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Anyone know the acceptance rate for the recall?

How about TWA where you had to pay TWA for F/A training. Yikes! Now that is ridiculous!! Especially when most, if not all, airlines were training you for free.
Except that AA has already said they plan on hiring next year, just waiting for the next years flying to be finalized in the fall/winter to know how many.

Warning! Unsubstantiated rumor ahead...

My inside source told me the other day that new hire recruiting has been put on hold because of the 2nd quarter (this year) results. At best, new hire recruitiing will not begin until some time in 2nd quarter, 2012, "if then." (Direct quote)

I was so hoping to get some more people below me on the seniority list. :lol:
If we continually wait to hire until after we've had a good quarter, we'll be waiting a long time. Before they hire anyone new we should first get rid of our inept executive "management" and bring in some fresh blood who know how to run an airline and a Fortune 500 company. Our executives are just plain lame, but I also put blame on the Board of Directors for putting up with their inability and for not shaking things up a long time ago. Oh yeah, I forgot, they're all good friends and the only thing that personally concerns them all is their own golden parachute.
IORFA let me know that the base assignments are out for the 01Oct returning flight attendants. 24 to DFW, 25 to LGA, and 30 to MIA. So, 79 of the 100 offered recall. Good job!
IORFA let me know that the base assignments are out for the 01Oct returning flight attendants. 24 to DFW, 25 to LGA, and 30 to MIA. So, 79 of the 100 offered recall. Good job!

There should be some immediate recalls as the CMS LOA stated, "returned to payroll". The numbers are not what was agreed upon for the ability to hire out of seniority order.
I may be remembering incorrectly, but I think one of those told me that I would not even have my hotel and meals provided during training.
Yes, you are correct Jim. US Airways pays a stipend but does not arrange for housing/meals. You are on your own. I believe Frontier does the same thing.
Also, just found a LOA that says AA agreed to pay for recall training. I couldn't find it in the contract, that is why I questioned it. AA started to pay recall training pay June 2007. Anyone before that didn't get it apparently. The LOA is on APFA.org. The CM LOA is sort of grey. It says 200 additional recalls. Doesn't specify what to do if 200 total don't come back. I can see it both ways. Call APFA and see what they say. I still don't understand why with the fairly steady recall since last OCT. that people that aren't going to come back aren't removing their names from the list to help their former co-workers. I understand it is a hard decision to make, but with the additional 200, that was right after 545 were announced. I don't know the rate of return for the first 100, but 21 didn't come back from the second. They should have been thinking hard about it before the letters went out. It is sad that some still have to wait a little longer. Maybe someone from the list could organize a "meeting of the minds" and get the remaining furloughees to start thinking about their decision as if it were to happen tomorrow. There should be 100% acceptance at this point. Just my opinion.
Also, just found a LOA that says AA agreed to pay for recall training. I couldn't find it in the contract, that is why I questioned it. AA started to pay recall training pay June 2007. Anyone before that didn't get it apparently. The LOA is on APFA.org. The CM LOA is sort of grey. It says 200 additional recalls. Doesn't specify what to do if 200 total don't come back. I can see it both ways. Call APFA and see what they say. I still don't understand why with the fairly steady recall since last OCT. that people that aren't going to come back aren't removing their names from the list to help their former co-workers. I understand it is a hard decision to make, but with the additional 200, that was right after 545 were announced. I don't know the rate of return for the first 100, but 21 didn't come back from the second. They should have been thinking hard about it before the letters went out. It is sad that some still have to wait a little longer. Maybe someone from the list could organize a "meeting of the minds" and get the remaining furloughees to start thinking about their decision as if it were to happen tomorrow. There should be 100% acceptance at this point. Just my opinion.

