobby C will be proved wrong about the TWA people. We will be back. Nancy McGuire is one of the best UNION representatives that APFA could have. I hope that THB will include the experience that we have garnered over the past 18 years in work rules via concessions.

WE are less than 100 numbers from having our first TWA f/a recalled. We are not the evil demons, as you will find out. Many of my AA friends are still my dear friends. The SIA lawsuit will come to a conclusion and it will be what it will be.

We will celebrate the first TWA f/a to go back on the line. I hope some of you will join us in that celebration and welcome them. They will not be be back in this recall, but defenitly the next. Progress is being made and I hope every furloughed f/a is recalled.

I write:

I believe Jay N and especially Bobby C are wrong about numerous things and we have been known to disagree. Jay & I manage to mainatin civil dialogue but Bobby C is another matter and he has been repeatedly censured on the 4M for virtiolic and very homophobic postings. Now, I do not know Nancy McGuire or Tommie Hutto-Blake, but I do know Brett Durkin well (APFA vice-pres) and he considers Tommie to be a very inclusive leader who welcomes both tyros and seasoned union officials. So if Nancy McGuire is an excellent union fighter then I hope she will be brought into the fold if she so desires.

I think it will be wonderful when ALL furloughees are recalled, AA & TWA alike. I also agree that whatever the court decides about the SIA will "be what it will be" and I'll accept the decision gracefully, whatever it may be. I hope everyone will do the same.

As a 19 year "nAAtive", I would like to welcome all TWA f/as back onto the line. I am optimistic another recall will take place in early 2005 (no inside information here...just my gut feeling).

Best regards to all those coming back on the line and to those awaiting the next wave of recalls!

Art Tang
jimntx said:
I'm anxious to know the number of f/as going to SLT. That is my first choice because of the ease of commute from DFW. I've heard from one fairly reliable source that SLT is getting between 100-200 of the furloughees. If so, I'm sure I would get my first choice.



If you get SLT, I want you to be sure and set aside some extra time before your commute home. I know there are a whole bunch of xTWA that would like to take you out for dinner.
AAStew said:
This is in reply to whomever wrtoe now we won't see TWA'rs as the demons! The people you see on these boards (if any) that complain are the ones who have axes to grind! NOT ONE PERSON whom I have ever spoken to on the line feels any negativity towards TWA'rs.
Once you come back and actually merge with us you will see this. Everyone is excited you may be coming back soon! We need fresh blood! Okay some of your blood may be kind of old :lol: but hey I am flying with someone this month who was hired the year I was born 1961! Keep the faith!

Our focus is to work together as professionals and to help our union get back the YEARS of negotiations that were given away in this last "concession giveback". Not to say that we shouldn't give anything - but at least we should have had the correct money value attached (thereby giving up more than we should have), and in return get some no-cost items.

As far as "old blood" - You may have been flying with your mother - but I could have been your older sister by 9 years. LOL!
onceoza said:

If you get SLT, I want you to be sure and set aside some extra time before your commute home. I know there are a whole bunch of xTWA that would like to take you out for dinner.

Ditto that Oza, Jim has been a breath of (friendly) fresh air from day one.
I think that now the reality that we probably will return eventually is setting in, there will be alot of people scrambling to mend those unfriendly fences that were put up.
I hope Bobby C is still in Stl when I get back, can't wait to fly with Yosemite Sam.
AirDude said:
1) What is 777 payout ?
It is the award won by APFA against AA in a presidentual grievance, for deleting one person from the staffing on the 777.

AirDude said:
2) What does the recall have to do with 777 payout ?
FA's who flew over the year in question will recieve understaffing, plus intrest. Awards fro some will be as high as 15,000 dollars

AirDude said:
3) You meant there are F/A's expected to leave after the 777 payout ? Why ?
Those who were going to retire have held on, and are waiting for the lump sum cash before they leave. Pay out is on the 15th of next month.
onceoza said:

If you get SLT, I want you to be sure and set aside some extra time before your commute home. I know there are a whole bunch of xTWA that would like to take you out for dinner.

SkyLiner said:
Ditto that Oza, Jim has been a breath of (friendly) fresh air from day one.

Thanks, guys. I shall certainly take you up on that, but it doesn't have to be fancy. A tomato sandwich over the drainboard is delicious if I don't have to fix it. :lol:

Thought occurred to me...What's going to happen to some people's blood pressure when former TW flight attendants return to SLT and get their full seniority per the SIA? We may need to keep a stroke team on-site for awhile. 😛
jimntx said:
Thanks, guys. I shall certainly take you up on that, but it doesn't have to be fancy. A tomato sandwich over the drainboard is delicious if I don't have to fix it. :lol:

Thought occurred to me...What's going to happen to some people's blood pressure when former TW flight attendants return to SLT and get their full seniority per the SIA? We may need to keep a stroke team on-site for awhile. 😛

I may just have to forget my medical training when that day comes...
I may be mistaken, but doesn't the SIA say that all AA F/A's need to be recalled before any TWA F/A can transfer/be based anywhere else but STL? If that is the case, recalls should get interesting once STL is at F/A headcount capacity.
I might be mistaken too but I thought that the SIA gave TWAers their full AA seniority from the outset...or were u refering to wishfull lawsuit outcomes, or just at SLT?
latreal said:
I might be mistaken too but I thought that the SIA gave TWAers their full AA seniority from the outset...or were u refering to wishfull lawsuit outcomes, or just at SLT?

