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F/a Recall

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
With that said, If what(like you) I'm hearin' that "things" could get "lean and mean" at mainline, this coming Feb/05,(potential grounding of fleet types) what kind of HYPOTHETICAL numbers(potential furloughs)"might" you be looking at, or is it just too early to tell, at this point in time ??

If the attrition rate continues at the current rate (or gets worse), there would not be any furloughs unless the cutback in a/c and routes was really drastic. The average attrition for the year is up to 84/mo which is over 1000/yr. In actual numbers, attrition for Jan-Sept. is 757. Two recalls have resulted in a net return of 682 furloughees (and that is assuming that all 496 of people who accepted the most recent recall actually return).

The post-777 payout retirements have not yet begun. Rumor at IDF is just that one base will lose about 200 f/as to retirement within the next 3 months.
crew4aa said:
Rumor Has it that there will be approx. 65 to SLT, 20 to DCA, and the rest to LGA.

we'll see how it plays out

I thought Boston was to get some people as well? Has that changed?
If these new Japan flights really start and with the possibility of China as well, coupled with the continuing high attrition. I bet we can expect quite a few more returning furloughee's by summer. Most likely early Spring. I bet we can expect to see the first TWA F/A's to start returning by March. It is nice to see some movement around here. By the way, where are all these 777"s going to come from?
IORFA said:
By the way, where are all these 777"s going to come from?

I'm wondering the same thing. Perhaps AA will accelerate some of the deliveries due in early 2006 to next year. Either that or perhaps LHR (or Deep South American routes) will see some 763s again instead of 777s. B)
L1011Ret said:
Doesn't AA have some 777s scheduled for delivery 2005?

We are not getting any new planes until 2006. But what I read about the 777 bunk modification and standardization, states the increased utilization as a result of the streamlining will essentially equal two more 777's.
s80dude said:
I thought Boston was to get some people as well? Has that changed?
The numbers to the other bases are correct.

SLT - 65
DCA- 20
LGA - 411

BOS got no furloughees because all available slots were taken by transfers.

With the SLT numbers, will you hold it?

I didn't expect those kind of numbers...


jimntx said:
The numbers to the other bases are correct.

SLT - 65
DCA- 20
LGA - 411

BOS got no furloughees because all available slots were taken by transfers.
flydcoop said:

With the SLT numbers, will you hold it?

I didn't expect those kind of numbers...

Yes, I held SLT!!!! I was class 2000-23. People down through class 2000-25 were able to hold SLT. I don't know whether that means that people senior to me didn't return or those senior to me selected other bases first.

Just got back from refresher training. Just FYI, in her welcome back talk, Lauri Curtis intimated that she did not expect any flight attendant furloughs in the cutbacks next year.
**she did not expect any flight attendant furloughs in the cutbacks next year. **

I dont understand..
Can someone explain?

Thank you
Next year we were scheduled to bring 20 planes out of storage. Now we are not doing that plus we are grounding 15 more. Unless as the chief pilot put it, something extraordinary happens to change that.

That means now we are seeing pilot and mechanic layoffs scheduled to begin. With the amount of retiring happening now in the f/a ranks, they don't think they will need to furlough flight attendants.
AirDude said:
**she did not expect any flight attendant furloughs in the cutbacks next year. **

I dont understand..
Can someone explain?

Thank you
Here's my take on it. This newest blow is news to us, but don't think it hasn't been in the works for months within the company. They would not have recalled so many FA's if they didn't think they'd need them.

Attrition for Sept was 91, and I and many others expect it to remain high for months to come, although I myself don't see huge numbers leaving. That alone means by the end of the year some 270 more FA's will have thrown in the towel. And it will continue after that. Even if the company finds itself with a slight excess of FA's in the beginning months of 2005, they can easily manage the small numbers by granting bid leaves and mini-leaves. By the end of May it's likely some 350-400 more FA's will have left.

And look at the situation on International. AA has announced the resumption of DFW-KIX service daily, and ORD-NGO. Those two flights alone should generate the need for at least 250 additional bodies, counting reserves. I expect more and more emphasis on International in the future, where yields are high and there is no low cost competition.

I see myself as a realist, not an optimist. And I just don't see furloughs in the near future. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that by summer or early fall there will be TWA FA's back on the property.

kirkpatrick said:
And look at the situation on International. AA has announced the resumption of DFW-KIX service daily, and ORD-NGO. Those two flights alone should generate the need for at least 250 additional bodies, counting reserves.

However, no new 777 aircraft, nor any other widebodies are in the pipeline. The equipment must come from somewhere else in the system. There will be schedule reductions to South America or Europe in order to free these airplanes. I don't foresee any increased stuffing needs due to this shift in resources.

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