The CM LOA very clearly states 200 returned to payroll. That is a completely different meaning than offered reemployment. The reason some come back is that they are now able to retire or "bridge". They were not old enough when furloughed. AA requires that they return and train. There are some that intended to come back and retire who are now flying. There are no "do overs". Once you go you're gone and you had better be certain you'r making the right decision.
I understand how being recalled works, but thanks for the refresher. I was only saying that there was plenty of time for the 21 that decided not to come back in the last group of 100 to be thinking about it before AA sent the notices out. A couple of months, by the way. Therefore, they could have removed their names from the list and let other more junior people be recalled. Nothing more. If you are so sure about the wording, call APFA and AA. See to it that the injustice is fixed. I still think it is a grey area. AA only offers recall to a certain amount of people. They never recall an absolute number. Just offer recall to a certain amount.
I understand how being recalled works, but thanks for the refresher. I was only saying that there was plenty of time for the 21 that decided not to come back in the last group of 100 to be thinking about it before AA sent the notices out. A couple of months, by the way. Therefore, they could have removed their names from the list and let other more junior people be recalled. Nothing more. If you are so sure about the wording, call APFA and AA. See to it that the injustice is fixed. I still think it is a grey area. AA only offers recall to a certain amount of people. They never recall an absolute number. Just offer recall to a certain amount.

APFA will do nothing. They will try and claim "intent". If the intent was the 200 and no more it should have been worded properly. This is a prime example of why language is so important in contract. You NEVER should sign off and then work out the language. It clearly states "returned to payroll". How much clearer could that be? Sorry, I'm a contract "perfectionist". Don't write language you don't want.
Sorry, I'm a contract "perfectionist". Don't write language you don't want.
Problem is that it was worded like they always word the recalls. So far you are the only one that didn't like the language. So apparently everyone involved did write it with the language they wanted.
Problem is that it was worded like they always word the recalls. So far you are the only one that didn't like the language. So apparently everyone involved did write it with the language they wanted.

No, I'm just the one that addressed it on this forum. Trust me it is being addressed by those affected. This is an LOA that does not have precedent so it doesn't fall into the "always" category. This allowed newhires to work while there are still people on furlough.
Well good luck with that. Also if your former co-workers, who knew this recall was coming, would decide if they want to come back or not, this last recall could have had 100% acceptance. Then you wouldn't have any issue to concoct. Your time might be better spent doing that. Sometimes it is appropriate to accept responsibility for ones action/inactions.
Well good luck with that. Also if your former co-workers, who knew this recall was coming, would decide if they want to come back or not, this last recall could have had 100% acceptance. Then you wouldn't have any issue to concoct. Your time might be better spent doing that. Sometimes it is appropriate to accept responsibility for ones action/inactions.

Oh trust,,,this issue has not been concocted and why are you always so concerned with how many accept recall other than how many "new" people will be "beneath" YOU?
I am in the next group of never recalled and after the rollercoaster the apfa has put us through the last nine years, I have not decided if I want to get back on this ride. I will decide when I get the letter, I've earned that right, and most of my fellow co-workers feel that way. We communicate....and as far as accepting responsibility for ones actions/inactions you really should'nt go there.
So now you question my curiosity? Huh, it really is that simple. I am just curious. AA seems to keep it so hush hush for whatever reason. They filter out details a little at a time and very slowly. I have never thought about it as "having any new people beneath me". I look at it as getting closer to getting new people in their 20's - 30's that aren't burned out, jaded and complaining all the time. I might add I am in all 3 of those categories at times. Hey, take your time and decide to come back when you want, it doesn't effect me. I just think it is weird that everyone knew there was going to be another recall for 100, 21 decided at the last minute they didn't want to come back. I just thought maybe you would have preferred they made their mind up the month before so maybe you would have had the chance to come back sooner. I guess I was wrong. Continue to be bitter, that is something you will have to live with, not me. I only hope you all come back sooner as opposed to later. I get the impression you don't feel the same. Once again we are all entitled to our opinion. Thanks for sharing.

P.S. You say you are in the next group of never recalled. Did I miss another announcement of recalls? Do you know when it will be effective? If so, please tell. How many did/will AA offer it to? Or are you just lumping yourself into the group of ~220 remaining furloughs that received unlimited recall? At the end of the day I hope you have a positive experience and come back ASAP, that is if you want to of course.

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