NewHampshire Black Bears said:With that said, If what(like you) I'm hearin' that "things" could get "lean and mean" at mainline, this coming Feb/05,(potential grounding of fleet types) what kind of HYPOTHETICAL numbers(potential furloughs)"might" you be looking at, or is it just too early to tell, at this point in time ??
If the attrition rate continues at the current rate (or gets worse), there would not be any furloughs unless the cutback in a/c and routes was really drastic. The average attrition for the year is up to 84/mo which is over 1000/yr. In actual numbers, attrition for Jan-Sept. is 757. Two recalls have resulted in a net return of 682 furloughees (and that is assuming that all 496 of people who accepted the most recent recall actually return).
The post-777 payout retirements have not yet begun. Rumor at IDF is just that one base will lose about 200 f/as to retirement within the next 3 months.