We were givin our rightfull TWA seniority as long as we stayed in STL. If we chose to transfer after the fence fell, we would go to AA juniority. Any nAAtives transfering to STL would be slotted in by their seniority.
IORFA said:
I may be mistaken, but doesn't the SIA say that all AA F/A's need to be recalled before any TWA F/A can transfer/be based anywhere else but STL? If that is the case, recalls should get interesting once STL is at F/A headcount capacity.

That would have been only if the fence were still up. I.E., "nAAtives" on furlough from DFW, no former TW f/as could transfer to DFW. However, with the way things were handled by training 20 TW flight attendants on AA equipment and merging the seniority lists less than 6 months prior to a planned layoff of 5100 f/as (mitigated by 1800 OVLs), there is an argument to be made that the fence is no longer in place, and there is no longer a distinction between "nAAtive" and former TWA f/as.

However, the SIA does say that former TW f/as get full seniority as long as they remain in STL. If recalled to STL, they would have their DOH seniority. You are right in that things could get very interesting over the next year or two.

And, we haven't even factored in the possibility that the TW flight attendants might win their lawsuit against the company and the union. Which, if you haven't done it, you should read some of the documents associated with the lawsuit. For those "nAAtives" who fear the affect upon your seniority a TW win might have...
THERE IS NOT A SINGLE WORD IN ANY OF THE DOCUMENTS REGARDING THE AWARD OF DOH SENIORITY TO TW FLIGHT ATTENDANTS. Their suit does not ask for DOH seniority as a compensation for the alleged wrongs.

Get informed. Galley gossip is not a good source of information regarding this issue.
jimntx said:
That would have been only if the fence were still up. I.E., "nAAtives" on furlough from DFW, no former TW f/as could transfer to DFW. However, with the way things were handled by training 20 TW flight attendants on AA equipment and merging the seniority lists less than 6 months prior to a planned layoff of 5100 f/as (mitigated by 1800 OVLs), there is an argument to be made that the fence is no longer in place, and there is no longer a distinction between "nAAtive" and former TWA f/as.

However, the SIA does say that former TW f/as get full seniority as long as they remain in STL. If recalled to STL, they would have their DOH seniority. You are right in that things could get very interesting over the next year or two.

And, we haven't even factored in the possibility that the TW flight attendants might win their lawsuit against the company and the union. Which, if you haven't done it, you should read some of the documents associated with the lawsuit. For those "nAAtives" who fear the affect upon your seniority a TW win might have...
THERE IS NOT A SINGLE WORD IN ANY OF THE DOCUMENTS REGARDING THE AWARD OF DOH SENIORITY TO TW FLIGHT ATTENDANTS. Their suit does not ask for DOH seniority as a compensation for the alleged wrongs.

Get informed. Galley gossip is not a good source of information regarding this issue.
Jim Welcome back.. You knew the day would finally come and here it is. We are glad to have you back. As far as the STL/SLT fence. There is no such thing anymore. There is no more TWA aircraft. The few remaining Dispatchers are now over on the AA side. The TWA issue is over and done with. The courts will decide the rest. Welcome anyone and everyone who comes back.

IF there is any backlash when the TWA F?A start coming back I think anyone who makes a TWA or AA flight Attendant should be dealt with. (disciplinary action). No employee should feal threatened or nervous about coming to work. I hope all if the AA/TWA people are back real soon
And, we haven't even factored in the possibility that the TW flight attendants might win their lawsuit against the company and the union. Which, if you haven't done it, you should read some of the documents associated with the lawsuit. For those "nAAtives" who fear the affect upon your seniority a TW win might have...
THERE IS NOT A SINGLE WORD IN ANY OF THE DOCUMENTS REGARDING THE AWARD OF DOH SENIORITY TO TW FLIGHT ATTENDANTS. Their suit does not ask for DOH seniority as a compensation for the alleged wrongs.

Get informed. Galley gossip is not a good source of information regarding this issue.

OMG!!! You mean John Ward's and Jay Narey's seniority scare tactics these past years are not true?
Yes, there is no fence because the TWA airplanes have been converted to AA Specs and the TWA LLC operating certificate was surrendered to the FAA. AS far as DOH goes, Jim is entirely correct, you cannot find DOH anywhere in the complaint filed by the TWA F/As. I believe other posters are becoming aware that with STL as small as it is, recalling TWA F/As is going to result in a pickle. They will be senior to most of the AA F/As in STL. Since they are senior, do they force out the AA F/As to exercise their seniority they were guaranteed at STL? Or are the seniors forced to commute to LGA from STL? There are many unanswered questions. Remember the original APFA position was that TWA F/As retained their seniority at JFK too. There are a host of conflicting demands with the recall of the TWA F/As that will have to be negotiated.

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